Enrolment form for language courses
only for companies/organisations that wish to receive an invoice.
(Please fill in one form per participant)
1Details of company/organisation (write the address to which the invoice should be sent)
name of company/organisation:department: / name of contact person: / Mr.
address: / post code:
telephone no.: / e-mail:
For Language Centre only
debiteurnummer aangevraagd d.d.: / debiteurnummer:2. Details of participant
name: first name:/ initials: / Mr.
address: / post code:
telephone no.: / e-mail:
3. Gegevens cursus
course code:/ language: / level: / startdate:
4. Payment and signature
3a. Fill in the amount due. €4a. Read the conditions below. Do you agree with these conditions?
/ I agree with the conditions.
4b. Signature
date: / signature:
5. Sending the enrolment form
- Send the fully completed and signed enrolment form to:
Universiteit Leiden,
Postbus 9515,
2300 RA Leiden.
- You can also fax the form: 071-5272794. If you fax this form, please post the original to us afterwards as soon as possible.
Conditions of enrolment
- Enrolment starts on the date given in the course programme. Enrolment prior to this date is not permitted.
- There is one exception to rule 1. Those who have signed up for a course are allowed to sign up for the course which follows it, once the details concerning the course have been published.
- You cannot enrol for a course which is full, but we can put your name on the waiting list for that course.
- Enrolments are accepted in date order, i.e. the order in which the enrolment forms arrive at the office.
- For a number of courses, an entrance test is obligatory (see the website). In these cases, it is the date of the entrance test that determines the order in which people are enrolled. These tests can be taken during the secretariat opening hours of the Language Centre, or they can be downloaded from the website ( and done at home.
- Once you have sent in the enrolment form, fully completed and signed, you automatically accept the obligation to pay the course fee. The Language Centre will reserve your place on the course. If you decide to withdraw your enrolment, the conditions pertaining to cancellation become effective.
- Some courses have a reduced rate. Those who wish to apply for this rate must show or enclose a copy of their Dutch university ID card when enrolling. University employees should state which department they work for.
- Only forms which are fully completed and signed will be accepted and processed.
conditions of cancellation
applicant cancellation
- Only written cancellations will be accepted ().
- Cancellation costs € 25.00 up to one week before commencement of the course.
- In the week in which a course starts, cancellation costs are 50% of the course fee.
- No refunds are given in cases where participation is cancelled on, or after, the date on which the course starts.
cancellation by the Language Centre
In cases where the Language Centre cancels a course, the whole course fee will be returned.
Deferment of enrolment until the next, or subsequent, course periods is not permitted.
Substitution of one applicant for another is not permitted under any circumstances.