Eastlake Middle School Physical Education Expectation Sheet
A. Uniform
1. Plain green shorts, plain grey shirt are available for purchase for $15.00/set. Shorts $ 8, Shirts $ 7. You need to pay either the teacher or the main office.
3. Tennis shoes and socks must be worn in class. Sandals, backless shoes, platform shoes,barefoot running shoes are prohibited for your own safety.
4. Locks and Lockers will be issued to each student. You are not allowed to share locks/lockers. Your lock and locker are your responsibility!!
5. Any gum or candy is prohibited in the gym.
6. Place jewelry, money, and any other valuables in your school locker before you come to class; otherwise lock it up, This Is Your Responsibility!!
B. Borrowing Uniforms
1 uniform MAY be available to students for the period if needed. It MUST be returned at the end of the period to the borrow box. Uniforms are available on a first come first serve basis.
C. Dressing Policy
1. Every student is required to wear the appropriate attire to class. Your gym uniform must follow the school policy dress code, NO EXCEPTIONS!! If you do not change for class the following will occur:
1st 2nd and 3rdoffense – You lose points for that class period, which will cause your overall grade to drop.
4th offense – Phone call home will be made and we will notify the Principal/Asst. Principal that you are in jeopardy of failing for the quarter due to not dressing for class.
5th offense – You will receive a Failing Grade for the quarter.
2. You will also be given an assignment for makeup. So whether you are excused or unexcused, you will be required to make it up with a writing assignment or logged physical activity.
3. 5 minutes is given to change before and after class. Students will be dismissed from the gym when the bell rings at the end of period. Unless you have permission from the teacher, you are not allowed to be in the hallway for any reason.
D. Grading Policy
The grading will be based on a 3 point system/day.
Please refer to the Grading Rubric on the back of the sheet.
E. Medical Excuses
If a student will be missing 2 or more consecutive days of PE, a Doctor’s note is required. Otherwise if you miss one day, a note from a parent/guardian is sufficient.Any student out for a longer duration, 3 days or more, you will receive an assignment to be done on your own. You will have a choice of doing a written assignment or physical activity. This is a makeup for any and all missed classes due to illness or injury.
G. Webpage
I will be posting activities and units of my classes that I will be covering during the year. I do this to keep you informed of what we are doing and when we are doing it. Take a look, enjoy, and if you need to contact me all of my contact information will be listed in the webpage.
I have read and understand all of the above expectations. If you have any questions, contact,
Mr. Fellenstein or Mr. Ramming @ EMS @ 942.5696.
Verbal Warnings include but are not limited to:
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Talking during instruction
Detentions will be given for the following offenses, but are not limited to:
Any vulgarity, including physical gestures
Repeat Offenses
Insubordination towards the Teacher
Office Referrals will include but are not limited to:
Threatening physical harm towards another individual
Threatening a Teacher
Repeat offenses of not changing for class.
Is in jeopardy of failing class due to not dressing and/or not doing written assignments
Other factors that will negatively affect your grade include but are not limited to:
Chewing gum/candy during class time
Failing to remove jewelry
Excessive absenteeism
Daily Grade Rubric
Point Scale / Participation/Effort / Application ofSkill/Technique / Cooperation/Attitude/
3 points / - Fully prepared for all activities
- Willingly participate in all activities with consistent effort
-Always works hard with occasional ‘”lapses” / - Shows definite skill improvement
- Demonstrates basic skills and strategies
- Consistent performance and effectiveness / - Always cooperative
- Works great with others
- Often enthusiastic and positive
- Sportsmanlike in most activities
2 points / - Partially prepared for class
- Tardy to class
- Inconsistent participation
- Goes through the motions with little effort / - Meeting challenges, performing basic
- Satisfactory performance and effectiveness
- Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of skills / - Cooperative at times
- Works with others within structured activities
-Shows some enthusiasm
- Sportsmanlike under supervision
1 point / - Not Prepared for class
- Neglects to participate in activities (off task)
-Often interferes with the learning of others / - Inability to demonstrate knowledge or understanding of activity after it has been introduced
- Inconsistent performance and effectiveness / - Uncooperative
- Unsportsmanlike conduct
- Argumentative
-Refusal to follow directions