Name of In Class Activity: Health Hands
Type of modalityHe / Health goals activity (health hands) Can also be called “High Five!” Health Goals
Type of play / parallel
Interaction pattern / aggregate
# of participants required / 1
Equipment/supplies / Paper, writing utensil, and free hand to trace
Facilities required/environment / table and chair
Precautions / Be careful not to drawl on hand
Task Analysis Sequence/Directions (Details of how a to move through the activity from start to finish so that a person could read your directions and know what to do) Here you would document the step by step directions of the activity (conducted in class) that you have been assigned.
1. Get a plain sheet of paper and a writing utensil
2. Place your non-dominant hand( or friend’s hand) on the paper, palm down and fingers separated
3. Use the pen/pencil to draw a continuous line tracing the outline of the hand
4. Remove hand and fill any missing lines to make an outline of a hand
5. Think of one’s overall health and brainstorm 5 health goals
6. Write one health goal in each finger space
7. There will be 5 goals filling each finger space
8. Optional (color each finger with different colored pencils, making sure you can still see the writing along each finger. Cut out your “health hand” and place somewhere where you can see your goals each day. You can also trace the other hand and create another five goals)
Activity Analysis (What is required of this activity without any adjustments, accommodations, alterations) played/performed just as it is..
Category / SkillsPrimary body position / Sitting in chair
Part of the body required / Both hands, arms and core
Movement / Bending, carrying in hands & arms, grasp: pincer, picking up, putting down objects, turning or twisting hands or arms
Physical / Dynamic sitting, bilateral integration, fine muscle coordination, gross muscle coordination, AROM upper extremities, visual -motor integration
Cognitive / Arousal/alertness, sustaining attention, organization and planning, problem solving: complex & simple, recognition: number & shape/form, spelling, strategy, abstract thought, writing, reading
Social / (if activity is done in a group) Maintaining social space, regulating behavior, self-expression, social conduct, showing respect & warmth and showing tolerance
Perception / Tactile and visual function
Communication/language / Reception to spoken language, expression of written language
Self-care / Caring for skin, teeth, hair, nails, etc.
Psychological/emotional (possible) / A lot of emotions could occur as one reflects on wellness and prepares health goals- joy, guilt, pain, anger, fear( of future goals), frustration. Within the actual activity could be frustrating if person cannot trace their hand well, frustrating if person cannot think of goals..
SIMPLIFYING AND COMPLICATING THIS ACTIVITY: Think of ways you could simplify or make more complex.
Ways to SIMPLIFY demands / Ways to make more COMPLEXCognitively / Instead of goals use emotions associated with one’s health- 5 emotions for each finger
Change the 5 overall health goals to just 5 physical health goals. Have healthy goals already printed out as examples and people can copy the ones they would like to try. (i.e. “go to bed earlier”) / Make 5 goals in different domains of health: social, emotional, financial, occupational, intellectual, physical, environmental and spiritual.
Physically / Print out a hand already traced, have a peer write for you / Use non-dominant hand to write goals and trace dominant hand
Socially / Complete this activity alone / Complete this activity with a group of people and have each participant share their goals