I. Purpose.

The purpose of this SOG is to provide direction for the management and administration of Elverson Fire Company (EFC) related to Wildland Firefighting. The crew shall be called the Twin Valley Forest Fire Crew

II. Scope.

This SOG applies to all operational personnel.

III. Objectives.

Through this SOG, it is EFC’s goal to:

•Establish a system that ensures the Elverson Fire Company has trained and qualified fire crews.

• Ensure the standardization of procedures for management of EFC crews.

• Provide administrative and supervisory direction for management of all forestry crews.

IV. Crew Management.

Fire Crew Composition: The EFC fire suppression crew will be composed of one (1) Squad boss and at least two (2) crew members. No more than two (2) inexperienced crew member shall be considered for each crew.

A. Pennsylvania Forest Fire Warden: The Warden is the principle officer of the crew and derives his or her authority from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Warden’s duties and responsibilities are:

1. Responsible for the over-all preparedness, and operational readiness of the crew, it’s equipment and individual members.

2. Over-all supervision and administration of the crew during fire calls, training sessions, and special events. In connection with the exercise of these duties, the warden acts as Chief of the crew in the same manner as a fire or police chief would.

B. Special Assistant Warden: The Special Assistant Warden is appointed by the Warden to act in his or her place during his/her absence. The Assistant Warden’s duties and responsibilities are as follows:

1. Assist the Warden in performance of the duties and responsibilities outlined in Section IV paragraph A 1,2.

2. Maintain a list of active crew members and contact information.

3. Maintain an equipment inventory.

4. Other duties as assigned by the Warden.

C. Squad Boss: A qualified squad boss, preferably initial attack qualified, will accompany each EFC crew. The crew boss is directly responsible for work effectiveness, safety, conduct, welfare, organization, briefings, and discipline of the crew at all times. A squad boss trainee may be assigned. The squad boss is determined at the time of departure

D. Crew Member: Each crewmember will join the crew at the assembly point and accompany them to the same location on return. Each crewmember will be fully qualified, unless responding as a trainee. Must be 18 years of age.

D. Crew Member Trainee: A crewmember trainee is minimum 16 years of age, with basic wild land firefighting skills (I-130). A 16 –18 year old must file working papers with the district office. The trainee is assigned to a crewmember. The Pa child labor laws (Appendix A) will be followed. A limit of 1 to 2 crew member trainee to a response. No Initial attack duties for 16-17 year olds.

E. Driver / Operator: The driver of the vehicle must posses a valid Pa drivers license. A driver will be qualified by each stations policies or procedures for their own vehicles.

F. Chain of Command: See Appendix B

V. Qualifications.

  1. Physical Requirements: Fire crewmembers must physically be able to perform the duties assigned to him or her. If a member has any Allergies (i.e. bee stings) or take medications they must let the local warden know of that condition.

B.Training Requirements:

I-130 (minimum for crew member)


ICS (Incident Command System) I-100 recommended

Each member must complete at least 3-hour refresher every year

PMS 416 Firefighter Safety and Surviaval

VI. Sawyers

If the Incident Management Team wants chainsaws, and qualified personnel

Are available on the EFC crew, they can be used on the incident. At a minimum, EFC

Members designated, as sawyers will have successfully completed Power saw Training, S-

212, and demonstrated to EFC they have attained appropriate chainsaw use experience.

Designating and qualifying sawyers will be the responsibility of EFC. Qualifications

Shall be documented in the individual crewmember’s record..

• FALA Class A: Qualified to cut 0” to 8”.

• FALA Class B: Qualified to cut 8” to 24”.

VII. Dispatch and Mobilization Procedures.

  1. Dispatch Center: When the EFC forestry crew is requested they will be dispatched through the Chester County communications center.

1. The Fire warden or his assistants determines the crew and its availability with notification to the Fire Chief so they are not left short handed..

2. Team designation with Chester, Berks and Lancaster will be 17-16

3. If Fire warden is on scene he or she must notify the appropriate county and that they are on scene.

4. All requests for team response must be approved by the FFSS ( Forest Fire Specialist Suppervisor, AKA Chief 17 )

B. Crew Mobilization: Each EFC member wishing to do so will be assigned to an authorized crew. Crews will be rotated so each individual is given an opportunity for assignment. The Forest Fire Warden will annually establish crew list to be submitted to the district office by January 15 of the new year.

C. Crew/Individual Preparedness Guidelines: Crewmembers must be familiar with both mobilization and demobilizationprocedures.

1. Crew members must have a current EFC ID card.

2. Crew members will not possess, or be under the influence of, alcohol or drugs at any time during the assignment. This includes all time (travel, work, “R & R”, on and off shift) from point of departure until return after an assignment is ended.

3. Crew members shall be in good mental and physical condition; they cannot be sick, injured, or recovering from a recent injury or illness.

4. Crew members shall not carry expensive personal items, i.e., radio, camera, tape recorder, jewelry. EFC is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed personal items not essential to the job.

5. Individuals accepting an assignment agree, under ordinary circumstances, they will remain with the crew for the duration of the assignment. Examples of extraordinary circumstances include illness, injury, or disciplinary actions.

D. Personal Equipment: All firefighters should keep a fire pack with personal gear ready at all times to reduce response time and the chance of forgetting something. All gear and personal items will be carried inside the bag and not attached outside. No aluminum frames will be allowed.

Property that is owned by the fire company shall remain property of such, if a crew member leaves the crew all equipment that is company owned shall be returned within 72 hours of written termination. If he or she does not do such they will be held financially responsible for that equipment

Each firefighter should furnish the following personal and EFC issue items:

EFC will supply some items as financially possible; otherwise it is up to each member to provide the following items, as they feel necessary to carry

• Boots: minimum 8”, all-leather tops; lace-up with vibram rubber lug soles.

• Coat, jacket or sweatshirt; and gloves.

• Socks: heavy wool or heavy cotton.

• Handkerchiefs.

• Rain parka or poncho.(optional)

• Hardhat. Wardens = WhiteSquad Boss = RedCrew Member = Yellow

• Flame resistant shirt

• Flame resistant trousers

• First Aid Kit (Squad boss).

• Personal pack.

• Canteen (fire line crews only).

• Headlamp.

• Work gloves, all leather.

• Individual first aid kit (Optional for crew members).

• Non perishable snack foods.

• Spare batteries for headlamp.

• Whistle, compass, flagging

• 10/18 card to be carried on your person at all times

• Personal items: prescription medications (at least a 2-day supply if going out of district).

Keep informed of present and potential weather conditions where fires are

Occurring. Planning for the worst weather conditions is your responsibility.

All personnel shall wear flame resistant shirts and pants when on fire



VIII. EFC Responsibilities

EFC will be responsible for recruiting, outfitting, training, Administration, and determining the assembly point and will arrange for support activities.

During mobilization and demobilization of crews. EFC will:

A. Issue and maintain company owned gear.

B. Provide meals as necessary (including sack lunches), transportation, and all crew supervision prior to departure.

C. Check all personnel to ensure they have ID cards and all necessary gear for the assignment.

D. Insure squad bosses provide a final pre-travel briefing to their crews prior to departure.

IX. General Policies.

A. Rules of Conduct: Unsatisfactory performance or conduct will not be tolerated. Every firefighter is important to the overall effectiveness of the crew. Firefighters will obey and follow instructions issued by supervisors. Organization and discipline will be maintained from the time a crew leaves their point of departure until they return. Disciplinary action for unsatisfactory performance or conduct enroute to or from the fire, on the fire, or at the duty station is the responsibility of the Squad boss. Crews are expected to complete work assignments given and to maintain orderly conduct during the entire period of deployment, from point of departure through the assignment and return to point of departure.

EFC members will:

1. Fight fire aggressively and safely.

2. Complete work assignments within given timeframes.

3. Conduct themselves in an orderly manner while on the fire line, in fire camp, on “R & R”, in travel status, and during ordered standby duty.

4. Follow safe working practices at all times. Observe the “10 Standard Firefighting Orders” and “18 Situations that Shout WATCH OUT”, and use safety equipment provided to them.

5. Maintain assigned EFC and government equipment and tools in good, serviceable condition and, at the end of the assignment, return equipment in good condition to the place or person designated.

6. Report for duty at the place and time designated, ready to begin the assignment. This will include the possession of the proper tools, equipment, and supplies needed for the assignment.

7. Carry out instructions from supervisors unless otherwise prevented by unsafe conditions situations.

8. Maintain clean, orderly living areas including fire camps. Garbage, tools, and equipment will be picked up and disposed of or stored properly at all times.

9. Maintain compatible working relationships with fellow workers, other crews, and supervisors. An attitude of cooperation will be expected from all crewmembers.

B. Sexual or ethnic harassment will not be tolerated. Conduct of this nature will be considered grounds for immediate removal.

C. Possession of firearms, intoxicating beverages, marijuana, and any form of controlled substance not prescribed by a physician is prohibited. Possession or any evidence of usage constitutes grounds for immediate discharge. This applies from the time of dispatch until returned to point of hire.

D. All members have the responsibility to see that these rules are followed and to take action to prevent violations.

E. Violation of any of the above rules of conduct can result in the immediate removal of the individual(s) involved from the fire and camp. Violations by individual crewmembers may result in the entire crew being sent home. All violations will be reported to the Home Unit for possible disciplinary action.

XI. Injury Compensation.

A.Individuals must disclose any and all existing ailments or injuries before being sent on assignment.

B. All injuries or illnesses are to be reported to the work supervisor immediately. Injuries or illnesses requiring medical treatment should be reported to the Squad boss as soon as possible. The member and supervisor must complete all appropriate accident reporting forms.

C. Decisions as to whether to retain personnel who sustained injuries or illnesses will

be based on advice provided by medical personnel providing treatment.

D. Once called up by the Bureau of Forestry a member is covered by their Workman’s Comp. Insurance

XIV. Disciplinary Procedures.

A. Responsibilities

Crew bosses will provide written, complete, accurate, unbiased documentation of all offenses. Documentation will include supporting statements and all facts pertinent to the commission of the offense(s).

B. Notification/Documentation: Within 15 days, EFC will send a letter to the affected individual(s) or crew, which states:

1. Nature of the offense.

2. Additional disciplinary action imposed, if any, beyond the initial action, and when such disciplinary action is to begin and end.

3. Suggestion(s) for what the individual or crew should do to correct the offense or prevent future termination, probation, or suspension.

4. Name and address to which the individual(s) or crew may appeal.

5. That the affected parties must given written notice of their desire to appeal.

6. That the written notice of appeal must be hand-delivered or postmarked within thirty (30) days of receipt of the letter.

7. That copies must be sent of the letter via Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, as follows:

• In the case of an individual, send to the individual, crew boss, and EFC Fire Chief.

• In the case of a crew, send to the crew boss (with instructions to inform other crewmembers), and EFC Fire Chief.


PURPOSE: To provide an alternative Qualification and Dispatch tracking system for District 17 Wildland Fdirefighters and Warden Crews. The program falls within existing condition of appointment to Wardens and maintains authority to the District Forest Fire Warden and the Forest Fire Specialist Supervisors (FFSS).

INTRODUCTION: The system concept is based on natural training progression from basic local crews to the Red Card Specialized Crews that are already established. This is a three tier approach to District 17 guidelines.

  1. Basic “IN DISTRICT” local warden crews will remain as is with the Forest Fire Warden or Assistant Warden encouraging the minimum training standard. IE Pa -130, I-100. The crews, Wardens and Assistant Wardens will be compensated per the published Fire Equipment and Manpower Rates for the specific year.
  2. Wardens and Crews wishing to travel out of district would require additional training. The standard level of training for this level shall be Pa-130, S-190, I-100, PMS-416. Also required would be Fitness level B which is the 25lb. Walk test for two miles in 30 minutes. This group would be issued a District 17 “BLUE CARD” which is good for two years, but will require annual refresher training for fitness test and fire shelter deployment. Additional advanced training would also be noted on the card such as s-212 sawyer, s-211 pumps, etc… Blue card holders would be placed up on a call-up list the same a s a red card firefighter. Blue card firefighters must understand that the standard work shift on any out of district assignment will be 12 hours on the fire scene, including assignment briefing and orientation. A Blue carded Warden or Assistant Warden on assignment must supervise blue carded firefighters. Blue Cards can be terminated at any time by the Warden. Assistant Warden, FFSS, District Fire Warden, State Forest Fire Warden.
  3. Red Card holders will still follow Specialized Crew Standards and can be issued a Blue Card upon request if they are a member of a Forest Fire Wardens Crew. Blue Cards will be issued from the District 17 Office and signed by the District Forest Fire Warden. Blue Cards will be sent to the FFSS for review and signature, and then they will be forwarded to the Crews Warden.

Blue Carded Crews: The crew must have a Warden or Assistant that has a valid blue card.

Membership: Must be 18 years of age.

Work Capacity: Must walk 2 mile in 30 minutes with 25lb pack (must be done every year)

Training Requirements:

PA-130 Basic Wild land Firefighting16 hour course

S-190 Introduction to Wild land Fire Behavior6 hour course

I-100Introduction to ICS2 hour course

PMS-416 Standards for survival8 hour course

Annual Fire shelter deployment refresher2 hours a year

Personal Protective Equipment: All fire line members must wear PPE as required in the PA-130 Course.

Team Building: All fire line members must work together as a team and engage in a positive and productive behavior.

Supervision: The crew must be under supervision of a blue card Warden or Assistant.


Crew size: The standard crew size shall be 10 firefighters. If a crew responds out of district with less than 10, those members will be paired with another crew once on scene.

Standard Work Shift: 12 hours on fire line including assignment briefing ,orientation and transport time to fire line.

Fire Line Tools: The crew will respond with their own hand tools. The crew must be self supportive for a 12 hour work period.

Communications: The Crew will respond with a hand held VHF FM Radio that is field programmable. The crew may use their own radios for intra crew communications.

Transportation: The transportation starts from the time a crew member leaves their residence to a destination point. Warden or Assistant and Crew members will meet at a designated area, -location will be given by the FFSS or designee. At this location, the Warden or Assistant, will have a roster completed in duplicate with NAME, SSN, TRAVEL MILAGE, AND TRAVEL TIMES. A copy will be turned into an ICS representative upon arrival.

Wardens Responsibility: Submit form 35 to FFSS. The FFSS reviews and submits to receiving district.

Manpower & Mileage Rates: The Crew will be compensated per the yearly published rates.

Pennsylvania Child Labor Laws

Section 7.1. No minor under sixteen years of age shall be employed or permitted to work in, about, or in connection with, any establishment or in any occupation before seven o'clock in the morning or after seven o'clock in the evening of any day except during school vacation period from June to Labor Day when such minor may work between the hours of seven o'clock in the morning and ten o'clock in the evening nor shall such minor who is enrolled in school and working outside school hours be employed or permitted to work in, about, or in connection with, any establishment or in any occupation more than four hours on a school day, or more than eight hours on any other day, or more than eighteen hours during a school week: Provided, That, students fourteen years of age and over whose employment is part of a recognized school-work program, supervised by a recognized school authority, may be employed for hours which, combined with the hours spent in school, do not exceed eight a day: And further provided, That minors over the age of fourteen may be employed in the distribution, sale, exposing or offering for sale, of any newspaper, magazine, periodical or other publication for not more than fifty-one hours in any one week, or more than nine hours in any one day, and after six o'clock in the morning and before eight o'clock in the evening: And further provided, That a minor under sixteen years of age employed on a farm by a person other than the farmer in the hatching, raising or harvesting of poultry may be employed or permitted to work until 10 o'clock in the evening as long as the minor is not working in an agricultural occupation declared hazardous by the United States Secretary of Labor.