/ Singles and Veterans Affinity Group
Rare Work Group
March 17th, 2017, 12:30pm-2:00pm
King Street Center, 201 S. Jackson St, 8th Floor
Room J (8252)
The All Home Strategic Plan commits to reducing racial disparities of those experiencing homelessness. Nearly two thirds of people experiencing homelessness are people and families of color. Institutional and systemic racism contributes to the oppression of people of color, creating inequity, poverty and in some cases, homelessness. Success in reducing racial disparities and creating effective systems both for a dignified emergency response and housing, will require bold action and shared accountability. This commitment will include the proactive reinforcement of policies, practices, attitudes and actions to produce equitable power, access, opportunities, treatment, impacts, and outcomes for all.
Objective: Revisit Action Planning work to date for refinement, clarity, and prioritizing action items.
time / agenda item
12:30pm / Welcome/Check-In
12:40pm / Updates
  • Coordinated Entry for All
-Single Adult referrals to PSH began in February.
-Navigation calls are taking place regularly to review individuals at the top of the community queue prioritized for housing placement to ensure they are engaged with community partners/outreach teams and receiving assistance with gathering documentation and connecting with community-based resources as needed
  • Count Us In – 2017 Point In Time Count
-CUI surveys have been completed with transitional housing residents and sheltered and unsheltered individuals. The survey data is being compiled along with the HMIS and general street count information to submit the final numbers to HUD by May 1st with a release of the final report in mid-May.
Result: Group is aware of recent system updates and offers additional updates from other coalitions or work groups.
12:50pm / Single Adult Action Plan
Revisit Action Planning work to date for refinement, clarity, and prioritizing action items.
Rare Strategy Areas:
-Race and Equity
Reflections from Discussion:
-Notes were captured on what needs greater clarity, what is missing, what are the racial equity impacts, and what is our highest priority.
-Overall themes and opportunities raised:
  • Strong start with racial equity and social justice strategies
  • Need for creativity in use of resources, types of housing, and landlord/housing partners
  • Need to identify critical points of engagement for people newly becoming homeless, especially communities of color and other marginalized groups
  • Potential of new partners to bring in and contribute to these solutions
  • More effective integration of housing and healthcare
  • More housing options offered in more equitable and respectful ways
  • Lots of opportunity for local advocacy
Next Steps:
  • Complete notes from the workgroup discussion will be shared with the group and posted on the website.
  • Prior to the April Single Adult and Veteran Affinity Group meeting, All Home will synthesize the discussions to bring the latest discussions on action steps back to the full group.
Result: Group reviews work of to date and informs next steps to establish a final Action Plan
1:55pm / Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 19th, 11am-12:30pm