Youth Apprenticeship Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2010
- Call to order
MaryBeth Barnescalled to order the first meeting of the Youth Apprenticeship Committee at 3:30 PM, on October, 28, 2010atHutchings Career Center in the culinary dining room. The culinary students and chef prepared some delicious snacksfor the advisory committee to enjoy before the meeting. We then moved up to the YAP Suite for the YAP Advisory meeting.
- Introductions
The following persons were present: Ted Lamb of Robins AFB, Ryan Evangelo of Robins AFB, Adam Randall of Robins AFB, Talenthea Hollis from CGTC, Steve Barrett from MetroPower Inc., Vanessa Wynn from Bibb County Schools Tech Services, Debra Harrison from Georgia Power, Vonnie Angelo from Dept of Labor, Kari Kitchens from Bibb County and MaryBeth Barnes. This being the first meeting of the year each committee member introduced themselves and told a little about their positions.
Also invited were: Amy Hudnall from the Center of Innovation for Aerospace and G-RAMP, Perry Swanson – G-RAMP, Mary Therese Tebbe with 21st Century Partnership. All had prior commitments or last minute changes of schedule that prohibited them from attending this meeting.
The meeting minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed.
A packet of Youth Apprenticeship information was handed out to each member. This packet included an agenda, last meetings minutes, YAP Hiring guidelines for employers, Guidelines for Robins for the summer and Summer application packet, a regular YAP application and information on the AST and Electronics program at CGTC, and a Career Concentrations book on all the CTAE programs throughout Bibb County Schools. These were all reviewed and briefly discussed.
An emphasis was placed on the value each member contributes to make the YAP successful each year. Guest speaking opportunities for the students at the high schools helps to create awareness of the many opportunities available to students.
The Website for YAP is now up and running. Still a work in progress but a lot of headway has been made. To find the YAP webpage go to:
Bibb County Schools main page, click on Departments, Click on CTAE, click on Youth Apprenticeship…Suggestions welcomed!
- Open issues
a)Is it possible for Robins to hire the AST students for the summer in a different program for YAP? Ryan will work on this.
b)This year CGTC worked to allow Mike Skelly to teach the beginning AST class and have another professor teach EMP1000. This has worked out very well for those students who are truly interested in this as a career.
c)How can we better prepare students for the rigorous work with Macon Power and help them to become successful completers of that program? One of the biggest issues is transportation. Many jobs through Macon Power require students to drive 20 – 30 miles (or more) to make it to a site. This is not possible. So allowing students to work closer to home is being worked on.
d)YAP is constantly looking for opportunities to place students. If your business or you know of a business that might be a good match for a YAP position, please contact me.
- New business
a)CGTC will change from the Quarter system to the Semester System in 2011.
b)Metro Power/Macon Power is willing to interview students again for this coming summer. I’ll be working on recruiting some students for these positions.
Awards and Thank You’s:
Thank you very much to Ted Lamb for helping Bibb County implement the summer YAP program on Robins AFB 3 years ago! Ted is taking a new position on Robins and will no longer be apart of the Summer YAP students. Your help and efforts have been greatly appreciated. A plaque of appreciation was given to Ted Lamb. Also, plaques of participation as a committee member were given out to all committee members. Thank you all for your support for YAP!
- Adjournment
MaryBeth Barnes adjourned the meeting at 4:45pm.The next meeting will be in the Spring of 2011.
Minutes submitted by: MaryBeth Barnes