Teacher Education Student Internship Evaluations:

Combined Results for IB/M and TCPCG

June 2013

Students in the 5th year of the IB/M program and students in the second semester of the TCPCG program participate in an inquiry-based school internship experience. The purpose of this report is to summarize the combined results of these evaluations for the spring semester of 2013. A brief narrative, tables/graphs with quantitative information, and verbatim comments are provided. On the reproduced feedback, all references to names have been omitted to maintain anonymity.

Some of the highlighted findings of the report appear below.

ü  All 148 teacher education candidates received grades in the A or B range; of these, 135 students (91%) received a grade of “A” (33%) or “A+” (58%) from their school supervisors.

ü  Mean ratings on all items assessed were between 4.7 and 4.9 (out of 5.0).

ü  Supervisors were particularly impressed with candidates’ knowledge, professionalism, and ethical conduct; in the following four areas, 89-92% of interns earned the highest possible rating of “5”:

Intern demonstrates ethical conduct in professional settings (92.47%)

Intern shows an understanding of the knowledge base for the professional educator. (88.97%)

Intern displays attitude of a professional (90.34%).

Intern demonstrates an ability to work with individuals and small groups (90.34%)

ü  In every area assessed, between 96%-100% of candidates received above average ratings (“4” or “5”); in addition, all candidates were rated as above average in these three areas:

Intern demonstrates ethical conduct in professional settings.

Intern demonstrates an ability to work with individuals and small groups.

Intern possesses good observation skills.

Section 1: General Information Program Affiliation (Please select one.)

Answer / Count / Percent
IB/M (fields other than music) / 98 / 75.97%
TCPCG-Hartford / 19 / 14.73%
TCPCG-Waterbury / 12 / 9.30%

Please Indicate Your Field of Interest

Answer / Count / Percent
Agriculture / 3 / 2.29%
Elementary Education / 39 / 29.77%
English/Language Arts / 17 / 12.98%
History/Social Studies / 16 / 12.21%
Mathematics / 19 / 14.50%
Science / 9 / 6.87%
Special Education / 21 / 16.03%
World Language / 7 / 5.34%

Internship Titles

Writer's Workshop
Books and Beyond
Teaching and Researching Writing in a Workshop Setting
UCAPP internship
Focus on the Future Program Evaluation
Teaching Historical Research through National History Day
Supporting Grade Eight Math Students
Science Intern
Supporting Homeless Students & Families
Education Department Intern
Addressing Critical Thinking Skills
Social Studies/History Intern
Teacher Prep Studies
Using Science Notebooks to Improve Literacy
Second Grade Literacy Assistant
Guided Reading
Literacy Internship
Intervention Specialist
Mathematics Intervention and Support
Writing Center Intern
success in science
Increasing Literacy through Podcasting
Investigation in the Motivation to take advanced Spanish Courses
Exploring Interests and Talents Through School wide Enrichment
Family Ties
Choice Program Internship
Humanities Studies Internship
Improving Students’ Literacy
Reading and Writing Center
Literature Analysis and the Power of the Written Word: Gifted and Talented Middle School Students
Creating Resources for Mainstream Teachers working with ELL students
Rubrics - more reliable with training
Integrating Technology in the World Language Classroom
Implementing Positive Behavioral Supports for Struggling Social Studies Students
Readers and Writers All
Building the Architecture of Success in High School Math
Language Arts Support
Accommodations for Gifted Students/ Grouping Strategies and Student Engagement
Big Picture Learning (EOS @ the Depot Campus)
Supporting Struggling Readers and Writers
Teacher Prep Studies Third Grade Promise
Early Reading Intervention
Introducing WE-CBMs at Rockville High Schools
Fostering a Small Learning Community: Co-teaching and Mentoring
Implementing the Common Core in Middle School Math
Making Changes in Special Education
Increasing Math Skills in Chemistry and Physics
Math Intern
Providing Strategic Instruction to Students with Disabilities
History Day
Developing Common Core curriculum in Geometry
PBIS Internship
Integrating Reading and Writing Strategies into High School Science
NEASC intern
Preparation for Implementation of Smarter Balanced Assessments
Reading Internship
Enriching Mathematics Instruction through Communication: EMIC
Kindergarten Intern
Curriculum Laboratory - Inquiry Project
No Math Mind Left Behind
Agricultural Science
Literacy Lab Tutoring Intervention
Literacy Program Implementation Grades K-5
Implementing the Three Circle Model of Agriscience in a Regional Program
Capstone Project focused on Implementation of PBIS at School Hill Elementary School
Design and Implementation of SAT Prep Curriculum
Aligning the Common Core State Standards with the English/Language Arts Curriculum

Did more than one student collaborate on this project? (Please note: If this involved more that 1 student and you were the supervisor, you must completed a form on the other student[s].)

Answer / Count / Percent
Yes / 93 / 62.84%
No / 55 / 37.16%

Evidence intern has demonstrated responsibility and professionalism in educational settings:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Average Rating
Intern has made the transition from student to professional. / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 6
(4.11%) / 20
(13.70%) / 120
(82.19%) / 4.8
Intern demonstrates a high degree of independence in decision making in professional matters. / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(0.68%) / 4
(2.74%) / 24
(16.44%) / 117
(80.14%) / 4.8
Intern shows an understanding of the knowledge base for the professional educator. / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(0.69%) / 15
(10.34%) / 129
(88.97%) / 4.9
Intern demonstrates ethical conduct in professional settings. / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 0
(0.00%) / 11
(7.53%) / 135
(92.47%) / 4.9

Additional Comments:

81 Responses
Student is very professional in all of her interactions. She always has a calm, and positive demeanor. She used Teacher as a resource to plan units of study and always asked for feedback on her plans.
Student has done an outstanding job in her internship this school year. She is ready to take on the challenges of her own classroom.
Very confident and independent. Student presents herself as a professional educator.
There were issues with regard to attendance. Frequently, the schedule had to change to accommodate Student’s school schedule. Since we have an alternating block schedule and Student was taking courses toward 2 master's degrees, the days she was here fluctuated almost every week so it was difficult to get a consistent flow. Another concern was that Student would arrive right at the beginning of the block so it was difficult to coordinate plans for the day.
Student is very aware of her professional status and her responsibility to provide the best possible education to each student.
Student has been an asset to the teachers and students she has worked with this year. We have appreciated her flexibility and good teaching practices. She initiates ideas and asks for feedback on how her ideas were carried out. Student can take a list of objectives or idea for an activity and incorporate her own ideas to create an engaging lesson. She worked with another intern to create a successful four day mini unit on probability which they taught to a group of accelerated students.
Student continues take on projects that benefit both teachers and students, clearly demonstrated by her offers to assist in 5th grade reading groups. She models appropriate behavior and reaches out to all students to engage them in a thoughtful manner. She is a team player who sees the value of collaboration and is willing to learn new technology skills to assist in meeting instructional needs. She was an asset to the community.
In all dealings with our school community, Student has shown herself to be very professional and knowledgeable.
Student has conducted herself in a professional manner when attending meetings with other educators, during the presentation of her inquiry project to peers, teachers, mentor, and seminar leader. Additionally, she willingly taught classes during an unexpected short-term absence on my part, taking a leadership role, and communicating with me often during this time to keep me informed of daily classroom activity and student progress. After some technical difficulties, she worked diligently and in a timely manner to ensure completion of her work on updating our Challenge website in which she did a fantastic job!
Student has demonstrated in all aspects of this internship the maturity and professional integrity necessary to relate to the students, parents, family members and professional staff involved with our program. She quickly grasped the importance of our homeless outreach project and became an integral part of fulfilling the goals that we set at the beginning of the school year. She has excelled in all of her endeavors that were crucial to building trust relationships with families and students.
With no exaggeration intended, Student demonstrates a level of knowledge, pedagogy, and professional expertise that easily places him in the top tier of all teachers. He quickly transitioned into the role of a classroom teacher and intern at School. As a result of Student’s work, our school experienced increased alignment with the curriculum and between classrooms; improved differentiation and instructional techniques; and enhanced cooperation and collegiality between teachers.
Student has demonstrated that she is more than capable of transferring the skills she has learned working in small groups with our homeless children to the regular classroom environment.
Wrote a new course, planned pacing guide, and taught African-American History
Has taken on and shown leadership with special projects, such as organizing a study group for APWH
Student always presents herself in a professional manner.
Student has successfully made the transition to professional. She has demonstrated a high degree of independence in all of the teaching assignments she has been given.
Student has demonstrated her ability to make professional decisions and work independently. She has utilized and developed her knowledge base as well.
Student always acts in a professional manner with both students and staff. She is self motivated and she uses her knowledge of education and child development when working with students in grades K-5.
Student is unwavering in her high level of professionalism and treats the internship as if it is a paid position. She always follows through with my requests and is a "team player" regarding the planning and implementing of Writing Center initiatives. We were very glad to have her with us this year.
Student consistently presents herself as a professional and is considered a "teacher," and not just an "intern." She works very well with students and adults, by communicating well and corresponding clearly. She reaches out to teachers by conducting mini-lessons in their classrooms, as needed, and is unwavering in her commitment to professionalism.
Student demonstrates a significant amount of passion for teaching and this results in a high level of professionalism.
Writing Center Intern
Student has been an asset to the teachers and students she has worked with this year. When working in a teacher’s classroom she acts as a co-teacher; confident and comfortable to add to lessons and assist students. She is flexible and competent in any role she has been asked to step into. She has proven she can “pick up on the fly” and be successful.
During her time at School, Student has shown herself to be a professional educator dedicated to the needs of her students.
Student was professional and ethical in all her work at School.
Student conducts herself in a professional and highly competent manner at all times. She is self-directed and very conscientious about her responsibilities. She requires little guidance or direction from her supervisor during her internship. In addition, she seeks out opportunities to work with students or develop new programs to benefit students at School.
Exploring Interests and Talents Through Schoolwide Enrichment
Student is always professionally dressed, on time and prepared for his day. He is learning to understand what it means to be an educator. He works well with the staff and is respected by them.
Student is growing as an educator. She is beginning to understand the importance of making decisions and following through with them. I see growth in moving from a student to a professional. Being on time, making decisions, and following through on commitments are all part of that growth.
Without a doubt, Student has made the move to professional educator. She accepts the responsibility of the job, reflecting on students needs and prescribing interventions. She works with the staff as an equal exhibiting confidence.
Student handles herself with poise and professionalism with teachers, parents, students and administrators.
There are many things that are challenging about the literacy internship at School. First, our interns are expected to be able plan for and instruct students from grades K-3. Also, there are multiple staff members who are involved with the students our interns work with. Student was able to move from grade level to grade level throughout the day seamlessly, as well as communicate effectively with classroom teachers, reading teachers, paraprofessionals, other volunteers, and building administrators. Student was far more than an intern at our school. She became a colleague.
Student jumped right into her internship and has been an outstanding addition to our staff here at School. She is very professional in dealing with staff, and conducts herself well in the educational setting. She has become an educator!
Student has established her role as Master's Level intern within the language arts Challenge classroom at School. She has attended meetings with other educators and conducted herself in an appropriate manner by both inquiring and providing insight into the matter being discussed. She also took responsibility during an unexpected short absence on my part and taught Challenge classes during that time independently and reported to me in a timely manner, keeping me informed of student progress and curriculum taught.
Creating Resources for Mainstream Teachers working with ELL students
Student comports himself as a professional beyond his years.
Student has truly been a pleasure to work with. She shows great initiative and is very flexible.
Student has done a wonderful job with this internship
Student is an extremely professional and independent member of our team. She always keeps information about students confidential, and she has planned and implemented lessons and improved the Book Resource Room - making decisions on her own.
Student has created instructional artifacts and has assisted both teachers and students classrooms.