Things That Are Not Done in Template
Template style notes
- Chapter number and title will consistently be styled ChapterTitle, usually on one single line with the format: Chapter X: Chapter Title
- Graphics, figures, and icons are all called out with the style Slug. The slug line will also contain a Figure caption if applicable, and usually a filename in square brackets.
- Notes to Compositor styled Directive.
- List styles are: ListBulleted, ListNumbered, ListUnmarked, ListPara (for a non-bulleted, non-numbered continuation para), and TabularEntry (list text in a Word table for placement, use no rules in layout).
- All Features are generic in the template, and if used, the PE will indicate design elements at the start of the project.The “type” in the FeatureType line is the only characteristic that distinguishes one Feature from another. Feature body text styles will not reflect the type, but styles will begin with the word “Feature”. If there is more than one Featuretype in the book, the compositor will be responsible for using the type as a trigger to determine the style of the following text.
- No distinction is made between Feature and FeatureSimple. Those preparing XML will be responsible for determining which is appropriate.
- Be aware of character styles. If character styles are used, pleaseconfirm with your production contact that these are needed for the book. Sometimes they may not require special display, but are used to assist in author/editorial review.
- All titles will be provided in title case rather than the final case of the design. We request that you use styles to apply proper case, in order to maintain underlying title case. For example, if the design requires all caps, all caps should be applied by the style, not by rekeying in all caps. All XML should reflect title case, not the case of the book.
- ListBulleted styles do not include actual bullet characters. These will need to be applied in layout.
- Headings in some designs may be run in. In the template, the headings will be styled (H3, H4, etc.) on separate lines from the run-in text. These will need to be merged in layout.
Things that are not done in template
- Drop caps not styled (if any)
- Opening para not uniquely styled
- Paras under head not uniquely styled
- First and last elements of lists not uniquely styled
Handling special formatting
- Tables are set up as simple tables with no merged cells. Complex tablesmay be provided separately, or may be provided as simple grids with detailed formatting notes in Directive paras.
- Special characters in manuscript are coded as tilde (~) plus an abbreviation code (~AM for small caps “a.m.”). PE will include a Directive instructing what the codes are and where they’re used.