Safer Healthcare Now! National Falls Facilitated Learning Series (FFLS)Participant Guide

Don’t Slip Up – Keep Up! Improvements to Reduce Falls and Injury from Falls

Appendix B: Participant Team Charter Template

Safer Healthcare Now!
National Falls Facilitated Learning Series (FFLS)
Team Improvement Charter
Project Name: / National Falls Facilitated Learning Series (FFLS)
Team Members: / Sandra Lavoie, Soumiya El Fassi, Vincent Tam, Natalie Fish
Team Lead: / Sandra Lavoie
Team Sponsor: /

Vincent Tam

What are we trying to accomplish? / Purpose of Falls Intervention Team The AIM of this FFLS series is:
To learn and integrate strategies of sustainability into our organization’s falls improvement plans to ensure we increase the likelihood of sustaining practice change forprevention of falls and injury reduction while holding the gains over time.We will be active participants in data submission to SHN Falls Intervention and network with other enrolled teams in the National Falls Facilitated Learning Series (FFLS)
Scope & Boundaries
  1. Team members involved in previous initiatives to prevent falls and injury from falls in patient/resident/clients
  2. Patients/residents/clients at risk for Falls and Injury from Falls
  3. Targetedsustainability strategies for factors identified as limiting for holding the gains and embedding best practices for falls prevention and injury reduction

Improvement Aim
The AIM of the FFLS series is:
To engage fall prevention/injury reduction improvement team members in the National Falls Facilitated Learning Series (FFLS) to learn strategies and plan for sustained improvement in reducing falls and injury from falls.
Participating teams will achieve by March 2012:
Review of Falls Prevention and Injury Reduction Improvement Plans for sustaining practice change;
Integrate sustainability strategies into Falls Improvement Plans;
Collect and submit data monthly on measures to SHN for Falls Intervention and use data to monitor and facilitate sustained improvement;
Demonstrate a 20% improvement in their baseline measures and sustain for 3 consecutive months.

September 20111

Safer Healthcare Now! National Falls Facilitated Learning Series (FFLS)Participant Guide

Don’t Slip Up – Keep Up! Improvements to Reduce Falls and Injury from Falls

How will we know a change is an improvement? / Measures by healthcare setting:
Note: Falls intervention measures for Acute and Long Term care has 6 measures and Home Healthcare has 5 measures. The 3 (in bold) are required for the FFLS although all measures for the healthcare sector may be submitted) / Current Performance
(Insert own baseline for target population) / Goals
Acute Care and Long Term Care Team Measures:
  1. Fall rate per 1000 patient/resident days
  1. 5,1 par 1000 jours/présence
  1. Reduce by 20%

  1. Percentage of Falls Causing Injury
  1. 9%
/ 2. Reduce by 20%
  1. Percentage of Patients/Residents with completed falls risk assessment on admission
  1. 97%
/ 3. 100%
  1. Percentage of Patients/Residents with completed falls risk assessment following a fall or significant change in medical status
/ 4. 50% /
  1. 100%

  1. Percentage of “At Risk” Patients /Residents with a documented falls prevention/injury reduction plan
/ 5. 100% /
  1. 100%

  1. Percentage of residents with restraints in place
/ 6. Aucune utilisée /
  1. Maintain at baseline or below

Home Healthcare Team Measures:
  1. Fall rate per 1000 clients
  1. Reduce by 20%

  1. Percentage of Falls Causing Injury
  1. Reduce by 20%

  1. Percentage of clients with Completed fall risk screening on admission
  1. 100%

  1. Fall risk reassessment completed following a fall or significant change in medical status
  1. 100%

  1. Percentage with documented falls prevention and/or Injury reduction plan
  1. 100%

September 20111

Safer Healthcare Now! National Falls Facilitated Learning Series (FFLS)Participant Guide

Don’t Slip Up – Keep Up! Improvements to Reduce Falls and Injury from Falls

WHAT CHANGES WILL WE MAKE? / Sustaining Change Concepts and Ideas to Test
With use of the Sustainability Workbookand a sustainability framework dialogue with your team to determine which ideas from these resourcesyou will use to support sustainable practice changes. Also consult the Reducing Falls and Injury From Falls Getting Started Kit to develop strategies to hold and keep up the gains in previous work done on falls prevention/injury reduction improvement initiatives. Utilize the experiences of other FFLS participants to identify which change ideas to sustain change are most appropriate and likely to lead to best practices for falls prevention/injury reduction becoming the norm ensuring they are widely and firmly established within your organization and within your healthcare sector.
  • Demonstrate mutual respect, seek and listen to other team member’s perspectives as they will likely vary from your perspectives
  • Regular meetings: Needed, productive and available by in person video or teleconference as appropriate
  • Communication plan: Minutes to reflect issues, discussion points, action steps, responsibilities
  • Share the workload
  • Look for the opportunities and the keys to success rather than focusing on the limitations
  • Engage your Team Sponsor when barriers to implementation are beyond your team’s ability to address on your own
  • Share successes with each other, the organization, and FFLSmembers as everyone teaches and everyone learns
  • Include other interested partners as identified
  • Consult proactively with the FFLS Faculty through scheduled Support Team Calls and Action periods betweenFFLS Sessions
  • Connect, consult and exchange ideas, models, frameworks and tools with other FFLS Team Leads

Team Roles and Responsibilities:
Team Sponsor
  • Clarify the improvement mandate as it applies to sustainability and ensure it is aligned and embedded within the organization’s strategic and operational objectives
  • Connect and communicate with appropriate stakeholders
  • Support the development of the team charter goals with a focus on sustainability with the Team Leader
  • Provide time and resources
  • Establish an accountability or reporting mechanism
  • Facilitate the work of the team within the larger organization.
  • Engage a team leader and serve as a coach for the Team Leader and the team
Team Leader
  • Complete and share the team charter in a manner that ensures the support of team members and team sponsor for sustainable change in reducing falls and injury from falls
  • Organize and lead effective meetings and maintain team records i.e. minutes, correspondence, improvement data
  • Facilitate work within the team and ensure participation at and between meetings
  • Serve as a communication link between the team and the team sponsor
  • Refer system issues to the Team Sponsor
  • Ensure data is collected, submitted consistently (monthly_ for the duration of the FFLS and beyond and analyzed and reviewed by the team for tests of change during Action period
Team Members
  • Share practice and care knowledge, skill and experience
  • Communicate and develop a shared understanding within the team of the work/care process to be improved or changed to ensure sustainability in falls prevention/injury reduction improvement initiatives
  • Identify and test sustainability change concepts in falls prevention plans with team colleagues and in actual care processes
  • Use the results of your sustainability assessment and your learning from tests of change (PDSA Cycles) to define your next test of change (lessons learned about what didn’t work as expected is most helpful in sustaining change in practice)
  • Lead and support coworkers to adapt new processes
  • Complete tasks or assignments within and between meetings

September 20111

Safer Healthcare Now! National Falls Facilitated Learning Series (FFLS)Participant Guide

Don’t Slip Up – Keep Up! Improvements to Reduce Falls and Injury from Falls

Review Schedule:
Review Team Improvement Charter at least once per Action Period and update as needed
Key Dates
FFLS Sessions (2 hour duration)
FFLS #1 – October 4, 2011, 12:00-1:00 pm ET
FFLS #2- November 8, 2011, 12:00-1:00 pm ET
FFLS #3 – January 24, 2012, 12:00-1:00 pm ET
FFLS #4– March 20, 2012, 12:00-1:00 pm ET
Support Team Calls (1 hour duration)
October 18, 2011 – 1:00-2:00 pm ET
December 6 , 2011 – 1:00-2:00 pm ET
January 10, 2012 – 1:00-2:00 pm ET
February 14, 2012 – 1:00-2:00 pm ET

September 20111

Safer Healthcare Now! National Falls Facilitated Learning Series (FFLS)Participant Guide

Don’t Slip Up – Keep Up! Improvements to Reduce Falls and Injury from Falls

September 2011 1