WHEREAS, William Young, was appointed to the position of Business Administrator of the Borough of Belmar on January 4, 2012; and

WHEREAS, throughout 2012 William Young made consistent and recurrent decisions regarding the advancement and marketing of Belmar, as New Jersey’s Best Beach, throughout the region and country; and

WHEREAS, under William Young’s leadership, the Borough of Belmar saw an unprecedented year of economic development and capital infrastructure projects; and

WHEREAS, as the Borough of Belmar faced and weathered Hurricane Sandy, William Young managed all storm activities, coordinating departments, obtaining equipment and supplies, leveraging resources from around the state to ensure that our first responders and Department of Public Works had every tool at their disposal to protect the residents of Belmar; and

WHEREAS, William Young worked tirelessly throughout the Hurricane Sandy disaster to ensure that Belmar residents were properly evacuated, sheltered, and cared for while displaced from their home; and

WHEREAS, as relief aid poured into Belmar, William Young made certain that critical supplies of water, food, clothing and firewood were deployed directly into the streets and Borough Hall was transformed, under his leadership, to become a safe haven for residents whose homes were damaged and were without power; and

WHEREAS, in the wake of the tragedy William Young remained steadfast in his commitment to ensure that residents were well informed and empowered to access available resources and he managed all aspects of the recovery efforts to clear and secure Belmar’s streets.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Council would like to extend on behalf of Belmar residents the deepest of gratitude for his service to the Borough Belmar.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Borough of Belmar hereby recognizes William Young for exemplary and honorable performance in the preparation of and response to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy.