Peninsula-Delaware Conference

Higher Education Day

Need Based Scholarship Application

Requirements for Application:

-Active in United Methodist Church within the Peninsula Delaware Conference.

-Will be attending an accredited College or University in the 2017-2018 academic year.

Directions for Applicant:

-Complete the following application to the best of your ability

-Attach a transcript from your High School, College or University, or Seminary.

-Attach Pastor’s letter

-Attach a Word Document containing the following: (Word Limit 300 for each item)

  1. Briefly list any leadership roles held and activities you have been involved in the United Methodist Church on the Local, District, or Conference level.
  2. Attach an explanation of the importance of The United Methodist Church on your growth as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
  3. Briefly describe how your education will prepare you to make an impact on the world and be a leader through your chosen career (Limit this answer to 1 double-spaced page).

Personal Information

Name: Date:

Email address:Phone #:

Home Address:

Financial Information

Household Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) (line 37 from your Federal Form 1040):

Number in Household:

Number of dependents within your immediate family attending college/university in the fall:

Total Savings, Checking Acct: Veteran’s or GI Benefits:

Scholarships and Grants Awarded:

Work Study:Other Income:

Total Loans for Prior Years:

Expected Expenses

1st Choice College/University:

Tuition & Fees: Housing:

Books & Required Course Supplies: Food:

Transportation:Clothing & Laundry:

Medical Care: Child Support/Alimony:

Other Expenses:

2nd Choice College/University:

Tuition & Fees: Housing:

Books & Required Course Supplies: Food:

Transportation:Clothing & Laundry:

Medical Care: Child Support/Alimony:

Other Expenses:

*Please attach any further details if any of the preceding items require additional itemization, and/or explanation or how you plan to pay for your expenses if the income above is lower than the expenses.

*Please attach any further Financial Circumstances that may not have been covered in the previous listings.

Church Information

Home Church:District:

Pastor’s Name:Phone #:



*All of the above information is correct to the best of my calculations and understanding.

Return all required forms to the Felton Edwin May Conference Resource Center, 139 N. State Street. Dover, Delaware, 19901 Deadline is April 9, 2018