SC Rolls Out Online Licensing Application and CPE Tracker Systems
The Securities Commission (SC) on February 17, 2005 launched the Electronic Licensing Application System (ELA), which allows for applications for and renewals of capital market intermediary licences over the Internet. The implementation of the ELA will be followed by the roll-out of the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Tracker system on 25 February 2005.
With effect from 18 February 2005, applications for new and renewal of representatives licences, applications for renewal of company licences, applications for appointment of principal officers and registered persons and lodgement of notices must be submitted to the SC through the ELA system. However, all new applications for company licences including a dealer's licence, a futures broker's licence, a fund manager's licence and new applications for individual investment adviser's licence are to be submitted in hardcopy to the SC's Licensing Department.
The ELA is the first phase of the SC's broader Electronic Reporting System (ERS) project, which is aimed at facilitating online submission and retrieval of information between the SC and market participants. The ELA also provides a search function for the public to ascertain whether they are dealing with a licensed person or company.
Applicants can expect a shorter application cycle and greater cost effectiveness through this new system. Both the ELA and the CPE Tracker will be interfaced to enable the straight through processing of licensing applications, as the fulfilment of the CPE obligation is one of the prerequisites for licence renewal.
From a broader perspective, the CPE Tracker, which is based on the ERS infrastructure, facilitates online communication between the Securities Industry Development Centre (SIDC), training providers and licensees, for the purpose of managing CPE-approved courses and tracking the CPE points accumulated by the licensees.
To facilitate the implementation of the ELA, amendments to the licensing regulations, namely the Securities Industry Regulations 1987, the Securities Industry (Licensing of Fund Manager and Fund Manager's Representative) Regulations 1996 and the Futures Industry Regulations 1995 have been gazetted on 17 February 2005 and will be effective as of 18 February 2005.
Applicants may refer to the SC's Guidelines for Submission Through the Electronic Licensing Application System, which is available on the SC website here.
For enquires on ELA, kindly contact the ELA Help Desk at 03-62048977 or email . For matters relating to the CPE Tracker, kindly contact the SIDC Corporate Services at 03-62048667 or e-mail
SC Mulakan Permohonan Pelesenan Dalam Talian dan Sistem Penjejak CPE
Suruhanjaya Sekuriti (SC) hari ini melancarkan Sistem Permohonan Pelesenan Elektronik (ELA), yang membolehkan permohonan dan pembaharuan lesen perantara pasaran modal melalui Internet. Pelaksanaan ELA akan diikuti oleh pengenalan kepada sistem Penjejak Pendidikan Berterusan Profesional (CPE) pada 25 Februari 2005.
Berkuat kuasa mulai 18 Januari 2005, permohonan bagi lesen baru dan pembaharuan lesen wakil peniaga, permohonan bagi pembaharuan lesen syarikat, permohonan bagi pelantikan pegawai prinsipal dan individu berdaftar dan pengemukaan notis mesti dikemukakan kepada SC melalui system ELA. Walau bagaimanapun, semua permohonan baru bagi lesen syarikat termasuk lesen peniaga, lesen broker niaga hadapan, lesen pengurus dana dan permohonan baru bagi lesen individu penasihat pelaburan hendaklah dikemukakan dalam bentuk dokumen kepada Jabatan Pelesenan SC.
ELA merupakan fasa pertama dalam projek Sistem Pelaporan Eletronik (ERS) SC, yang bermatlamat memudahcarakan pengemukaan dan pencarian maklumat dalam talian antara SC dan peserta pasaran. ELA juga menyediakan fungsi carian kepada orang ramai untuk mengetahui sama ada mereka berurusan dengan individu atau syarikat yang berlesen atau sebaliknya.
Pemohon akan mendapati proses permohonan yang lebih singkat dan lebih keberkesanan kos melalui sistem baru ini. Kedua-dua ELA dan Penjejak CPE (CPE Tracker) akan saling berkait bagi membolehkan pemprosesan terus permohonan pelesenan, kerana memenuhi keperluan CPE merupakan salah satu prasyarat bagi pembaharuan lesen.
Dalam perspektif yang lebih meluas, Penjejak CPE, yang berasaskan infrastruktur ERS, memudahcarakan komunikasi dalam talian antara Pusat Perkembangan Industri Sekuriti (SIDC), penyedia latihan dan para pemegang lesen, bagi tujuan menguruskan kursus-kursus lulus CPE dan menjejak mata CPE yang telah dikumpulkan oleh pemegang lesen.
Untuk memudahcarakan pelaksanaan ELA, pindaan kepada peraturan pelesenan, iaitu Peraturan Perindustrian Sekuriti 1987, Peraturan Perindustrian Sekuriti (Pelesenan Pengurus Dana dan Wakil Pengurus Dana) 1996 dan Peraturan Perindustrian Niaga Hadapan 1995 telah diwartakan pada 17 Februari 2005 dan berkuat kuasa pada 18 Februari 2005.
Para pemohon boleh merujuk kepada Garis Panduan SC bertajuk “ Guidelines for Submission Through the Electronic Licensing Application System ”, yang boleh didapati di tapak web SC di sini.
Untuk pertanyaan mengenai ELA, sila hubungi kaunter pertanyaan ELA di talian 03-62048977 atau e-mel . Bagi pertanyaan berkaitan Penjejak CPE, sila hubungi Khidmat Korporat SIDC di talian 03-62048667 atau e-mel