Branch Meeting Minutes
December 15, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance: Pat Rothwell
Prayer: Pastor Niecey Dennis White (Pastor—The Lord’s Church in Monroeville)
Minutes from the previous meeting: Motion to dispense with the reading—Joe Shouse; 2nd –Bill Kurtz. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Gary Bluestone gave his report. Motion to accept the report-Joe Shouse; 2nd - Joe Roman. Passed.
Gary read the proposed By-Law change.
The 2 contested officer positions were certified and are posted on our web site.
Installation of Officers: Brian Hellman
Health Benefits/MDA: Alex Criego thanked all who attended the Bowling event and those who donate to MDA. Special thanks to Bill Haddad for all his efforts.
Safety: Dave Bugay
Parade Committee: Dave Zavasky
ACLC: Randy Ball
Vice President’s Report: Pat Rothwell
Executive Vice President’s Report: Randy Ball
President’s Report: Ted Lee congratulated all newly installed officers and reported on the following topics:
· Rooftop heaters in need of replacement. Powell Mechanical estimated the cost at $27,890.
** A motion and second were made to replace the heaters and allow for the spending of $27,890. The motion passed.
· Labor/Management meeting (city) held Nov. 23: minutes were sent to the stations & are on our website. PM would not agree to earlier start times but will purchase light bands for carriers. Darkness is still a safety issue.
· New steward: Lou Werner/Sq. Hill
· District safety awards went to Monroeville and E. Liberty. Congrats to them.
· Congressional Breakfast dates—June4-6
· City bid results are on our website and canvass letters went out to all unassigned regulars.
Guest speakers: Brian Hellman, the NALC Director of Health Benefits spoke about our health plan and reasons why everyone should consider joining it.
Paul Rozzi, longtime carrier and president of Branch 332, replaces former PA. State Association president, Joe Antal.
Bill Napadano was unable to attend.
New Business:
Good of the Association:
The Christmas party and Chinese auction followed.
50/50 raffle winner ($175) was won by Wilkinsburg carrier, James Thomas.
Next meeting is Jan. 23, 2017.
Marilyn Viggiano