August 8, 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians;

I trust you have had an enjoyable summer filled with long summer nights, ice cream, and a dip in the pool. School is upon us earlier than ever. This week is a time of transition as we shift gears and get back into the routine. For some, they are returning to middle school for eighth grade and others are entering middle school for the first time as seventh graders. Either way, I will make sure each student has the support they need.

This year I will be teaching a Language Arts and Math class for the seventh graders. I will be team teaching a Language Arts with Mr. LB and a Math class with Mrs. Temme for eighth graders. Finally, each student has a Basic Skills in my room. Below is a brief explanation of Basic Skills.

Basic Skills is a class where students work first and foremost on

their IEP goals. If they have a reading goal they work on reading.

If they have a math goal they work on math. We also work on

organization, time management, and behavior during this time.

Basic Skills starts with specific tasks for the first 20-25 minutes.

Each student will fill out an agenda daily. Students will then use

the remaining 15 minutes to receive help on one subject area

that is their weakest area. Basic Skills is NOT a Study Hall.

Homework is to be completed each night at home. There is a

calendar on the Northwestern Middle School website that has

each teacher’s assignments. Please make it a habit to check your child’s assignments for accuracy and completion each day.

This year we will also be working on Habits and will not have rules. Rules have a negative connotation and seem to invite the breaking of them. Therefore, we are going to try a new practice of developing habits. Each month we will focus on a habit with a reward at the end of the month for those mastering that habit. For example, August will be the habit of Punctuality. Those students with zero tardies at the end of the month will have a reward. We will work on ALL habits daily, but put extra focus on one per month. Below is a list of habits and a description of what it means to demonstrate each habit.

Habits—We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.



Habit of Attention

The habit of attention requires that one fix mind and body steadily of the matter at hand.

Habit of Obedience—

Obedience is demonstrated by responding immediately and completely to authority, as well as accepting consequences willingly.

Habit of Respect—

Showing respect involves using good manners and self-control in words and actions.

Habit of Responsibility—

Responsibility is shown when are is given to personal belongings and school property, and tasks are completed.

Habit of Reflection—

The habit of reflection requires purposeful thinking and contemplation about the matter at hand.

Habit of Thoroughness—

Thoroughness involves completing whatever task is at hand to the very best of one’s ability, leaving nothing undone.

Habit of Punctuality—

To be punctual, one’s obligations must be met in a timely manner.

Habit of Service—

In serving, one must think of helping others and meeting their needs in a cheerful manner.

Habit of Self-Control—

To be self-controlled is the ability to delay gratification and have master over one’s actions and speech.

Habit of Integrity—

Integrity involves always being honest and allowing one’s words and actions to be above reproach, so that one is seen as trustworthy.

Habit of Reconciliation—

Reconciliation seeks to humbly restore any relationship that has been negatively impacted by unkind behavior. Reconciliation should be honest, sincere, quick, and complete.

Consequences—Consequences are a natural part of life. When we choose a behavior we are choosing a consequence; negative or positive. Therefore, we will still have consequences due to poor choices such as disrespect, refusal to comply with directives, missing assignments, and others that tend to surface once the students become comfortable. We will seek consequences that reshape behavior rather than be punitive. For example, lack of work completion may result in a lunch detention where students complete the missing work. Leaving a mess in their area may result in cleaning that area and other areas. We will strive to manage behavior in the classroom, but will utilize the office if necessary.


______and their parent/guardian have read

(Student Name)

and understand the expectations for forming the above habits in the room of

Mrs. Davis and the Special Education Staff.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Additional Expectations

1)  Be in your seat when the bell rings.

2)  Have all necessary materials ready when the bell rings. (pencil, book, paper, iPad charged)

3)  Remain in your seat unless given permission to move.

4)  Use your time wisely by working on the task at hand each class period.