Dated: 01 Feb 2002
SUBJECT:Boy Scout Application for Merit Badge
PURPOSE:This letter establishes the policy on how Scouts apply for Merit Badges
1. As a general rule first year scouts will not normally work on merit badges because of all the requirements needed to obtain the ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class Scout. There are exceptions and will be addressed on a scout by scout basis by the Scoutmaster.
2. When a scout decides to accomplish a merit badge the following will be followed:
a. The scout will contact the Scoutmaster and inform him of what merit badge he would like to work on and why.
b. The Scoutmaster will counsel the scout and make sure he knows his responsibility in accomplishing the merit badge.
c. A merit badge requirements sheet will be provided to the scout, the sheet will note all the requirements for the badge. When the work on the merit badge is completed and the merit badge counselor signs the sheet showing approved accomplishment. The scout must return the signed off sheet to the Scoutmaster, or Advancement Chairman for documentation on the scouts record, and Troop Advancement Report for documentation.
d. If the scout desires a merit badge booklet, it will be provided to the scout at the Troop's expense. When the merit badge is completed the booklet will be returned to the Troop. If the booklet is lost the scout will purchase a new book for the Troop Library or give the Troop the cost of the Merit Badge Book for replacement.
e. The Library Log Book will be annotated as to who has the book with the copy number and date given to the scout and will be again annotated when it is returned back to the library.
f. The Troop will assign a merit badge counselor for the scout from the Master Troop Merit Badge Counselor List. If more than one counselor is available, the scout’s individual troop record will be reviewed, so that a counselor's name may be chosen. Every attempt will be made to use a counselor that has had the least contact with the scout.
g. If the Troop does not have a merit badge counselor for a particular Merit Badge and a scout desires to accomplish that badge, the Scoutmaster or Advancement Chairperson will contact the District Advancement Chairperson for assistance.
h. The scout's individual scout record will be annotated as to the Merit Badge, date of assignment, and who the counselor is.
i. When the scout returns the merit badge requirements sheet to the Troop, the scout's Troop record will be annotated with the date of completion. And the Boy Scouts of America Advancement Record (submitted to council)
Policy Letter 248-16 (Continued)Page 1 of 2
Scout Application for Merit Badge, Policy Letter 248-16 (Continued)
j. The completed requirement sheet will be kept on file in the scout’s individual file for permanent record keeping.
k. Scouts can work on up to (3) merit badges at one time. There is an exception to this and will be handled on a case by case basis by the Scoutmaster.
3. Partial Completion of Merit Badges:
a. Scouts may complete only parts of a merit badge, such a case would be summer camp where something is not finished. A partial completion of the Merit Badge would be awarded to the scout. The Troop will record this information and then assist the scout in assigning a Troop counselor for the final accomplishment of the badge.
b. Scouts will normally have 6 months to finish any partial completion of a Merit Badge. If the merit badge takes longer than 6 months, the merit badge will need to be re-accomplished with a new counselor. A scout may ask for a waiver of this paragraph under special circumstances. The Scoutmaster and Advancement Chairman will make the final decision.
3. When a scout is assigned a merit badge counselor and the scout feels uncomfortable with the choice of merit badge counselors he may approach the Advancement Chairperson or Scoutmaster and request another counselor. In addition, if the Adult counselor feels that he or she cannot provide unbiased assistance and counseling for the merit badge it is the responsibility of the counselor to contact the Scoutmaster or Advancement Chairperson and ask to be relieved.
Committee ChairmanDated: 01 February 2002
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