Birmingham Bandits
March Madness Flyball Tournament
March14th and 15th 2009


Thank you for entering the March Madness Flyball Tournament on March 14 and 15 at Shocco Springs, in Talledega Alabama. This year’s event will host 28 teams entered in 6 divisions (Multibreed,Openand four Regular divisions).

Rob Bitler will be this year’s judge

The racing schedules are attached or can be accessed on our tournament website.

Racing format, team grouping and seeding chart can be found on our website by going to the tournament link found above.

Tournament timeline:

Friday November 7

3:30 pm – 9:00 pm: setup and check in.

Saturday and Sunday

6:30am: Building opens and check-in begins

7:15am: Box check and dog measuring

7:30am: Captain’s Meeting

8:00am: Racing begins!

9:00pm: Building closes.

Tournament scoring: Teams will receive 1 point for each heat won. Heats ending in a tiewill result in each team receiving ½ of a point.

Placement Ties will be brokenby:

  1. Head to head
  2. If still tied then: fastest time from head to head
  3. If still tied then: best time overall.

Warm-ups: Due to the number of races each day it is imperative to limit the warm-ups to 2 minutes for everyone'sfirst race and 60 seconds after that.

Please have your team ready to go as soon as the priorrace is finished. Please be aware that it’s a long schedule and do everything you can to keepthings moving.

Awards: We will be providing dog title awards for titles earned at our tournament.

Facility: Shocco Springs facility will be open until at least 9:00 PM on Friday night. You may drop off your boxes and setup crating areas before then if you wish. Shocco is a ChristianConferenceCenter that is used by many groups thru out the year. Please be respectful and ensure that we leave a good impression. Please clean up after your dogs – poop bags and disposal will be available in the designated potty areas. Also, Shocco does not allow any alcoholic beverages on campus. There is a large unfenced field and lake right across from the activity center. If you use these areas, please be respectful of other guests and be sure and pick up after your dog.

I am confident that WIFI is available within Shocco and I will attempt to find out the correct password prior to the tournament weekend. Please see Jeanne Harem(TD) to obtain the Password for access.

Directions: Please see our web site for directions, hotels, and campinginformation.

Crating: Crating area will not be assigned. Please observe the aisles for traffic flow and fire marshal regulations.

Workers: We need your help with line and box judging. In addition to running the tournament the Bandits will be running fiveteams, and will need assistance with keeping the chairs filled.

We ask that all line and box judges assist teams with setting jump heights in order to keep racing moving. In addition, line judges should make sure to request the lineup as quickly as possible.

A workers raffle drawings will be held during the awards each day.

Raffle:The drawings will be held Sunday afternoon at1pm.

Meals: We will be taking a short break for lunch! There will not be any food available on site, however there are plenty of area restaurants that are within minutes of the building. Each team should have enough time between races to head to a local takeout restaurant. There are also plenty of electrical outlets in the building for those of you planning lunch in your crating area.

We're looking forward to having a great time with you. If you have any questions, please let me know and do not hesitate to call.

Thanks again!

Jeanne Harem

Tournament Director – Birmingham Bandits
