Therapeutic Family Care

Cluster Training Schedule

TFC hosts Cluster trainings one day a month and is open to caregivers and Society workers wanting to participate in training and connect with others.

Clusters are generally located at Grace Christian Reformed Church at 440 King St E, in Cobourg. ****Please note September Cluster is at Best Western Inn in Cobourg.

To SIGN UP- please call TFC Reception at 905-373-0522 ext 0.

In an effort to be more environmentally conscious, we request attendees bring their own travel mugs and water. Tea and Coffee will be provided.

TFC is looking for your cooperation towards a scent-reduced environment. Please be mindful of sensitivities to smoke and scents. Please refrain from and minimize the use of scented products when attending.

Cluster Trainings

Monday Sept 25, 2017


Best Western PLUS Cobourg

Inn & Convention Centre

930 Burnham St.

Cobourg, ON

Using Relationships to Heal Trauma: Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP)

Dr. Sian Phillips is a psychologist, adjunct Professor of Psychology at Queen’s University and Certified DDP therapist, consultant and trainer who will discuss DDP as a modality to support children who are experiencing attachment and trauma related issues. Dr. Phillips specializes in the assessment of trauma and attachment difficulties and pioneered the Belong Program, an attachment focused classroom that utilizes DDP practice. Dr. Phillips has authored two clinical chapters in Art Becker Weidman’s book the Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Case Book.

****Please Note seating is limited. Paid spots have been reserved for Parent Therapists, there is a cost of $60.00 (+ 7.80 HST) for other attendees. Materials, lunch and nutrition breaks provided. Accommodations not included.

For more information or to Register for this event please visit or contact Jackie Chapman Davis at 905-372-1821 X 1258 or

Thursday October 26, 2017


Grace Christian Reformed Church

440 King St. E

Cobourg, ON

Collaborative Treatment of Developmental Trauma: Supporting Children and Families Using Life Books and Attachment Focused Psychotherapy

Presented by: Nancy Burton & Dr. Charlie Menendez, Psychologist

Children who have been severely impacted by early abuse and neglect are often difficult to transition from foster care to adoptive placements. The complex effects of Developmental Trauma leave them reactive and very difficult to parent. This training will present a collaborative approach to addressing early trauma and attachment reactivity so children can move towards permanence. The use of life books coordinated with psychotherapy will be reviewed as a modality to build a coherent and non-judgmental narrative for a child while they are supported by therapeutic foster parents.

Thursday November 23, 2017


Grace Christian Reformed Church

440 King St. E

Cobourg, On

Milieu Therapy and De-escalation Techniques

Presented by: Jackie Robertson, Jenna Freeman & Karen Hay

Milieu Therapy is a type of therapy that caregivers use to structure the environment in order to effect behavioral change and improve psychological health and functioning. This training will focus on building a safe physical and emotional environment, building on child’s strengths and qualities, being attuned to youth’s world view, and understanding how trauma history impacts day to day interactions. De-escalation techniques will also be reviewed. The continuum of aggressive behavior will be discussed as well as calming and diffusing techniques.

Holiday Celebration Pot Luck

***Date to be determined

Grace Christian Reformed Church

440 King St. E,

Cobourg, On

Please join us as we come together in partnership over a Festive Potluck!

Based on feedback from those attending, we will not be offering Clusters in January or February 2018 due to risk of inclement weather.


Thursday March 22, 2018


Grace Christian Reformed Church

440 King St, E

Cobourg, On

PART: Practice and Research Together

Presented by: Carrie West, Cheri Crane & Duane Durham

PART is a membership based organization with the core function to disseminate practice relevant research findings to child welfare practitioners. The goal of PART is to support the shift to evidence-informed practice by providing a leading-edge innovative program of high quality materials and experiences that resonate with practitioners and organizations and contribute towards improved outcomes for recipients of child welfare services. This training will focus on using PART to focus on evidence-informed practice in the areas of fostering and permanency.

Thursday April 26, 2018


Grace Christian Reformed Church

440 King St, E

Cobourg, On

Introduction to Signs of Safety (SOS)

Presented by: Tiffany Thickson, Sara Coyle, Laura Gonsalves, Jodie English & April Levesque

This training will introduce caregivers to Signs of Safety model that is currently being implemented in child welfare. Participants will receive an overview of model, as well as the history, context and practice principals. Signs of safety tools will be reviewed and participants will get an opportunity to practice these tools through individual and group exercises.

Thursday May 24, 2018


Grace Christian Reformed Church

440 King St. E,

Cobourg, On

Supporting Permanency in Adoption & Wendy’s Wonderful Kid’s Recruitment

Presenters: Cynthia Campbell-Dionne, Maya Hickerson, Jean Skelton & presenters from Wendy’s Wonderful Kids

This training will review the importance of permanency and discuss how lack of permanency can impact development. Ways to establish permanency for children in Care such as adoption will be explored. The Wendy’s Wonderful Kids recruitment campaign will be presented as well as the core issues of adoption.