HELD ON MONDAY, 5th NOVEMBER, 2012, AT 10.30 a.m.,
Present:Cllr. Gerry Ginty, Cathaoirleach
Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly
Cllr. Annie May Reape
Cllr. Eddie Staunton
Cllr. John O’Hara
Cllr. Eddie Staunton
Cllr. Willie Nolan, Méara, Ballina Town Council
Mr Paul Benson, A/Director of Services
Mr Padraig Flanagan, Senior Executive Officer
Ms Theresa Durkin, District Ex. Engineer
Ms Mary Gordon, Senior Staff Officer
Cllr. Gerry Ginty, Cathaoirleach of Ballina Electoral Area Committee, welcomed everyone to the November Committee Meeting. Prior to proceeding with the Items listed for discussion on the Agenda,Cllr. Annie MayReape extended her congratulations and compliments to the Bonniconlon Community on their success (2nd place; populations <500) in the national “Pride of Place” competition which had taken place at Thomond Park, Limerick, last weekend. Fellow Councillors concurred with these sentiments. Similar sentiments were expressed in respect of LahardaneVillage who had been the outright winner in their own category.
To adopt Minutes ofProposed by Cllr. Eddie Staunton
Meeting held on 10thSeconded by Cllr. John O’Hara
September, 2012,AND RESOLVED:-
at 9.30am.“That the Minutes of Ballina Electoral Area Committee
Meeting held on 10th September, 2012, at 9.30am, as
circulated, be adopted”.
The Gathering 2013.Mr Paul Benson, A/D.O.S., referred to a letter which
Mr Michael Ring, T.D., had circulated, requesting
Members to support The Gathering in the 2013 Council Budget.
Mr Benson informed the Members that it is Govern - ments intention that this initiative would be community driven.He recognised that funding would be an issue, but LAs would be making some budgetary provision when adopting the 2013 Budget. A Committees had already been established in the North East Region to progress this Initiative. He
advised the first week in August (2013) had been selected as the principal period for the Ballina/Swinford areas, using Bonniconlon Show and Síamsa Sráide as the focus of attraction, with other events also taking place. He encouraged communities to get involved and organise events.
Members acknowledged the great possibilities such
initiative could yield, and promised support to Communities with their efforts.
Winter ServicesIn the absence of Mr Iarla Moran, it was necessary to
Maintenance Planadjourn discussion on this Item.
2012-13.Mr.Paul Benson advised the Members that this Item
was also on that afternoon’s Council Meeting so there was no need to reschedule.
Housing Report.Mr Padraig Flanagan, Senior Executive Officer,
informed the Members that the approval of additional Housing Grants was progressing and emergency approvals were also ongoing at a similar rate as 2011. Overall, the number of incoming applications was also similar to 2011 levels, and the Housing service was hopeful of receiving a similar rate of funding for 2013.
He cautioned that funding for Casual Vacancies and
Housing Maintenance would be of critical importance to Areas to ensure housing stock could be satisfactorily maintained and readily re-lettable. He
sought the Members support in adopting the 2013 Budget in ensuring sufficient funding was provided for
these essential works.
Members expressed their satisfaction with the operation of the Housing Grants Scheme, and
thanked both technical and administrative Staff for their efficiency in processing applications.
Mr Benson informed the Meeting that Mr Martin O’Grady, Assistant Engineer, would be leaving Ballina Area to take up a new role in the Belmullet Electoral Area, in early December 2012, and Mr Mark O’Donnell, Ex. Engineer, would be replacing him on Housing Grants. He thanked Martin for his work in the area and wished him well in his new role.
Mr Flanagan also informed Members that it was the
Council’s intention to seek funding in 2013 under the Energy Efficiency Programme to upgrade housing stock in the Abbeytown and Abbeyview Housing Schemes.
Proposed by Cllr. Gerry Ginty
Seconded by Cllr. Annie May Reape
“That Ballina Electoral Area Committee write to the
Minister for Housing requesting that the provision of
one-off rural houses be restored; in the interests of
preserving rural communities”.
Roads Report.Ms Theresa Durkin, District Ex. Engineer, provided a summary of Roadworks which were currently ongoing in Ballina Electoral Area. Included in this summary were the following works:-
- Local Roads Strengthening 100% complete;
- Local Roads Surface Dressing 100% complete;
- Regional Roads Strengthening 100% complete;
- Regional Roads Surface Dressing 60% complete;
The prolonged inclement weather has greatly affected progress rates this year;
- Road construction and lining on the R310 -R318 Knockmore to Pontoon Overlay complete and accommodation works ongoing;
- Drainage Works ongoing on the N59 Bunree – Lower Bridge Overlay and anticipated completion date of late November – early December;
- Works nearing completion on new footpath at Gortskeddia in Crossmolina;
- Refurbishment of existing footpath at St. Patricks Terrace, Killala Road, Ballina, is complete;
- General Road Lining & Signage Replacement Ongoing
- Hedge Cutting/Verge trimming Ongoing
- Opening of watertablesOngoing
- Winter Salting Service Commenced 15/10/2012 Ongoing
Ms. Durkin responded to a number of queries raised by the
Members in relation to Roads. The Members complimented the
Roads Staff, both technical and outdoor, for their work during the
CommunityIn the absence of Mr. Neil Sheridan, it was necessary to adjourn
Enterprisediscussion on this Item. Mr. Sheridan had sent his apologies that
Report.he would not be in attendance.
Notice of Motion.“I am calling on MayoCounty Council to engage with the local community in Ardagh and myself regarding the removal of a dangerous fence opposite Ardagh NationalSchool. Funding is available through Notice of Motion and the replacement of the fence/wall requested by the landowner will be built by the local FAS team on request of the Board of Management of the school”.
Cllr. Seamus Weir.
Cllr. Weir outlined his previous experiences dealing with similar situations at schools over the years. He advised the
Landowner concerned in this case was offering a section of
ground (100m x 4m,) based on a plan prepared locally, involving the removal of the exiting ditch, with boundary reinstatement by means of the construction of a concrete block wall (FAS providing the labour), with funding for materials being covered by Councillors Notice of Motion monies.
Cllr. Weir’s grievance was that this proposal had been
dismissed by Officials at this Office, and he wanted his colleagues to show their support of his proposal, by allowing their NOM funding to be allocated to FAS to construct this wall. Cllr. Weir expressed disappointment that more of the media were not present to report the events of this Area Meeting while certain Members elsewhere seemed to be
receiving excessive publicity.
This Motion was seconded by Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly.
Members expressed their general agreement with Cllr. Weir’s proposal regarding assignment of NOM funds for the
purpose of undertaking improvements to parking facilities at ArdaghNationalSchool.
Mr Benson, A/DoS, informed the Meeting that MCC had been engaging with Cllr. Weir for many months to try and
resolve this issue. Consequently, various proposals had been considered during the course of these negotiations, from provision of a Car Park to road widening. He had personally visited the Site and was of the firm view that Cllr. Weir’s proposal regarding the construction of a block wall set back 4m from the existing boundary, was excessive possibly
creating a more dangerous roads situation, if undertaken.
In his opinion, timber post and rail fencing, with hedging, was the appropriate option, in terms of both safety and aesthetically, and felt that 2m road widening would more than adequately accommodate the drop off/pick up accommodation required bychildren attending the school.
Mr Benson advised he would be happy to meet the locals at any time.
This concluded the business of the Meeting.