Pathogen Wanted Poster Research Project

For this project, you be will be researching one of the pathogens in the list on the back

and you will produce a "Wanted Poster." In this project, you will be working individually.

You will be able to choose one of the pathogens and you will sign up for that pathogen

(no two students will be researching the same disease). BE CREATIVE and have fun!

Project Description:

A. Make a wanted poster for one of the pathogens listed on the back. Poster is to be on a regular 8.5”x11” piece of paper. A “mug shot” of your pathogen should appear on the front of the poster with a detailed description on the back (if you need more than one sheet of paper for the description, just staple second sheet to the poster). The poster should include:

1) “Mug shot”of the suspect (5 points)
a. The photo can be hand drawn or a picture from the internet. If you use a photograph from the internet/book/magazine/etc.…you MUST cite the picture

2) Description of the suspect (5 points)
a. Is the suspect a bacteria, virus, or parasite? What does it look like? Identify key characteristics that will help someone identify it.

3) Organism's mode of operation or m.o. (police jargon) (5 points)
a. How does the suspect attack? How does it spread?

4) Most common victims to prey upon (5 points)

5) “Hide out” of the culprit(5 points)
a. Where is the suspect most likely to be found? What body system(s) does the suspect affect?

6) Most common injury done to victim (5 points)
a. What are the symptoms of the victim?

7) Is it considered armed and dangerous? (5 points)
a. Rate the degree of damage caused? Is it lethal?

8) Number of victims,age group most effected, sex most effected, etc…(5 points)

9) Most effective weapons against the suspect (5 points)
a. Treatment for the disease, possible cure for the disease

10) Any other identifying characteristics (such as “tattoos” – cell surface markers, etc.)(5 points)

B. You will need at least 5 sources listed in a bibliography and you will hand these in with your poster. (5 points)

C. Time Used in Class(10 points)
**You will be in the computer lab for 2 class periods and points will be allottedbased on if time is used properly. If you do not use time efficiently (e.g. talking with friends, going to websites that do not pertain to assignment, working on other homework, etc.), points will be taken off.


List of Usual Suspects

Bacterial Pathogen / Disease Name / Viral Pathogen / Disease Name
Bacillus anthracis / anthrax / Varicella spp. / Chicken Pox
Bordetella pertussis / whooping cough / Vaicella spp. / Small Pox
Clostridium botulinum / botulism / Polio / poliomyelitis
Clostridium perfringens / gas gangrene / Hepatitis A
Clostridium tetani / tetanus / Hepatitis B
Corynebacterium diphtheria / diphtheria / Hepatitis C / HCV
Escherichia coli / acute pyelonephritis / Hantavirus / Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
Francisella tularensis / tularemia or rabbit fever / Ebola / Hemorrhagic Fever
Hemophilus influenzae / meningitis / Legionella pneumophila / Legionnaires Disease
Lactobacillus acidophilus / cavities / SARS coronavirus / Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom
Mycobacterium leprae / leprosy (Hansen's disease) / Parasitic Pathogens / Disease Name
Mycobacterium tuberculosis / tuberculosis / Plasmodium spp. / Malaria
Neisseria gonorrhoeae / gonorrhoea / Trypanosoma spp. / African Sleeping Sickness
Neisseria meningitidis / spinal menigitis / Leishmania donovani / Dum-Dum Fever, kala-azar
Rickettsia richettsii / Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever / Enterobius vermicularis / perianal pruritus (pinworm)
Rickettsia prowazekii / typhus / Toxoplasma gondii
Salmonella typhi / typhoid fever / Naegleria fowleri / Meningoencephalitis
Salmonella typhimurium / food poisoning / Dranuculus medinesis
Shigella dysenteriae / dysentery / Nosopsyllus fasciatus (vector) / plague
Streptococcus mutans / cavities / Ixodes spp (vector) / Lymes disease
Streptococcus pneumoniae / pneumonia / Giardia lamblia / Giardia
Streptococcus (group A) / scarlet fever / Tenia spp. / Tapeworm
Streptococcus (group A) / rheumatic fever / Schistosoma spp. / Schistosomiasis
Treponema pallidum / syphilis / Trichinella spp. / Trichinosis
Treponema pertenue / yaws / Fungal Pathogens / Disease Name
Vibrio cholerae / cholera / Ringworm / Dermatophytosis
Yersinia pestis / Plague / Trichophyton rubrum / Athlete’s Foot
Staphylococcus aureus / Staph infections