Ohr Kodesh Congregation
8300 Meadowbrook Lane * Chevy Chase, MD 20815 * 301-589-3880* Fax:301-495-4801
High Holiday + Registration Application – 2017~57785
Please complete and return this entire formbyFriday, August 11!
FAMILY INFORMATION: Family Name(s): ______
(Please enter your Family Name in the space provided at the top of each page, in case pages are copies or separated.)
Congregation Affiliation: CHECK ONEOhr KodeshNone Other:______
Adult/Member 1:Last Name First Name M.I.Work PhoneCell Phone E-Mail Address
Adult/Member 2: Last Name First Name M.I.Work PhoneCell Phone E-Mail Address
______Relationship to AdultMember(s):
Family Member 1:Last NameFirst Name M.I. Date of BirthParentChild of MemberOther: ______
E-Mail Address: ______If child: School Grade: _____School: ______
______Relationship to Adult/Member:
Family Member 2:Last NameFirst Name M.I. Date of BirthParentChild of MemberOther: ______
E-Mail Address: ______If child: School Grade: _____School: ______
______Relationship to Adult/Member:
Family Member 3:Last NameFirst Name M.I. Date of BirthParentChild of MemberOther: ______
E-Mail Address: ______If child: School Grade: _____School: ______
______Relationship to Adult/Member:
Family Member 4:Last NameFirst Name M.I. Date of BirthParentChild of MemberOther: ______
E-Mail Address: ______If child: School Grade: _____School: ______
______Relationship to Adult/Member:
Family Member 5:Last NameFirst Name M.I. Date of BirthParentChild of MemberOther: ______
E-Mail Address: ______If child: School Grade: _____School: ______
____ I/We will need handicap parking for the High Holidays. (A pass will be sent to you in the mail.)
Please indicate below ANY special needs for any of the individuals above that Ohr Kodesh may
need to be aware of, e.g. - seating limitations, necessity for hearing assistance devices (available for use in both the Main Sanctuary and Social Hall services), food allergies for children, etc.:
This section is for office use only:Date Rec’d: ______Amt Rec’d: ______
# Seats Assigned:
SANCTUARY: _____--->Section: _____ Row: _____ Seat No.(s): ______
SOCIAL HALL: _____ (Note: Seating in the Social Hall is "open seating"; i.e. - no assigned seats)
FAMILY SERVICE: _____Children: ______Youth: ______BABYSITTING: ______
Family Name(s): ______(Please enter in case pages are copied or separated.)
ADULT SERVICES(+YouthSeats):Please note which of our two services you wish to attend:
I/We would like ______Member Adult seats in the Main Sanctuary @ $265 each
I/We would like ______NON-Member Adult seats in the Main Sanctuary @ $330 each
I/We are ages 21-30 and would like ____ Adult seats in the Main Sanctuary (No charge)
I/We would like ______Member Youth seats @ $80 each *Youthseats are for children in Grades 4-7, and
individuals13 - 20who reside in your household and/orare college students.
Seating Choice -Section: ______
(Refer to Seating sections below.)1st choice2nd choice 3rd choice
I/We would like to be seated near: ______
I/We would like ______Member Adult seats in the Social Hall @ $245 each
I/We would like ______NON-Member Adult seats in the Social Hall @ $310 each
I/We are ages 21-30 and would like ____ Adult seats in the Social Hall (No charge)
I/We would like ______Member Youth seats @ $80 each *Youthseats are for children in Grades 4-7, and
individuals13 - 20who reside in your household and/orare college students.
Be aware that there is "Open Seating" in the Social Hall service; i.e. - NO assigned seats; but special arrangements CAN be made for specific needs that must be addressed: ______
*Seats for Rosh Hashanah-only or Yom Kippur-only are 60% of above.
**IMPORTANT: Youth in Grades 4 - 7 are expected to participate in the main services until 11:15 AM; Families are therefore expected to order seats for them above AND below as needed (the$80 fee includes both).
Seating Sections in the Main Sanctuary
These are1 hour programs geared for families with children 7 and under. These services run from 9:15 – 10:15 AM on the 1st day of Rosh Hashanah and 9:45 – 10:45 AM on Yom Kippur. Please rank your preference for each service. We will do our best to accommodate you, but due to high volume and space constraints, that may not be possible. (In recent years, these services have been over-subscribed and we have had to maintain waiting lists.)
If your family has purchased seats in one of the regular adult services, there is no additional charge for attendance at this service. For those who have not purchased other High Holiday seats at Ohr Kodesh, there is an $80/family charge. Confirmation of your space will be sent by mail in the days prior to the holidays.
We would like to request space for the Family Service and/or the Song Stories as per below (Rank 1 or 2).
Day 1 RH: ___ Family Service OR ___ Song & Stories____ adults +____ child(ren)
Yom Kippur:___ Family Service OR___ Song & Stories____ adults +____ child(ren)
Family Name(s): ______(Please enter in case pages are copied or separated.)
Ohr Kodesh is pleased to offer High Holiday services and babysitting on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur for children ages 18 months to 7th Grade. Services include interactive prayers, activities and stories to ensure that children of all ages will have a meaningful High Holiday experience. Children are grouped according to age and grade.
BABYSITTING: Babysitting Services will be offeredfor children ages 18 months to 8 years old, by advance request, on the second day of Rosh Hashanah, from 9:30 – 10:30 AM, at Kol Nidrei/Yom Kippurfrom 5:45 PM until the adult services conclude (approx. 8:00 PM), and at Neilah/Yom Kippur from 4:15 PM until the services conclude.
Cost is $10/child/session if reserved by Friday, Aug. 11; $15/child/session thereafter.
Please list the names and ages of the children and check the days that you are enrolling them in Babysitting.
NameAge/Grade 2nd day of R.H. Kol NidreiNeilah
18 MONTHS – 3rd Grade: Youth Programming will be offeredfor children ages 18 months – 3rd grade on both mornings of Rosh Hashanah, from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM, and on the morning of Yom Kippur,from 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM. (During Kol Nidrei/Yom Kippurbabysitting will be available for all children ages 18 months – 3rd grade from 5:45 PM until the adult services conclude – see above.)
Parents may EITHER pay $80, which includes both youth services AND a seat with parents in the adult service, OR $60/child for only the youth services.
Please list the names and ages of the children and check the days that you are enrolling them in Youth Programs.
NameAge/Grade 1stday of R.H.2nd day of R.H.Yom Kippur
4th – 7th Grade: Services for children in 4th – 7th grades will be offered on both mornings of Rosh Hashanah, from 11:15 AM – 12:30 PM, during Kol Nidrei/Yom Kippurfrom 6:00 – 8:00 PM, and on the morning of Yom Kippurfrom 11:45 AM – 1:15 PM. At all other times, children in 4th-7th grades are expected to sit in adult services with parents.
Cost is $80, which includes both youth services AND a seat with parents in the adult service.(Indicate choice below.)
Please list the names and ages of the children and check the days that you are enrolling them in Youth Services.
NameGrade 1st day-R.H.2nd day-R.H.Kol NidreiDay-Y. K.
You will be sent tickets by mail. To help ensure safety and security, those attending Youth Services must be signed up in advance and parents must present a ticket. Please verify that your child’s ticket includes the name of a responsible adultwho will be present in the building and the correct service location (and seat number) and notify us of any inconsistency. In the event of an emergency, illness or behavioral problem, our staff will bring your child to your seat. (Readmission to the Youth Service following a behavioral incident will be at the discretion of the staff.)
Registration for 2017-18 OKC Youth Groups is now open! We hope your children will join us for a year full of amazing programming with our talented staff. To sign your children up, please go to:
Below is a list of age categories and annual dues.
Bonim (Kind. – 2nd Grade)$18($24 after Sept. 30) If you have any questions about youth groups,
Machar (Grades 3-5)$24($36 after Sept. 30) please contact Rachel Lang, OKCDirector
Kadima(Grades 6-8)$36($45 after Sept. 30) of Youth & Family Programming, at:
USY (Grades 9-12) $55($65 after Sept. 30) or 240-450-0676.
Family Name(s): ______(Please enter in case pages are copied or separated.)
High Holiday Greetings will be published in the Septemberissue of the Bulletin. This will consist of a list of names of those who have submitted agreeting. These must be received by Aug. 11. Publication of greetings received after that date may have to be delayed until the October issue. A $15 contribution for each greeting is requested.
Please indicate below how you would like the name(s) of those offering greetings to appear:
Greetings Offered By: ______
The Ohr Kodesh Book of Remembrance provides an opportunity for individuals to honor
beloved relatives, friends and other members of the congregation who are no longer with us.
It is distributed each year on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when we poignantly
remember those who have departed this world. The complete Memorial Service is included in the book so it may be used both at home and in the synagogue on the other occasions when we recite Yizkor.
We would like the following names to appear in the Book of Remembrance this year. (Note: The names of those whose memories have been perpetuated by their loved ones with a memorial plaque in our sanctuary are automatically included in the book. If you would like to order a permanent memorial plaque, please go to our website: or contact the office for an order form.)
All names must be received in the synagogue office by Wednesday, August 16 in order to ensure inclusion in this year’s Memorial Book. A $15 contribution for each name submitted is requested.
___ Please reprint the same names as were in last year's Book of Remembrance.
___ Please reprint the same names as were in last year's Book of Remembrance PLUS the names below:
Name(s) of Departed (Please print legibly) Being Remembered By: ______
The Social Action Committee of Ohr Kodesh has joined the HIAS Welcome Campaign and thereby committed to support sponsorship of a refugee family that will be resettled in the Maryland suburbs. Ohr Kodesh will help to furnish the family’s apartment, meet them at the airport when they arrive, and provide ongoing volunteer support, including English tutoring, help with employment, transportation and training to use public transit, and help with child care and children’s needs. We have already received generous in-kind donations of most furniture needed for the apartment. We are now seeking financial contributions to cover expenses such as moving expenses, internet service, grocery cards, metro farecards, summer camp or childcare, and extracurricular activity fees for the family’s children, clothing, school supplies, and household items that have not been donated. In the weeks ahead, we will be assigned a family and can be more specific about what is needed, but we anticipate that needs will reach $20,000. We invite you to contribute by indicating a voluntary contribution here: (and on the final page of this form – i.e. – “Fee Worksheet”):
I/we would like to contribute $______to Ohr Kodesh’s Refugee Resettlement efforts.
You may also contact the office to add a contribution to your Ohr Kodesh account, or contribute online via the Ohr Kodesh website, designating Refugee Project.Contribute via the project’s online fundraising page ( (All options can also be shared with family and friends outside the OKC community.)
If you have questions or wish to volunteer, contact Lisa Kleppel ( or 240-988-6540).
Family Name(s): ______(Please enter in case pages are copied or separated.)
ANNUAL GIVING CIRCLES: Celebrating Year One; Continuing Year Two
We are proud to announce the success and continuation of this element of Ohr Kodesh’s annual giving program. In its pilot year, 63 households contributed over $200K to our “new” Giving Circles.
We deeply appreciate this generous response, which helps to ensure that the congregation remains on sound footing into the future. Needless to say, we plan to continue the initiative and note that we are in the process of gathering feedback from existing participants and may yet make some modifications for the year ahead. In any event, we hope that all will continue their participation in Giving Circles and that the generosity of these supporters will inspire others to join the Giving Circle program. As we did last year, we are asking all who can to join an Ohr Kodesh Giving Circle. Answers to some common questions about the Giving Circle program are below:
What is a Giving Circle? A form of shared philanthropy and social investment that is designed to offer added financial support to our congregation – and also provide participating donors with the option to earmark some portion of their donation to specific congregational activities. Ultimately, we seek to cultivate a culture of giving.
What are the giving levels for this program? We want everyone to join one of Ohr Kodesh’s four Giving Circles: Pillars ($1,800); Leaders ($3,600); Heroes ($7,200) or Visionaries ($18,000).
I usually make a substantial donation at Kol Nidrei and to a lesser extent at various times during the year. Are you asking me to add a Giving Circle on top of what I already do? No. Those who join a Giving Circle will not be asked to contribute separately to the Kol Nidrei Appeal. Giving Circles are the new way that Ohr Kodesh wants to approach philanthropy in our community in the future. Eighty-five percent (85%) of the donation will go toward supporting routine costs of the congregation that are included in its operating budget – personnel, programming and facility. Giving Circle donors will have the added option to earmark the remaining 15% of their donation to specific congregational activities. That 15% portion will go into a Flexible Tzedakah Account (FTA).
What is a Flexible Tzekakah Account and why should I want one? If you join, for example, the Leaders Circle with a $3,600 contribution, 85% ($3,060) will go toward supporting ongoing operational expenses at Ohr Kodesh in the same way that Kol Nidrei Appeal contributions do. The remaining 15% ($540) will go into your FTA and can be used for any tax deductible activities that are carried out by Ohr Kodesh. You can apply your FTA for the Yizkor Booklet, High Holiday Greetings, to send Mishloach Manot (Purim baskets), or you can use the funds to send Mazel Tov, In Memory Of, or Thank You donations throughout the year or to make a donation to the Kiddush Committee or others. These funds could also be used for special programs; for example, you could use your FTA to help support the cost of a Cantor’s concert, or to help underwrite a special lecture.
Where can I learn more about the new Giving Circles program?Please contact our Executive Director, Jerry Kiewe.
AnnualGiving Circles/Kol Nidrei Appeal//Auxiliary Organizations:
Ohr Kodesh depends upon contributions to its Giving Circles and annual Kol Nidrei campaign to carry out vital functions and we encourage participation by all. We also provide opportunities for you to meet other members via its various auxiliaryorganizations and to earmark contributions that support important activities.
Annual Kol Nidrei Appeal- Ohr Kodesh encourages donations by all.Suggested levels: (but any amount is welcomed)___ $54 ___ $72 ___ $100 ___ $180 ___ $234 ___ $360___ $720 ___ $1,800
Annual Giving Circles- Ohr Kodesh is continuing this newer option that offers an opportunity to designate 15% of your contribution to a personal Flexible Tzedakah Account("FTA") - read more in the pages ahead.
Levels: Pillars: ___ $1,800Leaders: ___ $3,600Heroes:___ $7,200Visionaries:___ $18,000
Ohr Kodesh Kiddush Committee- Help Ohr Kodesh to maintain/augment our weekly kiddush offerings.
Suggested donation: ___ $50 ___ $100 ___ $180 (but any amount is welcomed)
Sisterhood- Contributions support the Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Annual dues: $20
Ohr Kodesh Retirees (Hazak) Group- Hazak is the national arm of the Conservative movement for people ages 55 and older. Members will be informed of regional and national programs of interest. Annual dues: $5 Identify interested member(s) here: ______
Family Name(s): ______(Please enter in case pages are copied or separated.)
The following organizations support the advancement of Conservative Judaism throughout the world and your contributions would be greatly appreciated:
Masorti -Masorti is the network of Conservative institutions in Israel including over 70 synagogues, a seminary, Kibbutz Hanaton, Moshav Shorashim, Neve Hana Youth Village, the NOAM Youth Movement and Ramah/NOAM Camps. Masorti’s mission is to promote traditional Judaism and establish and ensure religious tolerance and pluralism in Israeli society. Towards that end, Masorti conducts life-cycle religious ceremonies for all Israelis and Bar/Bat Mitzvah training for children with special needs.
I/We wish to contribute $18 $36 $72 $180 Other: $______
Friends of the Seminary -The Jewish Theological Seminary is a center of training for future rabbis, cantors, educators and lay leaders. Due to the generosity of synagogues and individual supporters, the Seminary is able to provide scholarships to its students, thereby ensuring that Conservative Judaism will continue to thrive.
I/We wish to contribute $18 $36 $72 $180 Other: $______
Fuchsberg Center -The Fuchsberg Center is the Conservative movement’s yeshiva in Jerusalem. Jews from all over the world visit the Fuchsberg Center to engage in study and open themselves to the enriched Jewish spiritual experiences offered by Jerusalem.
I/We wish to contribute $18 $36 $72 $180 Other: $______
Women’s League Torah Fund – provides scholarships for students studying at various Conservative training institutions – the Jewish Theological Seminary, H.L. Miller Cantorial School, the Davidson School, etc. and generally supports opportunities for people to participate in the mitzvah of Jewish scholarship and leadership. A beautiful Torah Fund pin is bestowed upon those contributing a minimum gift of $180, but all contributions are welcome.