Head Administrator of Governing Body Membership or Contact Notification
TheHead Administrator of Governing Body Membership or Contact Notification should becompletedif there is achange inthe Head Administrator or the Membership of the Governing Body or contact information for any Governing Body member.
Anyschool iseligibletosubmit aHead Administrator of Governing Body Membership or Contact Notification.
A substantivelycompletenotificationsubmitted byaCharter School willbeplacedonthe consent agendaof aregular PECmeeting.
Any notification may be removed from the consent agenda either before the scheduled PEC meeting or during the scheduled PEC meeting. If an item is removed from the consent agenda and school representatives are not available, the item will be added for consideration at the next scheduled PEC meeting.
Ifyou have questions aboutcompletingtheformoruploading documents,contact the Charter Schools Division by emailing .Workthrough theform,filling in allrequired fieldsand attachments(denoted by"*").Besuretosaveyourwork,even ifyou aren'tprepared to submityourform,so thatyoudonotloseyourdata.Notifications must be provided within 30 days of making any change, but should be provided as soon as possible.
Field / InstructionsCurrentOfficers,Members,orAdministrator / Identify the currently on file (prior to notification) Head Administrator, all governing body members and positions, and contact information. Note next to each if there is a change or no change.
Changes* / Identify the changes to Head Administrator, governing body members or positions, or contact information.
Request for Extension / If changing governing body membership, and a vacancy will not be filled within the 45 days identified in the contract make a request for an extension.
Governing Body Membership Structure* / Identify the current membership structure (number of positions and identification of positions, as applicable)
Forfurtherinformation regarding specificdocumentation requirements,seepages6–15 ofTheGuideand thesubstantivecompletenessrequirementsfound onpage3oftheseinstructions.
Approved BoardMinutes*
Attach evidencethattheproposedchangehasbeen approvedbythe charter school board (resignation accepted, member removed, designation/selection of new member, new Head Administrator Hired, old administrator terminated, placed on leave, or contract not renewed).
Affidavit and Disclosure *
Attach anAffidavit andDisclosureforany new Head Administrator or Governing Body Member.Eachform mustbesigned anddated by the individualnamedontheform.Theform mustbenotarizedbeforeit is scannedandattached to thenotification.
Resignation Letter
If board member resigned, attach signed and dated resignation letter.
Statement of Governing Body to Consult with PED
An updated “STATEMENT OF GOVERNING BODY TO CONSULT WITH PED” signed by all current
governing body members must be attached when there is a change in board membership.
Affidavit of Governing Body Member
An “AFFIDAVIT OF GOVERNING BODY MEMBER” must be signed by each new governing body member andverified by a notary public.
Anadministrativelycompletenotificationincludes the following:
☐ / Approved BoardMinutes- Comply with Open Meeting Law
- Board aligns with what is currently on file with PEC/CSD
- Demonstrates vote to remove and/or add board member AND/OR to terminate and/or hire new administrator
☐ / Affidavit and Disclosure (Adding only)
☐ / Resignation Letter (Removing only)
☐ / Statement of Governing Body to Consult with PED (Adding only)
☐ / Affidavitof Governing Body Member(Adding only)
Thefollowingchecklistwillbeusedtodeterminesubstantivecompletenessforthisnotification.Eachcriterion(ifapplicable) willeitherbedeemedacceptableornotacceptable.
Review / CriteriaApproved Board Minutes / Approved BoardMinutesthat:
☐Indicatethat thenotificationhasbeenapprovedbythe appropriateboard and isconsistentwith thesubmittedform.