August 19, 2018

St.Stephen Church

27519 Monroe Rd. 533

Monroe City, MO63456

Holy Rosary Rectory

(573) 735-4718


Rev. Greg Oligschlaeger


Deacon Mike Long


Current and past bulletins

may be viewed at

St. Stephen's website: Email:

Scripture Readings for August 26, 2018

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b:We will serve the Lord, for he is our God.

Psalm 34:“Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”

Ephesians 5:21-32:There is a great mystery regarding Christ and the church..

John 6:60-69:To whom shall we go? You have the words of everlasting life.

August 12th Offertory ~ $1,316.01


  • Choir practice for Sunday, August 26th will be held Tuesday, August 21st at 6:00 PM.
  • One Bread, one Body books from Presentation Ministries are on the pamphlet table in the vestibule for anyone to take for daily Mass readings and reflections.
  • The next Finance Committee meetingdate will be November 29th at 7:00 at Holy Rosary’s rectory.
  • The next Pastoral Council meeting will be Wednesday, August 22nd at7:00 PM in the gym.
  • The next KC meeting will be Thursday, September 6th at 7:00 PM.


  • The 117th yearof HolyRosarySchool began on Thursday, August 16th, with an enrollment of 174 in pre-school through the eighth grade. We have wonderful students, parents, teachers and supportive parishioners.
  • The First School Massof the year will be held onFriday, August 24th, at 8:20. The eighth grade students will introduce all new members of our school community. Eucharistic ministers are Sonja Greeves, Howard Willard, Phyllis Campbell and Jack Campbell.
  • Virtus Classwill be presented on Wednesday, Aug. 29, at 6:30. It is a diocesan requirement that all employees and parish volunteers for coaching, tutoring, monitoring classes, field trips, Swinkey Days, library volunteers, etc. attend this class. Please register online at.


We are blessed to have two baptisms at St. Stephen this morning:

Samuel Jeffrey Gares, son of Jeff and Emily Gares will be baptized during Mass. His godparents are Matt and Jen Hays.

Immediately following Mass, Brooks Raymond Purol, son of Michael and Carrie Purol will be baptized. His godparents are Keith and Terri Amos.

May their lives in Christ be filled with all His blessings.


A Eucharistic minister refresher course for new and seasoned Eucharistic ministers is scheduled for Tuesday, September 4th at 6:30 PM at Holy Rosary Church. If you are unable to attend, additional sessions are scheduled for Saturday, September 15th, following 5:30 Mass and Sunday, September 16th, following 8:00 AM Mass at St. Stephen and 9:30 AM Mass at Holy Rosary.



Day Time Intention

Sun., 8/19 St. Stephen8:00 AM John C. & Dorothy Bichsel

Holy Rosary9:30 AMFamilies of St. Stephen and

Holy Rosary

Mon. Scripture Service7:30 AM Leader-Rose McNally

Tues.7:30 AMJohn Yates

Wed. 7:30 AMJ. Robert Kendrick

Thurs. 7:30 AM Purgatorial Society

Fri. Student Liturgy 8:20 AM Marlin & Evelyn McCormick

Sat. Holy Rosary5:30 PMDede Yager

Sun.8/26 St. Stephen8:00 AMFamilies of St. Stephen and

Holy Rosary

Holy Rosary9:30AMConnie (Cimino) Powers & Fam.


Ordinary Reconciliation Schedule:

Saturday4:30 – 5:00 PMat Holy Rosary

Sunday 7:30–7:55 AMat St. Stephen

(Or by appointment. Call Holy Rosary Rectory at 735-4718)


Dear Parishioners,

At the beginning of this new school year, I want to thank our principal Sr. Sue Walker and all who are teachers for their dedication and obvious concern and love for our children. Many who are parishioners teach in schools in the area as well as in our parish school. Thank you for the investment of yourself and the witness of faith that you give to our students. The new will wear off, the shiny new supplies will become tattered, and the honeymoon period with teachers, students and parents will soon come to an end; but the influence on our young people and helping to form them into the faith-filled people they will be is for a lifetime. God bless you principals and teachers for your witness of Faith, dedication, sacrifice and expertise.

We could not have our parish school without the support of both parishes. Your prayers, donations, volunteerism, and financial support allow the teachers to have a place to teach and more importantly allow our children to be raised in Catholic education and a place where morality, respect for self-and others, and good Christian stewardship are taught as Gospel virtues every day. Our students have the privilege of participating in the Mass every week, are clearly instructed in what is right and wrong, and are often called on to witness their Christianity to one another and to our community. The school is one of the important missions of our parishes and cannot exist without the parishes. What a tremendous gift you provide to the future of our parishes!

Our routines will change as school begins, summer has almost ended. As you go about the new routine of your day, remember to pray for our teachers and students. Pray for Grace, Wisdom, and guidance. May God bless you in this new school year.

Prayers and Blessings.


Pauline Quinn’s family is requesting a card shower for her 99th birthday which is Tuesday, August 21st. Pauline is temporarily homebound. Her address is 506 S. Main St., Monroe City, MO 63456.


Registration for the 2018-2019 PSR classes will be before and after Mass in the vestibule on the weekends ofAugust 18-19andAugust 25-26.


Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests ministered for years for little to no pay. Their sacrifices now leave their religious communities without adequate retirement savings. Your gift to today’s second collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious helps to provide medications, nursing care and more for tens of thousands of elderly religious. Please be generous.


Jim Hunt, Troy Ritter, Jeremy Smith, Alfred Timbrook,

Rosemary Evans, Sue Gilbert, Nick Hays, Charlie Taylor,

Natalee Amos, Mandy & baby Jordyn Painter,

Jack Campbell, Kyndal Underwood, Kimberly Spalding,

Connie Kendrick, Jan Thompson, Deanna Buckman,

Bonnie Ess, Bill Janes, Jim Spalding, Pauline Quinn,

Charlotte Schneider, Jackie Ryan, Margaret Hughes,

Donnie W. Hays, Gerry Spalding, Logan Maher

For all who are ill, especially those who are awaiting surgery or seriously ill, and for their care-takers,

we pray to the Lord.


  • The D of I Annual Bakeless Bake Sale will be on the weekends of September 1st and 2nd and September 8th and 9th before and after Mass. All donations are gratefully accepted!
  • The D of I State Convention is scheduled for September 21-23 in St. Clair, Missouri.
  • 100-Year Celebration: We celebrate our 100th year as a chartered circle of the International Daughters of Isabella on October 12! A dinner is planned for Saturday, October 13, following 5:30 Mass.



You are invited and encouraged to unite your prayer intentions with those of Pope Francis and Bishop McKnight’s August intentions:

Intention of Pope Francis

“That any far-reaching decisions of economists and politicians may protect the family as one of the treasures of humanity.”

Intention of Bishop McKnight

“May the beginning of another school year be a moment of grace for students, teachers, administrators, parents, and supporting parishes and communities to grow in knowledge of all that God provides for our good and the good of all.”


Our Adoration Chapel has just completed 33 years on July 16. We are so blessed to have had this Chapel. Our parishes have experienced so many blessings and graces over this time.

As we approach this coming winter, we are in need of people to take an hour of adoration. We have several seniors who will want/need to stay home during the colder weather. We also have several open hours that the committee has been covering or finding a sub to do this.

We want to make you aware of the most blessed opportunity to spend an hour with our Lord. Most of our open hours are during the day, a few in the evening and a couple at night time.

Sunday: noon-1 p.m., 3-4 p.m., 4-5 p.m., 11-midnight

Wednesday: noon-1 p.m., 3-4 p.m.

Thursday: 11-midnight every other week

Friday: 10-11 p.m., 11-midnight

Saturday: 7-8 a.m., noon-1 p.m.

If you would like to view the schedule, it’s on the bulletin board in the Adoration Chapel. If there is a time that you would prefer, let us know. Our committee members are taking multiple hours on a regular basis. We would love for more people to experience this most intimate time with Jesus.

If you would like to volunteer for an hour permanently, or take an hour for a few weeks or even an hour once in a while, please call any of our committee members. There are many books in the Chapel. Rosaries are available, as are all kinds of prayer books, cards, Bible and even inspirational music with a CD player to assist your prayer time. Most of all, our Lord is there. Please prayerfully consider taking an hour for adoration and awarding special grace opportunities for yourself, for your family and for our parishes. Thank you,

Adoration Chapel Committee

Jack and Phyllis Campbell, Coordinators 10 p.m.-1 a.m.

Howard and Linda Willard, Coordinators

Bob Kendrick 1 a.m.-4 a.m.

Peggy Spalding 4 a.m.-7 a.m.

Madeline Williams 7 a.m.-10 a.m.

Pat Kendrick 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

Marie Purol 1 p.m.-4 p.m.

Mary Davis 4 p.m.-7 p.m.

Marilyn Miles 7 p.m.-10 p.m.


St. Stephen parishioners are hosting a benefit meal and auction for Logan Maher Saturday, September 22ndat Holy Rosary’s KC Hall. They will serve pork burgers, green beans and coleslaw, chips and dessert. They are in hopes of getting enough donated items for both a silent and live auction. Please contact any listed below as soon as possible if you would have a donation for the auction, make a dessert for the meal, would be willing to contact businesses for donations and/or help prepare and serve the meal. Thank you!

Sally Lemongelli,

Mary Sims,

Nancy Shively,


Mass will be celebrated at Brush Creek on Sunday, October 7th, at 1:00 PM with a barbequed lunch immediately following. On the menu will be ribs and brats (grilled by our very own grill master, Fr. Greg), potato salad and coleslaw. Please bring a dessert if you are able.


Do you know someone who might be interested in joining the Catholic Church? RCIA classes will be starting in September. We will have an informational meeting on September 11th in the new Holy Rosary School. Please encourage anyone who might be interested to attend this meeting or give Deacon Mike a call at 573-735-4718 for more information.

~ "FORMED" ~

To sign up for FORMED please visit and use parish code: R8YRMG. If you have any problems or questions, please don’t hesitate to call Deacon Mike at 573-735-4718 between 8:00 AM and 12 noon.

*Liturgy Appointments

August 19 – Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

RosaryKaye Spalding

GreeterDavid & Julie Hays

MusicSr. Sue Walker & Floyd Buckman

Song LeaderJudy Irons

ServersBailey Hays & Meghan Hays

LectorCarol Hagan

OffertoryGares and Purol families

Communion MinistersLee & Kathy Anderson, Deanna Buckman,

Henri Hays, Maureen Lemongelli

CountersJeff Gares, Shane Spalding

August 26 – Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time


GreeterDonnie & Marie Hays

MusicJan Adam & Debby Quinn

Song LeaderThe Choir

ServersKyle Hays & Alexis Lloyd

LectorJulie Hays

OffertoryArtie & Carolyn Whelan

Communion MinistersSally Lemongelli, Rose McNally,

Laura Mulvaney, Lynn Ogle, Marie Purol

CountersJeff Gares, Kathy Spurgeon

September 2–Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Labor Day weekend

RosaryMadeline Williams

GreeterMatt & Jennifer Hays

MusicDebby Quinn & Jan Adam

Song LeaderJulienne Burns

ServersNatalie Shively & Ella Hays

LectorJudy Irons

OffertoryPhil & Beth Whelan

Communion MinistersNancy Shively, Mary Sims, Amanda Spalding,

Dennis & Kaye Spalding

CountersAmanda Spalding, Steve Yates

Ushers for August

Ralph Lemongelli, Luke Lloyd, Kevin Long, Greg Maher

Ushers for September

Albert Miles, Neal Minor, Tyson Mulvaney, Tom Murphy

* All Liturgy appointees for the Mass, please check with the Sacristan 15 minutes before Mass so all Eucharistic ministries are covered.

Pastoral Council Members: Chair., David Hays; V. Chair., Jeff Gares; Sec'y,Darin Underhill; Dane Foster, Eric Keller and Amanda Spalding.

Finance Committee: Monica Otto-Lloyd, Chair.; Tom Hagan, Sec'y; Debbie Kendrick

K of C’s: Grand Knight, Darin Underhill; Deputy Grand Knight,Kevin Long; Recording Secretary, Michael Maher; Financial Secretary, Shane Spalding

Altar Society Officers: Pres., KatieUnderhill; V. Pres., Lynn Ogle, Treas., Julie Hays

Picnic Committee: Coordinators, Matt & Jen Hays; Treas., Shane Spalding

Cemetery Committee: Pres., Joe Purol; V. Pres., Bill Smith, Treas.,Marie Purol, Nick Hays,

Dwayne Williams, Matt Hays, Shane Spalding