COE Technology Committee
October 9, 2006
Present: Linda Underwood; Diane Coursol; Richard Kiefer-O’Donnell; Pat McKinzie
Absent: Kasee Page; Bill Putnam; Ted Johnson; Julie Carlson
1. Linda Underwood communicated Dean Miller’s charge to the committee.
· To Encourage Technology Across the Curriculum in the ColEd
· Contract with Ted Johnson when significant we page modification and/or development is required. First contact would be Department Technology Rep and/or designated department individual that does basic quick changes to current pages. If beyond this person’s capability then contact should be made to Ted Johnson’s group – specifically contact Stephanie Miller X5469.
· Initiate small communities of users for support with Podcasting, Smartboards and other Professional Development needs.
· Communicate/disseminate information to home departments regarding iMovieFest; iTunes University once initiated; Universality/crossplatform capabilities of Quick Time for sharing digital media.
2. Discussed the importance of continued communication between ColEd Technology Committee and the Learning Technology Round Table (LTR).
3. Deferred selection of Technology Chair until next meeting.
4. Discussed the importance of disseminating the survey of ColEd technology needs developed by the ColEd Technology Committee last academic year. Included in this discussion was confirmation that Julie Carlson has agreed to join the committee to assist in this process as she was a key player in the development of the survey last year. Diane has agreed to contact Deb Jesseman to get a copy of the final document.
5. Discussed the possibility of initiating a Brown Bag series to “consider technology based possibilities”, discuss, share, inform, assist colleague to colleague to meet professional development needs in technology on a more informal basis.
6. Scheduled balance of meetings for this semester: Monday November 6th and Monday December 4th at Noon in KSP Conference Room.
Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Coursol