Main Planning Event
Bizerte, Tunisia 29-30 March 2017
Main Planning Event Minutes
29-30 March 2017
In the spirit of U.S.-Tunisian cooperation and in order to prepare for a bilateral in, aMain Planning Event (MPE) was held at the Headquarters (HQ)of the Special Forces Group in Bizerte, Tunisia 29-30 March2017. The meeting was chaired by:
Tunisian Armed Forces / US Armed Forces- Colonel ZiedSnoussi,
- Colonel Ayoub Blanco,
- Colonel Moez Ben Mohamed,
- Major SlahMealoui,
-Major NaoufelGaaya,
-LT Badr Salah Ben Salem,
-Sergeant Major Adel Nahdi / - LtCol Sinclair Smith
- LtCol Carlos Ybarra
- LtCol Christian Kelly
- MAJ Justin Sisak
- MAJ Eric McCoy
- Capt Jason Kern
- Capt Richard Spicer
- Mr. Tim Gray
- Mr. Jim Krajicek
The meeting has focused on the following topics:
- Training Construct
- Training Objectives
- Participating Forces Size
- Planning and Execution Dates
- Draft Training Plan
- Concept of Logistics
- Way Ahead
I. Training Construct
- Concept of Exercise
- Tunisian and US military forces conduct a 10 day bilateral military exercise at the platoon level focused on small unit tactics techniques and procedures. This exercise will enhance the ability of the Tunisian Armed Forces to counter-Violent Extremist Organizations (VEOs), degrade VEOs in Tunisia.
- The Training will take place at Cap Serrat training facility and will follow the training plan set forth in paragraph V below.
- US forces will billet in vicinity of Camp Serrat live fire range
- Tunisian Armed Forces will provide outer security for exercise force
II. Training Objectives
- Small Unit Level Tactics to include combined arms
- Platoon level deliberate attacks with live fire and maneuver
- Platoon level day and night patrolling
- Static Line Airborne Operations
- Counter Improved Explosive Device Tactics
- Rotary Wing Close Air Support
- MEDEVAC (TCCC) Training
- Marksmanship training
III. Participating Forces Size
A. U.S. Personnel
- Infantry Company HQ (rein)
- Joint Fires Observer/ Joint Tactical Air Controller (ANGLICO FCT)
- Sniper/Scout Personnel
- Jump Master & Pathfinder Personnel
- Air Assault Instructor(s) – (101st ABN ASSLT School)
- Combat Medic(s) – 68W with CLS Kit/Medic Bag(s)
- Infantry Platoon(30 pax)
- Logistics Section
B. Tunisian Forces
- Airborne Company HQ
- Airborne Platoon
- C-130 Aircraft for airborne operations
- Helicopter for RW CAS (OH-58/ AB205)
- Enablers
- 61st EN C-IED/EOD Instructors
- Forward Air Controllers
- 1 Helicopter for MEDEVAC (AB205)
IV. Planning and Execution Dates
- Initial Planning Event: 1-2 Dec 2016, Tunisia
- Main Planning Event: 27-31 Mar 2017, Tunisia
- Final Planning Event:5-10 Jun 2017, Tunisia
- Deployment and Prep: 14-16 Aug 2017, Tunisia
- Exercise Execution: 17- 26 Aug 2017, Tunisia
- Cultural Day: 26 Aug 2017
- Redeployment: TBD
V. Draft Training Plan
- 17 Aug- 19 Aug: Academics focused on CIED training, MEDEVAC procedures, patrolling and marksmanship, CAS
- 20 Aug: Patrolling practical application and night patrolling classes
- 21 Aug – 22Aug: Squad and Platoon Deliberate attacks, and Consolidation on the objective
- 23 Aug: Live Fire and Maneuver Rehearsals
- 24 Aug: Airborne Operation and Patrolling to objective IVO Cap Serrat
- 25 Aug FINEX – Live Fire and Maneuver / AAR
- 26 Aug: Cultural day
- 27 Aug: Redeployment of US Forces
VI. Logistics
- US requested transportation to and from airport for exercise participants and equipment.
- Tunisians will provide interpreters as required
- US requested tents, cots, tables and chairs, projector(s).
- US requested power, and lighting.
- Tunisians will provide ammo estimate.
- US request trash pick-up at the training sites.
VI. Way Ahead
- US will confirm which type of unit will participate in Exercise prior to FPE.
- US request ability to have personnel certify drop zone NLT FPE.
- US request ability to have personnel certify aircraft to be used for Airborne operations
- Tunisians request US forces with training for designated Marksman with expertise with Barrett 50 cal rifle
- US will provide a draft RW CAS period of instruction for the FPE
- US will provide a storyline for FINEX. Storyline will include time-scripted events which will assess training audience ability to execute training conducted on 17-23 Aug. Storyline will be submitted to Tunisian MOD for review and changes (if necessary) before FPE.
- Training Assessment of US Forces platoon will be unit internal
For The United States
LtCol Sinclair Smith, USMC
LtCol Carlos Ybarra, USMCR
USMARFOREUR/AF / For The Republic of Tunisia
Colonel Ayoub Blanco
1st Battalion Commander
Colonel Zied Snoussi,
Interim GFS Commander