BOULDER, CO, USA, 15-16 MAY 2015 / GSICS-EP-16/Doc.1_ Agenda


The sixteenth session of the GSICS Executive Panel will be held in Boulder, CO, USA on Friday15 and Saturday 16 May 2015, at Foothills Laboratory on the UCAR Campus, Building FL2, Room 1003. The meeting will start on 15 May at 9:00.

DAY 1 / Tentative timing

1.  Opening of the meeting (J. Lafeuille, M. Goldberg, Zhang P.) 09:00
Introduction of participants and approval of agenda

2.  Chairman’s report (Zhang P.) 09:15

3.  Report from the GSICS Coordination Centre (L. Flynn) 09:25

4.  Report from GRWG (Tim Hewison) 09:50

Morning break 10:40

5.  Report from GDWG (Peter Miu) 11:00

6.  Documenting GSICS as an element of WIGOS (J. Lafeuille) 11:30

7.  Definition of GSICS products (Larry Flynn) 12:00

8.  Promotion of products to pre-operational or operational stage (L. Flynn) 12:30

Lunch Break 12:50

9.  Update from GSICS Members and observers (<8-minute presentations) 14:00
- NOAA (Mitch Goldberg)
- CMA (ZHANG Peng.)
- EUMETSAT (Ken Holmlund)
- JAXA (Keiji Imaoka)
- JMA (Masaya Takahashi)
- KMA (Dohyeong Kim)

Afternoon Break 15:30

- NASA (Jim Butler) 15:50
- IMD (Ashok K. Sharma)
- ISRO (Pradeep Thapliyal)
- ROSHYDROMET (Alexander Uspenskiy)
- USGS (G. Stensaas)
- CNSA (GAO Jun, presented by Peng Zhang)

Adjourn for Day 1 17:30

DAY 2 / Tentative timing

10.  GSICS in the Architecture for Climate Monitoring from Space (J. Lafeuille) 09:00

11.  GSICS User Requirements (L. Flynn) 09:20

12.  GSICS Archiving Strategy (P. Miu) 09:50

13.  GIRO and GSICS Lunar Observation Dataset Usage Policy (K.Holmlund) 10:10

Break 10:30

14.  Strategy for calibration references (T. Hewison) 11:00

15.  Review of the Terms of Reference (J. Lafeuille) 11:30

16.  Nomination of Working Group Chair/Vice-Chairs (Zhang P.) 12:00

17.  GSICS operations plan: Guidance to GCC, GDWG and GRWG 12:20

Lunch Break 12:50

18.  Draft report to CGMS – including Resource aspects 14:00

19.  Outstanding actions from previous meetings (J. Lafeuille) 14:30

20.  Other issues raised by the Working Groups or EP members 15:00

21.  Summary of actions and conclusions (Zhang P.) 15:30

Adjourn: 16:00

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