It's that time of year again folks – hard to believe but we're about to have our last rally for the HRCAV financial year!
Things you should know:
Ø Membership fees have been increased by $5. This covers the increase in the HRCAV affiliation and insurance fee Full fee is: $265. (covers 12 rallies.) Chaff Chats Optional $57 (for 12 issues.).
Ø Membership numbers are capped at 60 for full memberships. We did not reach the cap this year.
Ø If you are a current member and wish to guarantee that your membership as a full member will be renewed, you need to pay your fees, complete and submit the forms by 31st October, 2016.
Ø If you are a current ASSOCIATE member and wish to switch to FULL membership you should also pay your fees and submit your forms by 31st October 2016.
Ø Associate membership fees remains at $180. Associate membership numbers are not capped.
Non-riding membership is $23.
Fees need to be paid by 1st November, for you to be covered by HRCAV insurance and for you to be permitted to use the DPC club grounds.
As a DARC member you are required to help when the club runs events. The profits from events enable us to maintain a high level of instruction at rallies, and improve the grounds and facilities. Please be prepared to offer your help willingly.
Ø BANK DEPOSIT: Bendigo Bank Montrose BSB: 633 000 Acct. No.: 14327 8059 Account: Name: Doongala Adult Riding Club Inc.. PLEASE put your surname on the deposit transfer and INCLUDE A COPY OF RECEIPT with your membership form, HRCAV indemnity form and medical information form.
Ø CHEQUE: Make cheque payable to Doongala Adult Riding Club Inc. and send with your completed application form, signed HRCAV insurance indemnity form and medical information form.
◦ Send your forms and copy of receipt or cheque to: The Secretary, DARC 1419 Healesville Kooweerup Rd Woori Yallock 3139 OR submit fees and forms at the October rally. OR scan forms, bank deposit receipt and email to
◦ If our membership cap has not been reached by 1st November, new members will be accepted until the cap of 60 members has been reached.
◦ Membership, medical information and HRCAV indemnity forms are available on the website www.doongala.org.
◦ All forms must be completed and submitted with membership fees. (Fees only will not be accepted.)
Thank you for your continued support for our club.