Period 5 Feb. 29th -April 15th, 2016
Mountain Valley Academy at Ramona Community School
1010 Ramona St, Ramona, CA 92065
6th Grade
Name of Student ______Teacher Gill
Language Arts1. Writing
Complete 3 or more writing assignments in one 6-week period with evidence of revising and proofreading. All writing assignments must include rough drafts, corrections, and a final copy that is typed or written in cursive with no errors. Writing must be at least 500+ words. You may receive dual credit in science and/or history one time per period.
1. Argument/Opinion – Teens & Social Media
2. Depth & Complexity – topic your choice
3. Create your own magazine
2. Grammar
Complete 6 or more grammar lessons, checked and proofread, in 6 week period-
Writing & Grammar handbook – Ch. 23/24 1 lesson = 40 grammar questions
Easy Grammar handbook - 1 lesson = 40 grammar questions / Notes
1. Novels & Literature
Complete 6 assignments –3 from novels/ 3 from Literature book
1 assignment = Book report, literary notes, book review, illustrations, fact finding assignments, novel ties, reading anthology with 6-8 questions answered in complete sentences.
www.phschool.com & www.go.hrw.com
2. Vocabulary –
Complete ½ Vocab Wkshp. Lesson per week or
Pull 12 words from content areas – (stay with same 12 words for two weeks just like in Vocabulary Workshop Book)
Then complete 1 or more activities per week:
Choose a different activity each week & complete all by the end of the 6week period.
word bank story note cards write all word forms other (approved by parent)
definitions Latin roots crossword puzzle spelling test / Notes
History/Social Studies
Complete 1 assignment per week checked and proofread
During each 6 week period, students should accumulate the following:1. 4 textbook reading assignments and workbook pages 99-121 the first 4 weeks
2. 1 written response to reading
3. 1 hands-on projects – ie: build a pyramid, make a Roman helmet, visit a museum, maps with labeling and descriptions