Rescue 20 training worksheet

Rescue 20 training worksheet

 D1

 Blaze-out can

 Hi-lift jacks w/4x4 sleeves (2)

 4”x4”x8’ large wood (2)

 8’ pike poles (3)

 Electric hotstick

 Mass casualty flag kit

 Bottle jack

 White step ladder

 Water main shut-off tool

 Plastic scoop shovel

 Metal shovels (2)

 Pitch fork

 Grass brooms (2)

 Pick-head axes (2)

 Flat-head axe

 8 lb sledge hammer

 10 lb dry chemical extinguisher

 D2

 Paritech air struts (6)

 Swivel end capts for struts (4)

 Rigid end caps for struts (6)

 Paritech Tri-pod system (black case)

 Strut control unit, reg., 2 sets of hoses in white linemans bag

 High pressure bags (vetter)

 Vetter control unit (black case)

 Low pressure air bags (2) (orange)

 Hoses for low pressure bags (2) red bag)

 Regulator, controls & hoses (gray toolbox)

 D3

 Halogen portable lights (4)

 Yellow extension reel

 Blue salvage covers (4)

 Red salvage cover

 100’ utility rope (2)

 D4

 Water rescue rope reel

 Caps for rubber hose (2)

 Life vests (3)

 “Command Post” sign

 “Fire Line” sign

 LSP half backs

 Ice packs (4)

 Cold water suit

 Slide hammer set (yellow bag)

 Spare K-12 blades (4)

 Ear protection

 Safety glasses

 2 cycle oil

 K-12 saw

 Uni-vent saw

 Cutter edge saw

 D5

 Hydraulic hose reel

 Extension cord reel w/junction box

 Spray bottle of lube

 Box of dust masks

 Hydraulic spreaders

 Diesel generator

 Electric hydraulic Pump

 Large Cresent wrench

Rescue 20 training worksheet

Rescue 20 training worksheet

 P1

 Extension cord reel

 Hydraulic hose reel

 Plug adapters (4)

 Pigtails (4)

 25’ extension cord

 Changeable tips for jaws (3 pairs)

 Portable electric cord reels (2)

 Hydraulic cutters

 Brake pedal cutter

 Short ram 22”

 Long ram 36”

 Portable hydraulic unit

 Ram kits (2) (yellow boxes)

 Safety glasses

 Battery sawzall

 Electric sawzall

 Large hydraulic jaws w/25’ hose

 Cable winch

 Assorted chains

 P2

 Turbo flares (case)

 Crash kit

 2216 air bottles (4)

 4500 air bottles (6)

 RIT bags (4)

 Bolt cutters

 Seat belt cutter

 Multi-tool axe/haligan end

 Haligan bar

 Red toolbox w/hand tools

 Red toolbox w/assorted items

 Black toolbox w/air tools

 Socket set (gray case)

 Rocker panel sleeve for rams

 P3

 Gasoline 5 gallons

 100:1 pre-mix gas 2 ½ gallons (cutter edge)

 K-12 pre-mix 2 ½ gallons

 Uni-vent 1 gallon pre-mix

 P4

 Wedges (6)

 Step chocks (4)

 Wooden ladder

 4x4 stackable blocks (many)

 P5

 Air hose reel

 Large blue air bottle

 Pair lineman gloves

 Meter covers (5)

 Wooden box w/misc fluids

 Short wood boards (2)

 Inside A

 Camera Tri-pod

 Directors chairs

 35mm camera in case

 50mm prismatic telescope

 Tell temp 750

 Inside B

 Mass causualty incident management system

 Inside C

 Troll rescue helments (3)

 Eye goggles

 Rescue gloves

 Tyvek suites (2)

 Inside D

 Disposable burn sheets (2)

 Oxygen bottle (orange case)

 Medical Bag

 Inside E

 Universal precaution kits (4)

 Box of particulate respirators

 Sharps boxes (3)

 C-Collars (2 peds, tall & short)

 Infectious waste bags

 Trash bags

 Inside F

 Empty

 Inside G

 Misc forms

 Bottled drinking water

 Compartment H

 Spare firefighter gloves

 Tactical command sheet

 Under command chair

 Ice water suits (2)

 Rear of rescue

 Backboard

 Medical gloves

 Ice water rope bag

 Pesonnel accountability system

 Orange handlights (2)

 ISI Air packs (4)

 800mhz radio w/charger

 Old city radios (3)

 Inside cab of truck

 Safety office vest

 Staging office vest

 Command vest

 Caution tape roll

 Clip board

 Spanner wrench

 Pliers

 Traffic wand

Rescue 20 training worksheet