Study Guide – Unit 8: Interest Groups
Date Due /Assignments
Thurs., Oct. 20 / 1. Read p. 217 - 2292. Answer Reading Questions on Wilson: 1 – 7
Fri., Oct. 21 / 1. Read p. 229 – 243
2. Answer questions to Reading Questions on Wilson 8 – 11
Mon., Oct. 24 / 1. Read “From Big Bird to Bill Gates”
2. Answer the reading questions 1 – 5 on the article.
Tues., Oct. 25 / Scavenger Hunt
Weds., Oct. 26 / 1. Read “More than Money” by Richard Skinner in the Readings Book p. 459.
2. Answer questions 1 – 3 on the Study Guide for this article
Thurs., Oct. 27/Fri., Oct. 28 / 1. Download and read the articles on lobbying posted on the Lesson Units page of my website: “Washington’s Once and Future Lobby,”.”5 Myths about Lobbyists,” and “Lobbying is Democracy in Action”
2. Answer the reading questions on “Washington’s Once and Future Lobbyists”
3. Take margin notes on the other two articles
Mon., Oct. 31 / Work on your Interest Group Assignment.
Tues., Nov. 1 / Interest Group Assignment Due
Review for the test
Weds., Nov. 2 / Test
Terms to Know
1. / K Street / 10. / Foundations / 19. / Pluralist theory2. / Lobby and lobbyist / 11. / Direct Mail / 20. / Elitist theory
3. / Interest group / 12. / Political cue / 21. / Hyperpluralist theory
4. / Ideological interest group / 13. / Insider strategy / 22. / Iron Triangles
5. / Public-interest lobby / 14. / Grassroots lobbying / 23. / Issue Networks
6. / Ralph Nader / 15. / Astroturf lobbying / 24. / Free rider problem
7. / Environmental Movement / 16. / “Revolving Door” / 25. / Think tanks
8. / Feminist Movement / 17. / Ethics in Government Act (1978) / 26. / earmarks
9. / Union Movement / 18. / Lobbyist Disclosure Act (1995) / 27. / Amicus curiae (Friend of the Court) briefs
28. / Litigation
Reading Questions: Wilson, Chapter Nine
1. / Why are interest groups so common in this country?2. / The book gives four factors that account for the rise of interest groups? Summarize those factors and give examples for each.
3. / Define what an interest group is and what its purpose is. What are the differences between institutional interests and membership interests? Give examples of each.
4. / Identify and define the incentives to join a mass-membership organization.
5. / Define what a public-interest lobby is and give an example.
6. / What is the difference between the staff and membership of an interest group?
7. / The book discusses the environmental, feminist, and union movements. Outline or summarize the information on each. (Bullet points are fine.)
8. / How do interest groups get their funds?
9. / Summarize the five activities that the book lists for how interest groups work to influence policy? Give examples for each activity. Assess how successful each type of activity is in influencing policy. This is very important so be sure that you understand this section.
10. / What were the weaknesses of the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1946 and why did Congress decide to enact a new law in 1995?
11. / How did the 1995 Lobbyist Disclosure Act strengthen the federal government’s regulation of interest groups?
Reading Questions: “From Big Bird to Bill Gates” 1998
1. / What is the relationship between weak parties and the increasing role of interest groups?2. / How have the parties adapted to the new roles of interest groups? What is the relationship described in the article of interest groups and elections? Give some examples from the article of how interest groups are now involved in electoral politics.
3. / How are interest groups influencing policy-making? How do they influence what is on the agenda?
4. / Why does it make economic sense for corporate interests to invest so much in lobbying?
5. / What does the article say about the role of information in the interest group achieving its goals?
Reading Questions: “More than Money” 2007
1. / The article discusses several types of expertise that interest groups have. List and define those four types.2. / What methods do interest groups use to get lists of people to target?
3. / Richard Skinner argues that interest groups are evolving into having closer ties with parties. Explain why he says this.
Questions for “Washington’s Once and Future Lobby” 2006
1. / Why does Mr. Birnbaum say that lobbying has grown?2. / What are earmarks and why do lobbyists and lawmakers use them?
3. / Why have some companies decided to hire or increase their staff of lobbyists?
4. / Why do legislators rely on lobbyists? What do these lobbyists do for them?
Interest Groups
You should be familiar with the following Interest Groups. Basically, I want you to know the types of issues these groups are involved in and whether they are generally supporters of liberals or conservatives, or are non-ideological. If I gave you an issue, you should know which interest groups would be involved. The groups with an asterisk by them are ones you all need to know. There are, of course, many more organizations, but one must draw a line somewhere. Use this list to pick an interest group for your assignment.
1. / AARP – American Association of Retired People* / 11. / Christian Coalition* / 21. / NARAL – National Abortion Rights Action League*2. / ACLU – American Civil Liberties Union* / 12. / Club for Growth / 22. / NEA - National Education Association*
3. / AFL-CIO – American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations* / 13. / Council on American-Islamic Relations / 23. / National Resources Defense Council
4. / ABA - American Bar Association* / 14. / Emily’s List / 24. / NOW – National Organization of Women*
5. / American Conservative Union / 15. / Environmental Defense Fund / 25. / NRA – National Rifle Association*
6. / American Farm Bureau / 16. / Family Research Council / 26. / PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
7. / AIPAC - American Israel Public Affairs Committee / 17. / Handgun Control, Inc. / 27. / Public Citizen*
8. / AMA - American Medical Association* / 18. / / 28. / Sierra Club*
9. / ATLA - Association of Trial Lawyers of America / 19. / NAACP – National Association for the Advancement of Colored People* / 29. / US Chamber of Commerce*
10. / The Business Roundtable / 20. / NAM - National Association of Manufacturers* / 30. / Veterans of Foreign Wars*