Midland Zone
Venue: Maryborough
Open: 8.30pm
Apologies:Tracy Arbuckle (SAPC), Mindy Balasopoulos(MSPC), Kylie Ackers (MSPC), Clinton Hedger (MPC), Don Roach, Nicki Chalmers (MPC), Julie Robins (MPC)
Club Representatives:
Ararat -
Bealiba –Debbie Weir, Faye Barnett
Beaufort–Bronwyn Cubertson
Bendigo – Sue Foley, Debbie Browell
Castlemaine –
Charlton – Kaye Blanchard
Harcourt –
Horsham -
Huntly Spring Gully-
Loddon –
Maldon –
Mandurang Sth–
Maryborough – Linda Gerring, Debbie Ruff
Neanger Park –Kim O’Neill, Kim ?, Glenda Wilson
Stawell – Viv Cole,Narelle O’Callaghan
St Arnaud –Liz McCourt
Midland Zone – Christine Linton
Business Arising from 29.01.2014Feb Minutes:
All Clubs have paid their affiliation fees
C Certificate underway for next round in July
SJ Re:Peggy Mills Letter - more than 2 events on one day. PCAV has changed the State SJ event criteria to run 2 SJ events therefore the Zone will follow the same critera at its qualifying event.
Grading card concerns – Riders card were of a better stanbdard at the Zone Horse Trials. The Zone will keep talking to club officials where there are concerns regarding the maintaining of riders cards.
Beaufort pony Club wants to run a NCAS instructors workshop (they have funding to do this via a grant). This will be looked at for next year.
Speed to Safety – the first qualifying event was held a St Arnaud and we had 5 riders and six horses compete. This was a great event and a big thank you to Lisa Coffee from Vic Racing for her guidance and support on the day.The Zone will encourage more riders to compete in the next 2 round. Maryborough Pony Club will donate sausages, bread and drinks for the final day at Bendigo for a BBQ lunch for all riders and family members.
Confirmation of Minutes:
Moved: Debbie Weir Seconded: Sue Foley
Correspondence In:29.01.2014 to 27.05.2014
Zone Event Entries
C* & K certificate
Speed to Safety
State Dressage & SJ (Numerous)
State Games Flat & Musical
State Interzone challenge
Hard Copies
Computer Sashes invoice
Correspondence Out: 29.01.2014 to 27.05.2014
Computer Sashes order
Change of committee details
Event Programs
C* & K certificate
Riders entries
State Dressage & Show Jumping (Numerous)
Award of Merit Nominations
State Games Flat & Musical Entries
Moved: Linda Gerring Seconded: Debbie Ruff
President Report:
Verbal report given by Sue Foley
Treasurers Report:
Team deposit for State HT – explained that money has been added to the term deposit and this account is held in trust for the costs of the next State Horse Trials Midland Zone will be running.
Moved that the net cost of all merchandise be moved to the state account
Moved Christine Linton 2nd Kaye Blancahard
150 Hay bags have midland zone printed on the without a date –will be held until the State HT in 2019
The remaining hay & sports bags with dates will be sold at Zone Events for a discount price.
Sue raised concerns about chargers occurred for not cleaning the “school grounds” after the State event. The Zone has photos that show we cleaned it. Sue will investigate this further.
Moved: Christine Linton Seconded: Kim O’Neill
Midland Zone Minutes 14.2 ...... 27.05.2014 / 1Zone Rep Report: Kaye Blanchard
We received a positive report regarding the Dressage & SJ State Championships and how well in ran and the venue.
I would like to thank the Zone for my lovely flowers and Zone Bag
State HT ant Riddles Creek – Midland had 4 grade 2 riders and sadly Erin Bowman from St Arnaud had an issue with her horse in the float on the way to the event and had to withdraw. The 3 riders who competed 2x Maryborough 1 x Stawell all rode very well.
Games, Flat, Pair & Musical – this event ran well and this year we have a Midland Zone Composite Games team competing at State. This is very exciting as this team was put together at the last moment.
Zone HT – this event ran well and the shield event was very close. It was great to see some new faces at the HT comp.
Council – PCAV has purchased a property. Discussion was held around this property its location and the effects it with have on the Zones and riders on the far side of Victoria.
Moved Kaye Blanchard 2nd Christine Linton
Zone Chief Instructor:
No report
Zone Events Report:
Zone Games, Flat,Pairs Musical -This Event ran well.
2 x Flat teams 1st place Bealiba
2 x Musical Ride Teams 1st place Maryborough
4 x Pair Teams 1st place Stawell
8 x Games Teams 1st place Bealiba
Thankyou to Beaufort Pony Club for hosting this event
Zone HT – May 25th this event ran well with over 30 people camping the sat night.
Team Shield won by Maryborough PC
Thankyou to Maryborough Pony Club for hosting this event.
Zone Show Jumping & Flat Team event – 24th August
Ararat has asked to host this event and will look at their grounds to ensure they can fir 2 SJ rings and a flat arena. If their grounds are not suitable the required arenas then they will approach Greater Western to use their grounds.
Zone Dressage & SJ Qualifiers 14thDec - Need to decide on a venue in section C - at next meeting
Zone Speed to Safety Qualifiers
3 dates set and has venues have been moved from center to both sides of the Zone to give more riders the opportunity to participate.
General Business:
- No Smoking allowed at sporting events – signs are available from local councils.
- Team Comets – Faye Barnett said that she was very pleased with this idea and thanked the Zone for bring them in. Club can now proudly display the teams accomplishments.
Clubs will be able to back order comets at their own cost. Linda will bring costs to the next meeting.
- Meeting nights – After a group discussion on the pros and cons on hold the Zone Meetings on a Wednesday night especially around the down turn in attendance compared to the great turn up to this meeting (on Tuesday night)
Moved liz McCourt that meetings be moved back to Tuesday nights
2ndViv Cole –All in favour
- AGM to be held in Section B on Friday 12th September. Section B to choose a venue
- New Zone Shirts – will be available from this next Zone Event. Debbie Weir to organise
Award of Merit
Nominates received – discussed and all agreed to put forward to PCAV
Meeting closed at 9.50pm
Next meeting– St Arnaud Tuesday 29th July 2014
Job list from Minutes 27.05.2014
Job / Responsible / Timeline / CompletedOld Midland Zone documents that require archiving to be sent to the Donald History Group (this is where previous Midland Zone documents are archived). / Linda / ongoing
Beaufort PC has grant money from the volunteers grant left over and want to use this to run an NCAS coaches day / Info to be passed onto Nicki Chalmers to see if we can use this money for an assessment day / No answer regarding this
All riders that competed at this event and placed 1st to 6th overall will receive sashes. Sashes are to be ordered and given out to riders at the State Event / ASAP / Linda / Not done – will be placed with the next sash order
C* & K Certificate
Could clubs contact Nikki Chalmers if you have riders interested in doing either of these certificates. / ASAP
A letter will be sent to PCAV regarding concerns about the Summer Royal and the pony club ring not following PCAV guidelines eg Gear check & Card checking / July 14 / Sue to draft a letter and send to Linda.
Hay & Sports bags with dates will be sold at Zone Events for a discount price. / Ongoing / Linda & Debbie W
Clubs will be able to back order comets at their own cost. Linda will bring costs to the next meeting. / July 2014 / Linda
AGM 2nd Friday in Sept Section B to choose a venue / July 2014 / Section B
Zone Qualifying Event in Dec – Section C Venue to be decided / July 2014 / Section C
Investigate Charges for not cleaning school grounds after State Event / July 2014 / Sue F
Midland Zone Sections:
Midland Zone Minutes 14.2 ...... 27.05.2014 / 1Section A
Section B
St Arnaud
Section C
Huntly Spring Gully
Neangar Park
Mandurang Sth
Section D
Midland Zone Minutes 14.2 ...... 27.05.2014 / 1