Main Planning Event
Bizerte, Tunisia 29-30 March 2017

Main Planning Event Minutes

29-30 March 2017

In the spirit of U.S.-Tunisian cooperation and in order to prepare for a bilateral in, aMain Planning Event (MPE) was held at the Headquarters (HQ)of the Special Forces Group in Bizerte, Tunisia 29-30 March2017. The meeting was chaired by:

Tunisian Armed Forces / US Armed Forces
- Colonel ZiedSnoussi,
- Colonel Ayoub Blanco,
- Colonel Moez Ben Mohamed,
- Major SlahMealoui,
-Major NaoufelGaaya,
-LT Badr Salah Ben Salem,
-Sergeant Major Adel Nahdi / - LtCol Sinclair Smith
- LtCol Carlos Ybarra
- LtCol Christian Kelly
- MAJ Justin Sisak
- MAJ Eric McCoy
- Capt Jason Kern
- Capt Richard Spicer
- Mr. Tim Gray
- Mr. Jim Krajicek

The meeting has focused on the following topics:

  1. Training Construct
  2. Training Objectives
  3. Participating Forces Size
  4. Planning and Execution Dates
  5. Draft Training Plan
  6. Concept of Logistics
  7. Way Ahead

I. Training Construct

  1. Concept of Exercise
  1. Tunisian and US military forces conduct a 10 day bilateral military exercise at the platoon level focused on small unit tactics techniques and procedures. This exercise will enhance the ability of the Tunisian Armed Forces to counter-Violent Extremist Organizations (VEOs), degrade VEOs in Tunisia.
  2. The Training will take place at Cap Serrat training facility and will follow the training plan set forth in paragraph V below.
  3. US forces will billet in vicinity of Camp Serrat live fire range
  4. Tunisian Armed Forces will provide outer security for exercise force

II. Training Objectives

  1. Small Unit Level Tactics to include combined arms
  2. Platoon level deliberate attacks with live fire and maneuver
  3. Platoon level day and night patrolling
  4. Static Line Airborne Operations
  5. Counter Improved Explosive Device Tactics
  6. Rotary Wing Close Air Support
  7. MEDEVAC (TCCC) Training
  8. Marksmanship training

III. Participating Forces Size

A. U.S. Personnel

  1. Infantry Company HQ (rein)
  2. Joint Fires Observer/ Joint Tactical Air Controller (ANGLICO FCT)
  3. CIED Personnel (USMC NAVSCHOOL EOD, 101stSrNCO)
  4. Sniper/Scout Personnel
  5. Jump Master & Pathfinder Personnel
  6. Air Assault Instructor(s) – (101st ABN ASSLT School)
  7. Combat Medic(s) – 68W with CLS Kit/Medic Bag(s)
  8. Infantry Platoon(30 pax)
  9. Logistics Section

B. Tunisian Forces

  1. Airborne Company HQ
  2. Airborne Platoon
  3. C-130 Aircraft for airborne operations
  4. Helicopter for RW CAS (OH-58/ AB205)
  5. Enablers
  6. 61st EN C-IED/EOD Instructors
  7. Forward Air Controllers
  8. 1 Helicopter for MEDEVAC (AB205)

IV. Planning and Execution Dates

  1. Initial Planning Event: 1-2 Dec 2016, Tunisia
  2. Main Planning Event: 27-31 Mar 2017, Tunisia
  3. Final Planning Event:5-10 Jun 2017, Tunisia
  4. Deployment and Prep: 14-16 Aug 2017, Tunisia
  5. Exercise Execution: 17- 26 Aug 2017, Tunisia
  6. Cultural Day: 26 Aug 2017
  7. Redeployment: TBD

V. Draft Training Plan

  1. 17 Aug- 19 Aug: Academics focused on CIED training, MEDEVAC procedures, patrolling and marksmanship, CAS
  2. 20 Aug: Patrolling practical application and night patrolling classes
  3. 21 Aug – 22Aug: Squad and Platoon Deliberate attacks, and Consolidation on the objective
  4. 23 Aug: Live Fire and Maneuver Rehearsals
  5. 24 Aug: Airborne Operation and Patrolling to objective IVO Cap Serrat
  6. 25 Aug FINEX – Live Fire and Maneuver / AAR
  7. 26 Aug: Cultural day
  8. 27 Aug: Redeployment of US Forces

VI. Logistics

  1. US requested transportation to and from airport for exercise participants and equipment.
  2. Tunisians will provide interpreters as required
  3. US requested tents, cots, tables and chairs, projector(s).
  4. US requested power, and lighting.
  5. Tunisians will provide ammo estimate.
  6. US request trash pick-up at the training sites.

VI. Way Ahead

  1. US will confirm which type of unit will participate in Exercise prior to FPE.
  2. US request ability to have personnel certify drop zone NLT FPE.
  3. US request ability to have personnel certify aircraft to be used for Airborne operations
  4. Tunisians request US forces with training for designated Marksman with expertise with Barrett 50 cal rifle
  5. US will provide a draft RW CAS period of instruction for the FPE
  6. US will provide a storyline for FINEX. Storyline will include time-scripted events which will assess training audience ability to execute training conducted on 17-23 Aug. Storyline will be submitted to Tunisian MOD for review and changes (if necessary) before FPE.
  7. Training Assessment of US Forces platoon will be unit internal

For The United States
LtCol Sinclair Smith, USMC
LtCol Carlos Ybarra, USMCR
USMARFOREUR/AF / For The Republic of Tunisia
Colonel Ayoub Blanco
1st Battalion Commander
Colonel Zied Snoussi,
Interim GFS Commander