1.3 Reading Literature
Integration of Knowledge
Grade / Big Idea / Essential Questions / Concepts / Competencies / Vocabulary / Standard / Eligible ContentPre-K / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about? / Sources of Information / Describe pictures in books using details. / Details / CC.1.3.PK.G
Pre-K / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Text Analysis / Answer questions to compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories / Compare/Contrast
Characters / CC.1.3.PK.H
K / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about? / Sources of Information / Make connections between the illustrations and the text in a story (read or read aloud). / Details
Illustrations / CC.1.3.K.G
K / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Text Analysis / Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters. / Compare/Contrast
Characters / CC.1.3.K.H
1 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about? / Sources of Information / Use illustrations and details in a story to describe characters, setting, or events / Setting
Events / CC.1.3.1.G
1 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Text Analysis / Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories. / CC.1.3.1.H
2 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How does what readers read influence how text should be read? / Sources of Information / Use information from illustrations and words, in print or digital text, to demonstrate understanding of characters, setting, or plot. / Digital Text
Plot / CC.1.3.2.G
2 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Text Analysis / Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story by different authors or from different cultures. / CC.1.3.2.H
3 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret analyze, evaluate and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Sources of Information / Explain how specific aspects of a text’s illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story, including mood, character traits, or setting. / -Mood
-Character Traits / CC.1.3.3.G
3 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Text Analysis / Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters (e.g., books in a series). / -Theme / CC.1.3.3.H / EO3.A-C.3.1.1
4 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret analyze, evaluate and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how text should be read?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Sources of Information / Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text. / Drama
Visual Presentation / CC.1.3.4.G
4 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how text should be read?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Text Analysis / Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics (e.g., opposition of good and evil) and patterns of events (e.g., the quest) in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures. / CC.1.3.4.H / EO4.A-C.3.1.1
5 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret analyze, evaluate and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how text should be read?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Sources of Information / Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem). / Analyze
Tone / CC.1.3.5.G
5 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how a text should be read?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Text Analysis / Compare and contrast texts in the same genre on their approaches to similar themes and topics as well as additional literary elements. / Genre / CC.1.3.5.H / EO5.A-C.3.1.1
6 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret analyze, evaluate and synthesize information / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How do readers know what to believe?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how text should be read?
How do readers know what to believe in what they read, hear, and view?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Sources of Information / Compare and contrast the experiences of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what is “seen” and “heard” when reading the text to what is perceived when listening or watching. / CC1.3.6G / 06.A-C.2.1.1
6 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How do readers know what to believe?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how text should be read?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Text Analysis / Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres (e.g., stories, dramas, poems, historical novels, fantasy stories) in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics as well as their use of additional literary elements. / CC1.3.6.H / EO6.A-C.3.1.1
7 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret analyze, evaluate and synthesize information / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How do readers know what to believe?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how text should be read?
How do readers know what to believe in what they read, hear, and view?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Sources of Information / Compare and contrast a written story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia version, analyzing the effects of techniques unique to each medium (e.g., lighting, sound, color, or camera focus and angles in a film). / Techniques / CC1.3.7.G
7 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How do readers know what to believe?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how text should be read?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Text Analysis / Compare and contrast a fictional portrayal of a time, place or character and an historical account of the same period as a means of understanding how authors of fiction use or alter history. / CC1.3.7.H / EO7.A-C.3.1.1
8 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret analyze, evaluate and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How do readers know what to believe?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how text should be read?
How do readers know what to believe in what they read, hear, and view?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Sources of Information / Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script, evaluating the choices made by directors or actors. / CC1.3.8.G
8 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How do readers know what to believe?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how text should be read?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Text Analysis / Analyze how a modern work of fiction draws on themes, patterns of events, or character types from traditional works, including describing how the material is rendered new. / CC1.3.8.H / EO8.A-C.3.1.1
9-10 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret analyze, evaluate and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How do readers know what to believe?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how text should be read?
How do readers know what to believe in what they read, hear, and view?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Sources of Information / Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment. / CC.1.3.9-10.G / L.F.2.2.1
9-10 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How do readers know what to believe?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how text should be read?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Text Analysis / Analyze how an author draws on and transforms themes, topics, character types, and/or other text elements from source material in a specific work / CC.1.3.9-10.H / L.F.2.2.2
11-12 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret analyze, evaluate and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How do readers know what to believe?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how text should be read?
How do readers know what to believe in what they read, hear, and view?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Sources of Information / Analyze multiple interpretations of a story, drama, or poem (e.g., recorded or live production of a play or recorded novel or poetry), evaluating how each version interprets the source text. (Include at least one play by Shakespeare and one play by an American dramatist.) / CC.1.3.11-12.G
11-12 / Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. / How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary text?
What is this text really about?
How do readers know what to believe?
How does what readers read influence how they should read it?
How does a reader’s purpose influence how text should be read?
How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? / Text Analysis / Demonstrate knowledge of foundational works of literature that reflect a variety of genres in the respective major periods of literature, including how two or more texts from the same period treat similar themes or topics / CC.1.3.11-12.H