Sherwood Forest Estates Property Owners Association

Annual Meeting Agenda

July 4, 1999 10:00 AM

Call to Order: Ken Gebler

Pledge of Allegiance: Ken Gebler

Introduction of Board Members: Ken Gebler

Guest Speakers:

US Forest Service Frenchy Ecosystem - Mark Herron, Horticulturist

Everyone should have received a mailing on this effort, which will be happening all around SFE. Working with all of the Arizona management organizations to study the area for problems etc. Take information to the public and formulate a plan to correct the area to the desired conditions for flora and fauna. 18,000 acres of FS land are involved, 1800 acres private, and several hundred are state land. Most trees are of the same age (80 years) 5-8" diameter. Many problems are associated with dense forest, forest fires, increased insect population and a reduction in grasses in shrubs from the decreased light penetration and available moisture. A dense forest also increases the spread of dwarf mistletoe because of the crowned canopy etc. Protection of the new growth is paramount to insure adequate forest and meadowland for the future. This dense condition is a natural progression. This area has modified by the sheep and cattle grazing and drought conditions has diminished the grasses and presented a perfect condition for the spread of ponderosa pine.

The natural cycle of grass fires, fire management has controlled drought and growth. This has resulted in a denser forest canopy and as a result better conditions for catastrophic fires. The minimum canopy density target is 40% for ponderosa pine. Implemented over a number of years in 5-10 blocks of vegetation treatment (cutting or irregular thinning). There will be thinning for different densities to accommodate the different flora and fauna to be supported. The dramatic increase in the pine forest (ponderosa) is inhibiting the yellow pine and the juniper and oak stands.

The program is using the forest, in the 1840 timeframe, as condition reference for the long-term goal of the condition of the replenished Frenchy Ecosystem. The money generated from the timber sale will be used to buy grass seeds etc. to replenish/ restore the area to the 1840 conditions before the ecosystem was changed by grazing and uncontrolled pine growth. There is also an initiative the increase the natural springs flow to support the wild life.

Volunteer Coconino County Sheriff's Dept. - Herb Johnson

Herb recognized Ron Bowen and Sgt. Shulte.

Volunteer program was started several years back to assist in patrolling the developing residential areas because of a lack of full time officers to monitor the housing developments.

Property watch

Every 10-15 days property monitored for unauthorized activity. 225 property checks since May 1, 1999. Found one home left open with the heater running from a lax contractor. There has been one confirmed case of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) this year. Carried by deer mouse or chipmunks.

S.F.E. Fire Chief, Volunteer Fire Dept. - Jack Snowberger

Red diamond shaped signs are placed in the front yards of volunteer fire members with a two-way radio. These volunteers can be notified in the unlikely occurrence of an emergency, especially in the power or telephone is out. They can contact the necessary authorities via the radio at the fire station.

Residential survey available for homeowners to complete and deliver to 7064 Long Bow, Broken Tree manor, 635 -1079. These survey's will aid the department to understand you’re your property and dwelling in case of an emergency.

Volunteer applications are available for anyone to join the department. There is a series of classes required for certification. You do not need to be a permanent resident and can participate when you are in residence, on weekends or for the summer.

Fireman recognition - Jack Snowberger called for recognition of all volunteer dept. members and read the following:


For volunteering to respond to the call of neighbors in peril and, in the process, offering to put your own lives in peril from time to time…

For seeing sacrifice as a simple "duty'…

And heroism as only a day's work.

For allowing your community to work, play and sleep in peace by being tireless watchers on the walls…

You all deserve this tribute we gladly give…

You deserve the prayers for your safety we pledge…

You all deserve our genuine and lasting thanks!

Officer’s Reports

Old Business

Secretary's Report - Dick Fisher (for Dana Peterson)

Secretary's Report read and approved

Treasurer's Report - Lionel Guigere

Treasurer's report - read and approved


New Business

Nominating Committee Report - Sue Hadley, Dana Peterson, Jane Snowberger


Roger Anderson - elected

Ann Dudley - elected

Beth Dormady - elected

Dean Hanson

Jerry Kinsey - elected

Tommy Sebring

Election of new board member

Nominations from the floor

Stop Signs - Roger Anderson

Coconino County public works - Steve Bell has given us an option for the currently installed signs. Stop signs are primarily to protect county liability not speed control.

  1. Leave as is. - passed
  2. Move to stop traffic on Little John

25-MPH signs were installed at the ends of the east west streets.

Change the signs to yield signs. County wants to phase these out.

Signs should remain as is to aid the volunteers responding to a fire call!

Signs needed to help control weekend visitors. Local fulltime pedestrians, especially children, need to be protected.

Concern over the signs and winter ice.

Overriding concern is for summer visitors and pedestrian safety.

Fire trucks must obey all stop signs!

Motion to change the signs

Motion to leave as is. - PASSED

Pancake Breakfast and Bazaar Sept. 4, 1999 - Barbara Bridges

$10 space rental, will be commercial booths at the bazaar.

New fire equipment has been purchased with your tax dollars!

Concern raised about unleashed dogs.

Reminder: Owners are liable for an uncontrolled dog that causes damage or personal injury.

Concern over large property sold west of the division.

Yearly controlled burn for pine needles. Contact forest service and fire dept. if you're planning to burn anything.

Coconino County Sheriff - Joe Richards

Drawing for Prizes

Prize / Sponsor / Winning Ticket / Winner name
Grand Prize $250 / Grand canyon system / 830393 / Pat Poley
$20 / Safeway / 830379 / Jack Hadley
$20 / " / 830388 / Bob Gaskler
$20 / " / 830387 / Dorothy Wilcox
$20 / " / 830392 / Betty Draulery
$20 / " / 830407 - NP
830411 - NP
830384 / Tommi Sebring
$25 / Rosas Cantina / 830386 / Drebbie Switzer
$25 / " / 830405 / Judy Bulchi
$25 / Pine country / 830375 / Roger Auer
$25 / " / 830385 / Karen

Meeting adjourned at 11:50 AM

The Volunteer Fire Dept. Auxiliary provided lunch. Please consider joining and offering some time.

Include a list of contacts and phone numbers


Extension Service

Tom De Gomez


774-1860 fax

Volunteer Fire

SFEOA Officers


Roger Anderson


Jerry Kinsley


Lionel Guigere


Dick Fisher

Glendale, Az (623) 878-2034

Sherwood Forest, (520) 635-4062

Sheriff's Department

Animal Control

Game and Fish

Humane Society


The new board members met with the existing members and voted for the following office chairs:


Roger Anderson


Jerry Kinsley


Lionel Giuiere


Dick Fisher

A regular meeting was set for the second Saturday in May (12th), 2000.