For the Period
Beginning JULY 1, 2008
Ending JUNE 30, 2009
Please review carefully the Annual Report Instruction Booklet appended to this Report for directions for completing this report. Failure to file the Annual Report or to pay promptly the annual sustaining fees may result in a show-cause directive and subsequent withdrawal of accreditation.
To complete thisdocument, place your cursor in each box (shaded square) or on each line and key the information. Answer spaces will expand to accommodate all your information.
I.Institutional Information:
Name: / ABHES ID #Address:
Telephone: / Fax:
City: / State: / Zip:
School Executive
(e.g.:President) / e-mail address:
On-Site Administrator
(e.g.: Campus Director) / e-mail address:
Corporate Representative, if applicable: / e-mail address:
Street Address of any Separate Classroom:
Does the above information contain any changes from that published in ABHES’ Accredited Institutions and Programson the ABHES website?(Visit search your institution or program.) / Yes / No
Has the institution’s on-siteadministrator (e.g. Campus Director) changed since the last reporting period? / Yes / No
If yes, has this individual attended an Accreditation Workshop? / Yes / No
What is the institution’s fiscal-year end? (Month/Day)
Identify the institution’s ownership (complete Ownership/Control Disclosure form appended to this report):
Report prepared by:
Name: / Title:Signature: / Date:
Name of CEO/AIR***:
I attest that the information contained in this report is true to the best of my knowledge:
Signature of CEO/AIR: / Date:***AIR - Authorized Institutional Representative. See the Annual Report Instructions for AIR qualifications.
II.Program Information
The following information should include authorized changes or revisions as reported to the Bureau prior to this report.
1. / Total student enrollment from July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009:2. / Total student enrollment change from the previous reporting year
(Percentage increase/decrease):
3. / Does the institution offer a degree program(s)? / Yes / No
4. / Is any portion of any program offered via distance delivery? / Yes / No
If yes, identify the program by
Name / Credential Awarded / % offered by distance deliveryWhen was the distance delivery method approved by ABHES? (Date)
5.Program synopsis for programs currently offered:
Program Name / ClockHours / Number of Instructional Weeks / Credit Hours
Semester / Maximum
Available by
If applicable / Credential Awarded
upon program
Certificate, Diploma, AOS, AAS, AS degree
Important Note: ABHES is not currently recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit programs leading to a baccalaureate degree, which affects Title IV eligibility.
6.Please provide the following information:
- Most recent enrollment date for each of the programs offered by the institution.
Program Name / 0-3 Months / 3-6 Months / 6-9 Months / 9-12 Months / Over 12 Months
- Total student enrollment per program reported:
Program Name / Total # of students enrolled during 07-08 reporting period / Total # of students enrolled during 08-09 reporting period / % of Increase/Decrease from 07-08 to 08-09
- The following program(s) were discontinued since July 1, 2008:
Program Name / Clock Hours / Credits,If Applicable
(Semester/Quarter) / Length in weeks / Date of Discontinuation
Note: A program must be discontinued if it has not been in operation for a continuous twelve-month period.
7.The following new program(s), requiring the New Program Application, have been approved by ABHES and added since July 1, 2008:
Program Name / Clock Hours / Length in weeks / Semester/QuarterCredits,If Applicable / Credential / Date Approved by ABHES
8.The following substantive changes, requiring completion of the Revised Program Application, and ABHES approval, have been made to the following programs since July 1, 2008. The following information should include changes or revisions as reported to ABHES and approved prior to this report.
Program Name / Date ABHES Approved / % of Change9.The following minor revisions, requiring completion of the Minor Program Revision Application, and ABHES approval, have been made to the following programs since July 1, 2008. The following information should include changes or revisions as reported to ABHES and approved prior to this report.
Program Name / Date ABHES Approved / % of Change10.The following percentage of students were enrolled in health education programs as of June 30, 2008:
Below 70%
11.The following percentage of health education programs are offered by the institution:
Below 70%
Note: An institution is defined as the main, non-main and satellite campuses combined holding single accreditation.
12. / Is the institution in the process of developing any non-health education programs / Yes / NoIf yes, which programs?
13. / Does your institution hold institutional or programmatic accreditation in addition to ABHES accreditation? / Yes / No
If yes, list relevant information in the following chart:
Accrediting Agency / Accreditation Type (Institutional or Programmatic) / If Programmatic,
List Program / Expiration of Current Grant of Accreditation / Explanation of Any Current Disciplinary Actions (Probation, Reporting, etc.)
III.Enrollment Statistics
14. Retention statistics from July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009, are as follows (report in whole numbers):
Note: Please report the programs below identical to the program names on your approval letters. If you have a day and evening class for the same program, please combine day and evening program statistics.
Institutional Accreditation:(copy table and attach for additional programs)
Program Name / Beginning Enrollmentincluding externs and students on approved leave / Re-entries / New Starts since July1 / Ending Enrollment
including externs and students on approved leave / Grads / Retention Rate
See instructions
for formula
For any program identified above with a retention rate below 70%, please submit an action plan at this time (please visit the ABHES website Forms tab to download Guidelines to Developing an Action Plan.)
15.Placement statistics from July 1, 2008,to June 30, 2009, are as follows (report in whole numbers):
Note: Please report the programs below identical to the program names on your approval letters. If you have a day and evening class for the same program, please combine day and evening program statistics.
Institutional Accreditation:(copy table and attach for additional programs)
Program Name / Number of Grads / Number Placed in Field / Number Placed in Related Field / Number Not Placed or Placed Out of Field / Un-available / Placement RateSee directions for formula.
For any program identified above with a placement rate below 70%, please submit an action plan at this time (please visit the ABHES website Forms tab to download Guidelines to Developing an Action Plan.)
a. / Is a credential or license required for graduates to work in the field? / Yes / Nob. / What programs does the institution currently offer that require a credential or license for graduates to work in the field?
Name of Programs:
Note: If successful completion of a credentialing or licensure exam is required for employment, identify the exam and calculate the results in the chart below.
Note:For Surgical Technology programs, identify the nationally recognized and accredited credentialing agency or State licensing authority examination and calculate the results in the chart below, regardless of whether successful completion of a credentialing exam is required for employment.
Credentialing and/or licensure statistics from July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009, are as follows (report in whole numbers):
Program Name / Credentialing or Licensure Examination / Grads / How many graduates took exam / How many graduates passed exam (first attempt) / How many graduates failed exam (first attempt) / How many graduates retook exam and passed (all attempts) / Percentage of graduates passing (all attempts)For any program identified above with a credentialing or licensure rate below 70%, please submit an action plan at this time (please visit the ABHES website Forms tab to download Guidelines to Developing an Action Plan.)
IV.Surgical Technology Program Assessment and Outcomes Satisfaction
(Questions 17-24apply only to Surgical Technology programs)
17. During the 2008-2009 reporting period, did your institution use the Program Assessment Exam (PAE)
Exam or the Certified Surgical Technology(CST) exam?
PAE / CST18.Program Assessment Exam (PAE)/Certified Surgical Technologist Exam (CST):
a.Identify all class completion dates during the period July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009:
Class completion dates / # of Graduatesb.Of the total number of students who took the PAE identify:
Grade / NumberNumber of students who scored Exceptional / (86-100)
Number of students who scored Sufficient / (70-85)
Number of students who scored Minimal / (60-69)
Number of students who scored Insufficient / (0-59)
c.Identify average scores in the following areas:
% / %Basic Science / Preop Patient Care
Biomedical Science / Preop Sterile
Intraop Sterile / Related Science
Practice / Surgical Procedures
Preop Nonsterile
d.How do the program assessment levels reported compare with the previous three years’ program assessment exam levels?
Above / Comparable / Below / Not Applicable (Newer program)e. Please identify the pass/fail rates for the first-time takers of the Certified Surgical Technologist Exam (CST):
How many students took the examHow many students passed the exam
How many students failed the exam
Pass rate percentage
f. How do the pass/fail rates for the first-time takers of the Certified Surgical Technologist Exam (CST) reported compare with the previous three years’ pass/fail rates?
Above / Comparable / Below / Not Applicable (Newer program)19.Graduate Satisfaction Survey (based upon ABHES-required graduate satisfaction survey)
% / %Graduate Rating: / Survey Return:
Analysis of results (identify which areas result in an average score of below 80%):
20.How do the graduate satisfaction survey results compare with the previous three years?
Above / Comparable / Below / Not Applicable (Newer program)21.Employer Satisfaction Survey (based upon ABHES-required graduate satisfaction survey)
% / %Employer Rating: / Survey Return:
Analysis of results (identify which areas result in an average score of below 80%):
22.How do the employer satisfaction survey results compare with the previous three years?
Above / Comparable / Below / Not Applicable (Newer program)23.Describe the outcomes of the program’s evaluation of its most recent market relative to justification for continued enrollment and numbers of students enrolled during the reporting period into the Surgical Technology program(s):
24. / During the reporting period, how many signed clinical affiliation agreements were activeand maintained per student enrolled in the Surgical Technology program(s):
V.Faculty and Staff Data
25. / During the reporting period, what percentage of faculty and staff changed?VI.General Information
26. Please list any other campuses (main, non-main or satellite) that are attached to your location.
School Name / City and State / ABHES ID#27. / Since July 1, 2008, has the institution undergone any changes in ownership or control? / Yes / No
If yes, provide the following information:
Previous Owner(s) / New Owner(s) / Date of Changea. / Were these changes considered a change of ownership or control by ABHES? / Yes / No
b. / Did the U.S. Department of Education consider these changes a change of ownership or control (if applicable)? / Yes / No
28. / Since July 1, 2008, has the institution undergone any changes to the institution’s address or buildings, including adding or reducing space: / Yes / No
If no, continue to #29.
a. / Were these changes considered a change of location by ABHES? / Yes / Nob. / Did the state licensing agency consider these a change of location
(If applicable)? / Yes / No
VII.Default Statistics
29.If participating in federal aid programs, what was your institution's annual cohort default rate for:
2006 / 2007 / 2008 (pre-published)0-5% / 0-5% / 0-5%
6-10% / 6-10% / 6-10%
11-15% / 11-15% / 11-15%
16-20% / 16-20% / 16-20%
Over 20% / Over 20% / Over 20%
a. / Do you believe that these rates are accurate? / Yes / No
b. / Have you filed an appeal with the Department of Education? / Yes / No
c. What percentage of the students enrolled on June 30, 2009, were participating in any of the Federal Student Loan Programs?
90-100% / 50-69%80-89% / 25-49%
70-79% / 0-24%
d. What percentage of the total tuition earned was derived from the Title IV funding program during the July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009 reporting period?
90-100% / 50-69%80-89% / 25-49%
70-79% / 0-24%
VIII. Calculation of Sustaining Fees
(See attached instructional booklet for fee schedule to determine amount of fees owed)
Enclosed please find our check for current dues for July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009, in the amount of
$ / based on $ / gross annual tuition.Your institution's sustaining fee is based on total gross annual tuition from July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009.
Check that you have submitted all required documents on or before October 30, 2009!
Annual Sustaining Fee
Current Catalog
Audited Financial Statements
Ownership/Control Disclosure Form
Financial Delineation Form
Authorized Institutional Representative Form (if applicable)
Completed Annual Report
Please submit electronically on CD Rom or Flash Drive and one hard copy by mail the Annual Report, including all forms listed above, to the ABHES office at
7777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 314 North
Falls Church, VA 22043
Failure to file the Annual Report or to pay promptly the annual sustaining fee(s) may result in a show-cause directive and subsequent withdrawal of accreditation.
No extensions for submission will be granted.
Should you have questions regarding the Annual Report, contact Amy Rowe at or the ABHES office directly at (703) 917-9503.
Please remove this page before submitting the report.
2008-2009 Annual Institutional ReportPage 1
Revised 7/09