West Point Parents Club of Greater Cincinnati
Overview of Activities
The West Point Parents Club of Greater Cincinnati has over 100 members. Active members consist of both parents of graduates and current cadets. We meet 4-5 times a year, communicate 4 times a year by newsletter and frequently byan e-mail distribution list.
The officers for 2006(beginning in April) are:
- President Chris Waugh, (Sean Innes, ’09), 513-895-0202,
- Treasurer: Tari Gratton, (Joe, ’07), 513-671-1731,
- Secretary: Mary Hartman, (Jeralee, ’08), 937-444-6607,
- Past President: Bob and Joan Hauser, (Bethany, ’07), 513-494-1618,
- Past Secretary: Mary Nowicki, (Celia, ’06), 513-779-3372,
January/February: We hold a combination meeting/Boodle Box Party in which we make up Boodle boxes to send to graduates and cadets. Members bring in boodle to fill the boxes and the Club pays for the shipping of the boxes. New officers take over at this time.
March: Founder’s Day celebration. For the past two years we have teamed with the AOG in our area to put on a sit down dinner at the Marriott with a guest speaker. Last year, General Lennox, Superintendent of WP was the guest speaker. This year Medal of Honor winner, Col. (Ret.) Jack Jacobs will be the keynote speaker. About 200 guests attend. Before the full dinner, the club meets with the speaker and introduces their new candidates. The speaker then has an opportunity to address this smaller group and present comments with the parent/candidate perspective in mind. The club considers this a meeting, as well.
June: “Beat the Beast” Picnic with candidates, old and new parents, and vacationing cadets. R-Day tips discussed and social time.
July/August: Fundraising Event
September: Meeting and sometimes social dinner to discuss Fall activities which have included Tailgate activities the past two years.
October: Tailgate, usually at West Point for a home football game
December: All Academy Ball put on by all the academies. Army will chair in 2005. Chairmanship rotates among “big” academies. Avg. attendance: 400 in 2005 when WPPCGC chaired.
Special Activities:
Plebe Parent Notebook and Firsties Notebook: We provide helpful information about these important years to parents so they can negotiate these activity filled years and know what to expect and how to be at the “right place at the right time”.
2005 Fundraiser: Our Club sold “Support Our Troop” silicone wristbands at the Taste of Blue Ash. The Taste is held in a suburb of Cincinnati and draws several hundred thousand people to a music and outdoor “tasting” three day event. We had a free booth where we sold the wristbands and displayed West Point information. We sold about 700 wristbands and with other sales, netted over $1,500.
Newsletter: Published four times a year highlighting WPPCGC events/cadets/parents/grads and other West Point news.