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Title / Demonstrate knowledge of stone, brick and block requirements for use in hard landscape work
Level / 3 / Credits / 6
Purpose / This unit standard is for people working, or intending to work, in landscaping. People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe types and working characteristics of natural stone used in landscape features; sketch and label mortared and dry stone construction details; describe requirements for mixing and using mortar in stone construction in accordance with NZS 4210:2001; explain the process of brick and block production; identify the requirements for brick and block landscape features.
Classification / Horticulture > Landscape
Available grade / Achieved
Guidance Information
1The New Zealand Standards applicable to this unit standard are: NZS 4210:2001 Masonry construction: Materials and workmanship, and NZS 4230:2004 Design of reinforced concrete masonry structures, available from
2Legislation relevant to this unit standard may include but is not limited to the Building Act 2004 and the Building (Forms) Regulations 2004.
Outcomes and performance criteria
Outcome 1
Describe types and working characteristics of natural stone used in landscape features.
Rangefour types of natural stone commonly available for landscape work.
Performance criteria
1.1Types of natural stone used for landscape work are defined and described.
Rangecommon names, geological name, method of forming, descriptive characteristics, regional availability.
1.2Working characteristics of types of natural stone are described.
Rangehardness, grain, durability, workability, absorption.
Outcome 2
Sketch and label mortared and dry stone construction details.
Performance criteria
2.1Dry stone construction elements used in building walls are drawn freehand and labelled to identify the requirements of each element.
Rangeelements – bonds, ties, corner details, end details, batter, filling, coping.
2.2The ratio formula applied to the construction of dry stone walls is shown in freehand labelled drawings.
2.3Mortared stone construction elements used in the building of stone features are drawn freehand and labelled to show the requirements of each element.
Rangethree of – walls, storage areas, seats, columns and piers;
elements – foundations, joints, joint finishes, bonds, ends and corner, drainage, top finish.
2.4Construction details for features using mortared stone with reinforced concrete backing are drawn freehand and labelled to show the requirements of the elements involved.
Rangeelements – formwork, reinforcing, stone placement, drainage, top finish.
2.5Stone structures are identified in terms of whether or not they require consent under the Building Act 2004 and the Building (Forms) Regulations 2004, and conditions under which an engineering certificate must be obtained for their construction are identified.
Outcome 3
Describe requirements for mixing and using mortar in stone construction in accordance with NZS 4210:2001.
Performance criteria
3.1Materials used in mortar mixes to meet the requirements of the standard are defined in terms of the characteristics of each.
Rangematerials – sand, cement, water, additives.
3.2Methods for measuring material proportions for the mixing of mortar are identified that meet the requirements of the standard in terms of methods for measuring materials to those proportions.
Rangevolume, weight.
3.3The steps in hand mixing mortar are described that meet the requirements of the standard.
Rangesteps – establishing mixing surface, proportioning dry material, mixing dry material, adding water and any additives, mixing to readiness for use.
3.4Steps in machine mixing mortar are described that meet the requirements of the standard.
Rangesteps – setting of mixer to avoid spillage, proportioning of material, loading of mixer, mixing time, safety requirements.
3.5Methods of preventing mortar deterioration between mixing and use are described in terms of the reasons for their application.
Rangemixing rate to suit usage rate, covering, tempering, remixing before initial set takes place.
Outcome 4
Explain the process of brick and block production.
Performance criteria
4.1The processes involved in the production of clay bricks are identified in terms of the characteristics of each process.
Rangeprocesses – obtaining clays from source, preparation of clays, shaping of bricks, firing, post-firing handling.
4.2The processes involved in the production of concrete blocks and bricks are identified in terms of the characteristics of each process.
Rangeprocesses – obtaining materials, mixing materials, moulding, curing, post-manufacture handling.
Outcome 5
Identify the requirements for brick and block landscape features.
Rangethree of – garden and retaining walls, seats and steps, fences and columns, storage features, barbecues.
Performance criteria
5.1Brick and block landscape features are identified in terms of whether or not they require consent under the Building Act 2004.
5.2The conditions under which an engineering certificate must be obtained for the construction of brick and block landscape features are defined.
5.3Methods of block and brick construction in landscape work including end and corner details are shown in labelled freehand drawings.
Rangethree of – stack bond, English bond, stretcher bond, Flemish bond, header bond.
5.4Methods of constructing elements of brick and block landscape features are shown in clearly labelled freehand drawings.
Rangefoundations, reinforcing, walls, piers, capping.
5.5Where drawings show work covered by NZS 4230:2004, the details shown conform to that standard.
Replacement information / This unit standard and unit standard 1015 were replaced by unit standard 31116.This unit standard replaced unit standard 1010 and unit standard 1014.
This unit standard is expiring. Assessment against the standard must take place by the last date for assessment set out below.
Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions
Process / Version / Date / Last Date for AssessmentRegistration / 1 / 25 September 2006 / 31 December 2019
Review / 2 / 29 March 2018 / 31 December 2019
Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference / 0032
This CMR can be accessed at
Primary Industry Training OrganisationSSB Code 101558 / New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018