July 17-19 (3-Day Basic) and July 17-21 (5-Day Advanced) COMBINED AGENDA
Equity and Access to High Quality Public Education: National Policy Directions to Address Educational Disparities
Day 1: July 17, 2017 / Day 2: July 18, 2017 / Day 3: July 19, 2017 / Day 4: July 20, 2017 / Day 5: July 21, 2017
GWU, School of Media and Public Affairs, 805 21st Street NW, Room 309, Washington, DC / GWU, School of Media and Public Affairs, 805 21st Street NW, Room 309, Washington, DC / Capitol Hill / GWU, School of Media and Public Affairs, 805 21st Street NW, Room 309, Washington, DC / GWU, School of Media and Public Affairs, 805 21st Street NW, Room 309, Washington, DC
7:30-8:30 Continental Breakfast / 7:30-8:30 Continental Breakfast / 7:45-8:20 Continental Breakfast / 7:30-8:30 Continental Breakfast / 7:30-8:30 Continental Breakfast
8:30-9:30Welcome & Introductions
Michael Feuer, Ph.D. Dean, GSEHD, George Washington University
John Kelly, Ph.D. NASP President 2017-2018
Public Policy Theory & Education
Nate von der Embse, Ph.D. NASP GPR Co-chair & Asst. Professor, U of S. Florida
Overview of the Institute
Stacy Skalski, Ph.D. NASP
Carol Kochhar-Bryant, Ph. D. GWU
Angela Heishman, GWU
CONFIRMED / 8:30-9:30 FEATURED FEDERAL SESSION 1: A Conversation with the Asst. Secretary about Federal Programs and Priorities for Public Education
Jason Botel, Asst. Secretary of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education, FormerWhite House Education Policy Advisor, and Founder of KIPP Ujima Village Academy in Baltimore
Monifa McKnight
U.S. Department of Education Campus Principal Ambassador Fellow
Principal, Ridgeview Middle School
Montgomery County Public Schools (MD)
Location:U.S. Capitol’s Visitor Center (Senate Side) SVC 203-02
Thank you to our legislative sponsor the Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee.
8:20-8:30 Introductions and Brief Overview of the Hill Day
Facilitator: Stacy Skalski, Ph.D. NASP Director of Professional Policy and Practice
8:30-9:30 Legislative Capitol Hill Panel with Invited Capitol Hill Staff
Invited Panelists:
Jarred Solomon, Legislative Assistant, Sen. Bob Casey (PA)
Geoff Browning, Education Legislative Assistant, Rep. Catherine Clark (MA-5th)
Karishma Merchant, Education Legislative Assistant, Sen. Tim Kaine (VA)
Brad Thomas; Education Policy Advisor, House Committee on Education and the Workforce, Majority Staff
Matt Stern, Education Professional Staff, Senate HELP Committee, Majority Staff
Allie Kimmel, Senior Education Policy Advisor for the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee under Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-WA) / Special Topic Theme
8:30-9:00 TED Talk Warm-Up Activity and Video Presentation
Teaching Students in Poverty: Applying the Equity LiteracyFramework
Paul Gorski, Ph.D. George Mason University, Author of Reaching and Teaching Students in Poverty
CONFIRMED / Special Topic Theme
8:30-10:30 FEATURED SPEAKER: Exploring Personal and System Bias Through Cultural and Traditional Influences: Teaching Tolerance
David Shriberg, Ph.D. Professor of Education, Loyola University Chicago
Sandy Flores, Doctoral Candidate Approved for Candidacy, Dissertation: An Examination of Multicultural Competence and Racial Colorblindness Among School Psychologists."Loyola University Chicago
9:30-9:35 Speaker Transition / 9:30-9:35 Speaker Transition / 9:30-3:00 Capitol Hill Activities
- Capitol Hill visits to elected officials offices
- Observe committee meetings and any floor activity
- Tour the Capitol
- Lunch on your own
9:35-10:45FEATURED SESSION--POLICY FOUNDATIONS 1: Federal Education Policy—Past, Present, and Future Directions
Maria Ferguson, Executive Director, Center on Education Policy / 9:35-10:35FEATURED FEDERAL SESSION 2: The Appropriate Federal Role for Public Education: Reducing Educational Disparities for All Youth
Michael Yudin, Principal, Raben Group and Former Asst. Sec. of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, US Department of Education / 3:15- 4:00 Capitol Hill Debriefing on GW Campus (ALL PPI Participants)
Collection of final evaluations and distribution of Certificates of Completion for 3-Day PPI Participants
Location: GWU, School of Media and Public Affairs, 805 21st Street NW, Room 309, Washington, DC / 10:45-12:00 Special Topic Presentation: Supports for Homeless Children and Youth
Christina Dukes, Federal Liaison
National Center for Homeless Education
CONFIRMED / 10:45-11:45CASE STUDY APPLICATION: Does trauma impact equity and access to a high quality education?
Eric Rossen, Ph.D.
NASP Director of Professional Development and Standards
Author:Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students: A Guide for School Based Professionals
In this activity participants will explore case law related to the P., et al v. Compton Unified School Districtand consider the potential effects of trauma on access to a high quality education?
10:35-10:45 Quick Break / 4:00-5:00 Team Session (All 5-day NASP and GW Students) / 12:00-12:45 Lunch Provided / 11:45-12:45 Lunch
This session will provide a hands-on activity to familiarize participants with federal research and technical assistance centers. OCR Research
- Office of Civil Rights Data Center
- National Center for Education Statistics
- National Center for Systemic Improvement
- PBIS Center
- National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments
June Lucas Zillich, Supervisor, Office of Student & Family Support & Engagement
Montgomery County Public Schools, MD
Monica Martin, LCSW-C, Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services (MCDHHS)Administrator
Alyssa Sanders, MA,LCSW-C, Partner AgenciesAdministrator
MCPS Parent/Student
CONFIRMED / 12:45-1:45 CASE STUDY: What level of “educational benefit” must be realized to satisfy FAPE? Douglas County Schools v Endrew Supreme Court Decision, 2017
11:00-12:30 POLICY FOUNDATIONS 2-ADVOCACY: Role of Grassroots Advocacy in Policy Solutions
Kathy Cowan, NASP Communications Director
Nate von der Embse, GPR Co-chair & Asst. Professor, U of S. Florida
GPR Committee / 11:30-12:15 Lunch Provided (Meet in Capitol Hill Teams) / 2:00-2:15 Break / 1:45-3:15 Special Topic Presentation: Reducing Disproportionality within a MTSS Framework
George Batsche, Ph.D., Director of the Institute for School Reform, University of South Florida
Brian Gaunt, Ph.D.
Inter-Project Coordinator
Florida MTSS Project
College of Behavioral and Community Sciences, University of South Florida
12:30-1:15 Lunch Provided / 12:15-1:45 FEATURED SESSION—PPI SPECIAL TOPIC PART I: Educational Disparities and the Achievement Gap: Understanding Why English Learners Aren't "Catching Up
Sam Ortiz, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology,
St. John’s University / 2:15-3:00 Reaching out to Commercially Sexually Exploited Children
Jenee Littrell
Administrator, Safe and Supportive Schools, Student Services Division
San Mateo County Office of Education, CA
CONFIRMED / 3:15-3:30 Break
1:15-2:15 POLICY FOUNDATIONS 3: DEMOGRAPHICS-- Kids Count: The Status of America’s Children Today and Tomorrow
Florencia Guiterrez, Senior Research Associate
Annie E Casey Foundation, National Kids Count / 1:45-2:00 Break / 3:00-4:00 Collaborative Dialogue Session Exploring Strategies to Address Access to High Quality Education: Sexual Minority Youth
Stacy Skalski, Ph.D. NASP Director of Professional Policy and Practice
Using the IDEA Partnership process for dialogue guide sessions, small groups will dialogue about specific strategies that have been proposed to increase access to high quality education for all youth.
Key Question: What are the implications of rescinding the Title IX Guidance issued by the Obama Administration?
2:15-2:20 Speaker Transition / 2:00-3:00 Charter School Accountability: Standards and Policies
Richard Gray, JD
Director of Community Organizing and Engagement, Annenberg Institute
Brown University / 4:00-5:00pm GW and NASP Team Presentations Planning / 3:30-4:50 WHAT WE’VE LEARNED-- POLICY SOLUTIONS: GW Student Brief Team Presentations
GW/NASP Students will present their collaborative team’s ‘system challenge.’
The Children’s Budget 2017: How do our Nation’s Children Fare in the Federal Budget?
Bruce Lesley
President, First Focus / 3:00-4:00 Special Topic Reflection Gallery Walk Activity: Exploring School Choice
School choice programs to be discussed:
- Private School Vouchers
- Open Enrollment/Inter and Intra District Choice
- K-12 Education Savings Accounts/Tax Credits
- Online Learning/Cyber Schools
3:20-3:30 Break / 4:00-5:00 GW Teamwork Session
3:30-4:15 POLICY FOUNDATIONS APPLICATION ACTIVITY: The Federal vs. State Role in Education
Stacy Skalski, Ph.D.
NASP Director of Professional Policy and Practice
In this small group activity participants will debate the role of the federal and state government when considering this statement: Every child, regardless of their zip code, should have access to a high quality public education that prepares them for college or a career / 4:00-4:45 NASP Networking Session—Discussions by region
4:15-5:15 Regional Networking and GW Teamwork Session
GW Credit Students: Syllabus Intro and Course Expectations
NASP:Regional meetings (GPR) / 4:45-5:00 Break (NASP CPD Participants only)
5:30-8:00 NETWORKING RECEPTION: All PPI Participants Invited
This networking reception is open to all PPI participants and speakers. Appetizers and beverages will be provided.
LOCATION: TONIC at Quigley’s Pharmacy
2036 G Street NW, Washington DC / 5:00-7:00 FOUNDATIONS Part II: --GRASSROOTS ADVOCACY: Advocacy for School Psychologists and School Psychological Services
(School Psychologists Only)
(Dinner Provided)
Facilitators: Kathy Cowan, Nate von der Embse and other members of the GPR Committee
This session is for School Psychologists participants only and will explore NASP advocacy programs and priorities, specific resources, tools, and grassroots advocacy activities. Interactive activities will involve crafting messages, and answering questions related to NASP’s specific legislative priorities.
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