Physics Course Syllabus
Instructor: Kristie Graham (Drillot)
Textbook: Prentice Hall Conceptual Physics
Online Book Student Log-In Information
password: warhawks!
Course Description:
This Physics course will introduce you to the concepts and methods of the various fields of Physics including Mechanics, Energy, Waves, Electricity, and Newtonian Physics. Physics is basic to all the sciences. It is the search for patterns in nature. These patterns have been found to exist from the very small (subatomic particles, atoms, and cells) to the largest possible scale (stars, galaxies, and the whole universe), and everything in between. Remarkably, many of the patterns discovered so far conform to mathematical equations.
Suggested Materials:
- Quad-Rule Composition Notebook
- 3 - ring binder with pockets.
- Work(Physics Problems) should be done in pencil except when done on a computer.
- Scientific calculator (A graphing calculator is OK, but not necessary).
- Separate eraser
- Plenty of college ruled paper
- A ruler and a protractor
Class Rules and Expectations: These are based on 2 principles
Maximum Learning and Mutual Respect.
1. Come to class on time every day.
2. Bring the materials listed or their equivalent every day.
3. When you arrive at the classroom, enter immediately and be seated. Any pencil sharpening, bathroom visits, water fountain visits, locker visits, or phone calls are to be completed before class begins.Our administrators require that no passes be given in the first 15 minutes or last 15 minutes of class. Remain seated all through class unless instructed otherwise.
4. Please do not interrupt to ask a question or make a comment. I will respond to your raised hand.
5. If you have an assigned seat, you must sit in it every day, throughout the class period.
6. Tardiness disrupts class. It will be dealt with according to the student handbook.
7. Absences put you behind. They burden both student and teacher and handicap the learning process. Please minimize any absences. You will have the same number of days to make up work after an excused absence as the number of days you were absent.
8. Late work is a nuisance and receives half credit.
Grading Procedures: Grades will be calculated as follows:
Cummulative Course Work (80%) / % of Course GradeClassworkandQuizzes / 35%
Homework / 20%
Tests / 45%
Final Exam (20%) / 20%
Grading Scale:
90% to 100% = A
80% to 89% = B
74% to 79% = C
70% to 73% = D
70% = F
Motion in One Dimension
Two-Dimensional Motion and Vectors
Forces and the Laws of Motion
Rotational Motion and the Law of Gravity
Rotational Equilibrium and Dynamics
Energy and Momentum
Work and Energy
Momentum and Collisions
Waves, Sound, Light, and Optics
Vibrations and Waves
Light and Reflection
Interference and Diffraction
Electricity and Magnetism
Electric Forces and Fields
Electrical Energy and Capacitance
Current and Resistance
Circuits and Circuit Elements
Electromagnetic Induction
Modern Physics
Fission and Fusion
Nuclear Reactions
Uncertainty Principle
I will be offering tutoring sessions and day(s) and time(s) will be posted on my schoolwires website. However, please see me immediately so we can correct or check any problem you have. The sooner we look at the “problem,” the easier it will be to correct the problem and get you on the right path. 100 % effort is the only way.
If you have any questionsonce you have read through the syllabus, please e-mail me at . Also visit the class website which can be accessed under the Henry County High School Website. Updates, class announcements, and important dates will be posted as the year progresses.
I do use Remind and encourage both parents and students to sign up by texting @phys-sem1 to 81010; users of smartphones should open their web browser and go to the following link: and follow instructions to sign up.
Thank you,
Kristie Graham