Understanding & Managing Organisations ()
UMO Module Assessment Questions (2013-2014)
Assessment 2
You should choose any three of the five questions to answer. We would expect a minimum of 500 words per question, but some might require more detailed answers so taking you the maximum of 3000 words. You must support your answers with evidence from acknowledged academic sources. You may use personal experience to illustrate the application of a topic/theory, but you must still provide evidence from acknowledged sources to support your answer.
You are required to provide full academic references using the Harvard system at the end of each of the questions. References do not add to the word count.
Each answer should develop a critical analysis of the research being presented and where relevant include case study examples which can help you apply the research.
- Describe at least two models of group development e.g. Tuckman or Belbin, and examine the implications of them for effective group work.
- What is a psychological contract? To what extent is it significant in the management of people within organisations?
- To what extent is leadership different to management? Discuss using appropriate examples
The marking matrix for this reassessment is attached to this document
Student Id (No. and name):
% Grade / Refer/Fail80-100 / 70-79 / 60-69 / 50-59 / 40-49 / 20-39
Knowledge and understanding:
[Of the use and of theory relevant to Organisation Behaviour/Human Resource Management] / Good insight into the subject and shows perception and creativity in the application of theory / Demonstrates command of the topic by showing creativity, perception and insight of the subject discipline / Demonstrates a well-informed understanding of the topic by showing creativity and insight of the subject discipline / Understanding of contemporary issues, with some creative insight of the subject discipline / Descriptive while demonstrating reasonable understanding of the subject discipline / Limited/poor understanding demonstrated.
Content and Exploration of theories and ideas:
[Shows evidence of reading around the subject and the wider context of Organisation Behaviour/Human Resource Management] / Demonstrates outstanding selection that demonstrates a substantial appreciation of the subject discipline / Outstanding selection from a wide and relevant and range of perspectives and sources / Selection from a wide and relevant range of perspectives and sources that draws upon contemporary material / Relevant selection from a good and relevant range of subject material / Relevant but not wide selection from a reasonable range of sources / Any creative input is somewhat off the point
Some/minimal relevant sources and limited topic coverage
Critical engagement Analysis and Synthesis:
[Has the ability to engage with information from different sources] / Outstanding use of source material / Sources very well integrated into the overall argument
Clear, well-structured argument that is well crafted and cogent / Sources well-integrated into the overall argument
Clear, cogent and well-structured argument / Sources mostly well-integrated into the overall argument
Mostly clear, cogent and well-structured argument / Sources sometimes properly integrated into the argument
Some tendencies towards a clear and cogent argument / Sources only occasionally/not at all integrated into the argument
Some/minimal structure and argument present
Module specific criterion:
[The assignment provides evidence of understanding and engagement with Organisation Behaviour/Human Resource Management] / Critical evaluation of the major current contributions to Organisation Behaviour/Human Resource Management. / Developing a synthesis of the role of Organisation Behaviour in the wider context of the organisation. / Beginning to develop a synthesis between relevant theories and application in the organisation / Has engaged with a wide range of appropriate material and can link to issues in the organisation / Has presented a descriptive and minimal assignment / Needs to engage with the topic beyond the level of the classroom and demonstrate understanding
Referencing and general undergraduate academic skills / Referencing impeccable using appropriate conventions.
No errors in grammar or spelling. / Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate conventions.
Virtually no errors in grammar or spelling. / Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate conventions.
Near perfect grammar and spelling, with only a few errors. / Referencing clear and mostly accurate using appropriate conventions.
Good grammar and spelling with some errors. / References adequate but clearer and / or more references needed.
Reasonable grammar and spelling but with several notable errors. / References limited / inappropriate.
Many errors in grammar and spelling, making it difficult or impossible to read.
Mark of 0-19: Non serious attempt e.g. answer irrelevant to set question or completely insufficient, or non-submission.
Moderation Statement:
A sample of assignments is moderated [second marked] by the module team. This is to ensure consistency in marking across the module. The sample is then moderated by an external examiner to verify the standards, marks and assessment feedback