North Routt Charter School

July 15, 2013


Board Members Present: Tim Stone, Jeanne Lodwick , Bill Pass, Stan Wagoner, Steve Warnke and Carol Twitchell.

Guest: Jim Finnegan, Steamboat Lake Water and San District

Double H Management: Sue Hochreiter, Hans Hochreiter

Guests: Jim Finnegan, Lanny Mack , John Twitchell

Snow removal contractors-Jon Subr, Kris Lodwick

Call to Order: 6:05pm. Tim apologized for not presenting an agenda.

Water Board

·  Jim Finnegan attended as liaison from the water board. He requested that a board member from Willow Creek work with him to coordinate efforts between the owners and the two boards in regards to restrictions. Discussion of recent water main break on Neptune. They recovered in 36hrs.

·  Lanny told Jim of his meeting with the water board 10 years ago asking the water board to upgrade their service plan from 1972. Water board charging fees to lot owners without access to water. At that time Lanny was told by a board member that they knew this was unethical and illegal but continued the procedure anyway. Tim asked Jim to talk to his board for an action plan.

·  Landscaping-ECC –Tim will work with Jim to get correct verbiage for landscaping and watering procedures in the architectural guidelines for Willow Creek.

·  Stan wants all board members to be copied on Tim and Jim’s efforts

Snow Removal contractors

·  Contractors individually met with the board and explained their quotes.

o  KL Wilderness- Kris Lodwick owner

§  would negotiate price if he did not have the sewers to clean around for water and san.

§  All new high end equipment

§  Professional road maintenance contractor

§  Per Class A fee $448.72/yr

o  Inc 8- Jon Subr owner

§  Same equipment as years past

§  Price remains as last 3 years

§  Needs more clarification from board on road work

§  Requested dates for road maintenance -fall & spring

§  Per Class A lot fee $318.65/yr

·  Board discussion-One contractor better at road maintenance and one better at snow removal. Straw vote 3-Subr 2-Lodwick.

Ø  Motion: Tim moved to have Lanny look at two bids side by side and give his opinion to the board. Monday, July 22nd. Bill 2nd. All approve.


·  Bill presented the financials as of May 31, 2013. Cash accounts total $175,091.63. Total dues accounts receivable $36,750.93. Total covenant violations $35,400.00 and legal and collection dues are $6,671.49. $50,000 in investment account . Approximately $130,00 available for road maintenance. Collections proceeding and following protocol.


·  Lanny gave background regarding Greenbelt Agreement between association and SABLE (now Double Y properties). Agreement had a 10 yr date to replat. August 21st is the 10yr anniversary. Double Y properties is asking for an extension. Board did not grant the extension. Membership wants clear title. Association attorney has said Board does not have the authority to do anything with these properties.

Longfellow proposal

·  Longfellow Partnerships holdings requesting that the association form a non for profit entity was rejected by the board previously. The issue will be revisited by the partnership proposing a contribution to the asssociation’s greenbelt..

Next meeting – Monday, July 22, 6pm. North Routt Charter School for snow removal contract vote. Sue notify Steve Warnke and Pat Aiello.

Chickens- Stan asked Tim if they are still at his property. Chickens gone was Tim’s reply..


Respectfully submitted,

Sue Hochreiter

Double H Mgmt