English I Honors Syllabus
English I Honors
Syllabus/Grading Policy
Contact information:
Mrs. Bax708-371-1111 Ext. 3054
"Adolescents entering the adult world in the 21st century will read and write more than at any other time in human history. They will need advanced levels of literacy to perform their jobs, run their households, act as citizens, and conduct their personal lives."
-- Richard Vaca, author of Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum
Required Materials:
- Pens and pencils
- A notebook and/or paper & folder used only for this class. Do not share it with other classes.
- Your I-Pad always
Grading Policy:
Your final grade will reflect your mastery of the skills learned throughout the whole semester. This will come from many places. Your common assessments, quizzes, tests, essays, homework, in-class work, and final exam will all be a major component of your grade.
Major Assessments-Unit Exams and Essays - These tasks are to demonstrate that you have completely mastered the skill(s) that we have been covering. These assignments will make up 65% of total grade. Retakes will be allowed in this category given that students follow the teacher’s plan for retaking that assignment. This may include attending extra tutoring before, during, or after school---or completing an extra or different assignment. This will not be done in a punitive manner but to ensure that the student improves the product from one submission to the next.
Teacher Assessments/Quizzes - These tasks are done to periodically check/assess your understanding of the skills taught in class as we move toward mastery. These assignments will make up 20% of total grade.
Homework/Practice- These tasks serve to reinforce the skill(s) taught through guided practice (i.e. homework, in-class assignments, etc.). These assignments will make up 15% of the total grade.
***No late work will be accepted for FULL credit but may be turned in for teacher feedback & completion credit minimum of 50%. Teacher discretion will be used for redo/retake credit for late/incomplete work; however, any work may be reevaluated at any time for feedback.
Grading Scale
92-100% =A (Excellent)
82-91%=B (Above Average)
72-81%=C (Average)
65-71%=D (Below Average) *Refer to Redo/Retake Policy
51-64%=F (Needs Improvement) *Refer to Redo/Retake Policy
50%=F (Late and/or Incomplete Assignments-See policies above)
0% = Missing (may be completed for passing credit)
Semester Grade Breakdown
- 65%Common Unit Assessments and/or other major unit assessments or tests
- 20%Other Assessments (i.e. quizzes, labs, essays, portfolios, performances)
- 15%Practice (i.e. homework, class assignments)
Grading Period Breakdown
- Semester 1 = 80% (Aug-Dec)Semester 2 = 80% (Jan-May)
+Final Exam (each semester) = 20% of semester total
- = Semester Grade 100% (course grade on transcript)
Academic Integrity
Only turn in your own original work. Deliberate plagiarism is claiming, indicating, implying that the ideas, words, and sentences of another are one’s own. It includes copying the words of another or following the work of another as a guide to ideas and expressions that are then presented as one’s own. Cheating, copying, or plagiarizing will result in an automatic zero.
The following information has been taken directly from the 1:1 Technology on the District website and are just some of the highlights:
Student Responsibilities
-Charging the iPad
It is the student’s responsibility to have the iPad charged each day before coming to school.
-iPads Left at Home
Loaners are not available. If students leave their iPads at home, they are still responsible for completing coursework. Repeat violations may be referred for disciplinary action.
Students are allowed to install appropriate iPad apps from the App Store and are responsible for those apps. Inappropriate material will result in disciplinary action. The iOS and apps originally installed by the District must remain on the iPad in usable condition and be easily accessible at all times. Educational apps take precedence over personal apps. In the event that storage space is needed, apps downloaded by the student will be removed.
-Camera and Microphone Use
Use of the cameras and microphone during school are strictly prohibited unless permission is granted by District staff.
Students have no expectation of privacy in the use of the District-owned iPad or the District provided Google Apps for Education account. iPads and accounts are subject to inspection at any time without notice, including, but not limited to, emails, messages, and files transmitted or stored on the iPad.
- RESPECT – Every rule falls under the category of respect. Respect yourself, your teacher, your peers, and everyone at Shepard. This will be a great class if you do the following:
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Bring ALL appropriate materials to class.
- Be in your seat and prepared to begin class (sitting with your iPad or handout and pen/pencil out) when the bell rings.
- DO NOT bring food and/or beverage in this classroom!!!
- Cell phones will be immediately confiscated and provided to your dean.
- Contribute respectfully. Be kind to yourself and others in your words and in your actions.
- Listen thoughtfully. Don’t just wait for your turn to speak.
- Hold high expectations for yourself and for others. Try even when you think you can’t, and even when you think you won’t like it.
- Learn from your mistakes.
“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.”
– Les Brown
Parent/Student Contract
I have read the English I syllabus understand the expectations and grading policies defined in it.
STUDENT’S NAME (please print):______
I have read the English I syllabus with my student(s) and understand the expectations and grading policies defined in it.