Monthly Grant Alert
March 2018
OVW FY 2018 Grants to Reduce Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking on Campus Program-UpdatedFunding Opportunity #: / OVW-2018-14263
Eligibility: / Public and State controlled institutions of higher education; Private institutions of higher education
Posted Date: / February 01, 2018
Closing Date: / March 07, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $20,000,000
Award Ceiling: / $750,000
Award Floor: / $0
Match: / No
Description: / The Campus Program encourages a comprehensive coordinated community approach that enhances victim safety, provides services for victims and supports efforts to hold offenders accountable. The funding supports activities that develop and strengthen trauma informed victim services and strategies to prevent, investigate, respond and prosecute sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. The development of campus-wide coordinated responses involving campus victim service providers, law enforcement/campus safety officers, health providers, housing officials, administrators, student leaders, faith-based leaders, representatives from student organizations, and disciplinary board members is critical.
The National Eldercare Locator
Funding Opportunity #: / HHS-2018-ACL-AOA-EEIR-0279
Eligibility: / Domestic public or private non-profit entities including state and local governments, Indian tribal governments and organizations (American Indian/Alaskan Native/Native American), faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, hospitals, and institutions of higher education.
Posted Date: / February 07, 2018
Closing Date: / April 09, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $1,563,144
Award Ceiling: / $1,563,144
Award Floor: / $1,563,144
Match: / Yes
Description: / The Administration on Aging (AoA) will hold a competition for a new cooperative agreement to continue operation of the National Eldercare Locator. The Eldercare Locator will be available to people in 56 states and territories to provide information and referrals nationwide. The Locator is a call center with live information specialists helping older adults and their caregivers link to the aging network of trustworthy national, State, Tribal and community-based organizations. This new program announcement seeks to advance the Locator to better serve current and future older adults and those who care for them.
School-Based Health Center Capital (SBHCC) Program
Funding Opportunity #: / HRSA-19-073
Eligibility: / For the purposes of this funding opportunity, eligible applicants must be a SBHC or a sponsoring facility of a SBHC applying on behalf of a SBHC. A SBHC: (i) Is located in or near a school facility of a school district or board, or a school facility of an Indian tribe or tribal organization; (ii) Is organized through school, community, and health provider relationships; (iii) Is administered by a sponsoring facility; (iv) Through health professionals, provides primary health services to children in accordance with State and local law, including laws relating to licensure and certification; and (v) Satisfies such other requirements as a State may establish for the operation of such a clinic. A sponsoring facility of an SBHC includes any of the following: (i) A hospital. (ii) A public health department. (iii) A community health center. (iv) A nonprofit health care agency. (v) A local educational agency (as defined under section 9101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 USC 7801). (vi) A program administered by the Indian Health Service or the Bureau of Indian Affairs or operated by an Indian tribe or a tribal organization.
Posted Date: / February 09, 2018
Closing Date: / April 17, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $10,000,000
Award Ceiling: / $100,000
Award Floor: / $0
Match: / No
Description: / This notice of funding opportunity details the eligibility requirements, review criteria, and awarding factors for organizations seeking a SBHCC award in fiscal year (FY) 2019. FY 2019 SBHCC awards will increase access to mental health, substance abuse, and childhood obesity-related services in operational school-based health centers (SBHCs), by funding minor alteration/renovation (A/R) projects and/or purchase of moveable equipment, including telehealth equipment. Applicants must demonstrate how their proposal will support the provision of effective, efficient, quality health care, and lead to improvements in access to mental health, substance abuse, and childhood obesity-related services at the SBHC site(s).
Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC)
Funding Opportunity #: / USDA-NIFA-OP-006510
Eligibility: / Applications may be submitted by State agricultural experiment stations, State cooperative extension services, all colleges and universities, other research or educational institutions or organizations, Federal and private agencies and organization and individuals.
Posted Date: / February 09, 2018
Closing Date: / May 03, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $500,000
Award Ceiling: / $500,000
Award Floor: / $0
Match: / No
NIFA's Agriculture in the Classroom Program (AITC) serves nearly 5 million students and 60,000 teachers annually through workshops, conferences, field trips, farm tours, and other educational activities. AITC programs include working with state AITC activities engaged in a variety of issues relating to agricultural literacy. Other programs emphasized by the NIFA AITC office include:
•Science literacy
•Agricultural careers
•Pre-service and professional develop opportunities for teachers.
Jail Administration Training and Technical Assistance
Funding Opportunity #: / 18JD01
Eligibility: / Nonprofit organizations (including faith-based, community, and tribal organizations), for-profit organizations (including tribal for-profit organizations), and institutions of higher education (including tribal institutions of higher education).
Posted Date: / February 09, 2018
Closing Date: / April 10, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $150,000
Award Ceiling: / $150,000
Award Floor: / $0
Match: / No
Description: / Jail administrators have an important role in ensuring that jail operations are conducted in a safe, secure, humane, and legal manner. The goal of the Jail Administration program is to provide jail administrators with information and tools that can be used to fulfill this role. Jail administrators must have knowledge and skills in a wide variety of areas to oversee operations and manage specific functions. Each module of the current program focuses on specific administrative responsibilities and tools including: action planning; using jail standards; managing risk; developing policy and procedure; determining staffing needs; managing the workforce; managing inmate behavior; developing a fire, safety and sanitation plan and; assessing jail operations.
Substance Abuse Treatment for Children and Adolescents
Funding Opportunity #: / TI-18-010
Eligibility: / Eligible applicants are domestic public and private nonprofit entities
Posted Date: / February 09, 2018
Closing Date: / April 10, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $14,616,450
Award Ceiling: / $541,350
Award Floor: / $0
Match: / No
Description: / The purpose of this program is to enhance and expand comprehensive treatment, early intervention, and recovery support services for adolescents (ages 12-18), transitional aged youth (ages 16-25), and their families/primary caregivers with substance use disorders (SUD) and/or co-occurring substance use and mental disorders.
Transitional Living Program and Maternity Group Homes
Funding Opportunity #: / HHS-2018-ACF-ACYF-CX-1352
Eligibility: / City or township governments; Special district governments; County governments; Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized); Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments); Public and State controlled institutions of higher education; Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities; State governments; Private institutions of higher education; Independent school districts
Posted Date: / February 14, 2018
Closing Date: / April 05, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $17,786,711
Award Ceiling: / $283,322
Award Floor: / $100,000
Match: / Yes
Description: / The purpose of TLP and MGH grant programs are to implement, enhance, and/or support effective strategies for successful transition to sustainable living for runaway and homeless youth ages 16 to under 22 and/or pregnant and parenting youth ages 16 to under 22 and their dependent child(ren). Both projects must provide safe, stable, and appropriate shelter for 18 months. Under extenuating circumstances, shelter stay can be extended to 21 months with comprehensive services that supports the transition of homeless youth to self-sufficiency and stable, independent living.
Pension Counseling & Information Program: National Pension Assistance Resource Center
Funding Opportunity #: / HHS-2018-ACL-AOA-PCRC-0267
Eligibility: / Unrestricted
Posted Date: / February 14, 2018
Closing Date: / April 16, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $400,000
Award Ceiling: / $410,000
Award Floor: / $392,000
Match: / Yes
Description: / The goal of the Pension Counseling & Information Program is to help individuals understand and exercise their pension rights. AoA funds a national Pension Assistance and Resource Center to provide support to the regional pension counseling projects, State and Area Agencies on Aging, Aging and Disability Resource Centers, legal services providers, and others by providing substantive legal training, technical assistance, and programmatic consultation.
Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) Projects
Funding Opportunity #: / HHS-2018-ACL-CIP-MPPG-0260
Eligibility: / Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized); City or township governments; County governments; Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments); Public and State controlled institutions of higher education; State governments; Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Private institutions of higher education; Special district governments; Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Posted Date: / February 15, 2018
Closing Date: / April 16, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $15,572,276
Award Ceiling: / $544,504
Award Floor: / $95,000
Match: / No
Description: / The mission of the Administration for Community Living (ACL) Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) program is to empower and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse. Through outreach, counseling, and education, the SMP program increases awareness and understanding of health care programs to protect Medicare beneficiaries from the economic and health-related consequences associated with Medicare fraud, errors, and abuse.
National Paralysis Resource Center
Funding Opportunity #: / HHS-2018-ACL-AOD-PRRC-0287
Eligibility: / State governments; County governments; City or township governments; Public and State controlled institutions of higher education; Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized); Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments); Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Private institutions of higher education
Posted Date: / February 16, 2018
Closing Date: / April 17, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $5,487,654
Award Ceiling: / $5,487,654
Award Floor: / $5,000,000
Match: / No
Description: / ACL intends to award funds to support one (1) National Paralysis Resource Center (NPRC) that will improve the health and quality of life of individuals living with paralysis of all ages, their families, and their caregivers by raising awareness of and facilitating access to a broad range of services relevant to individuals with paralysis over the next three years. The NPRC will work with ACL and ACL-funded programs to remove environmental barriers to health and community living for individuals living with paralysis, their families, and their caregivers.
Statewide Consumer Network Program
Funding Opportunity #: / SM-18-008
Eligibility: / Domestic public and private non-profit entities, tribes, and Urban Indian organizations that are mental health consumer-operated organizations for at least two years and are not operating under the umbrella of another organization.
Posted Date: / February 20, 2018
Closing Date: / April 23, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $855,000
Award Ceiling: / $95,000
Award Floor: / $0
Match: / Yes
Description: / The purpose of this program is to improve efforts to address the needs of adults with serious mental illness (SMI) by developing and/or expanding peer support services, peer leadership, and peer engagement strategies statewide. The population of focus is adults with SMI, including those who are underserved and under-represented (e.g., consumers from ethnic, racial, and cultural minority groups); veterans; individuals who are chronically homeless; individuals with co-occurring disorders (COD)3; sexual orientation and gender identity minorities; and individuals who have been involved in the criminal justice system.
FY 2018 Announcement of Anticipated Availability of Funds for Family Planning Services Grants
Funding Opportunity #: / PA-FPH-18-001
Eligibility: / Any public or private nonprofit entity located in a State (which includes one of the 50 United States; Faith-based organizations and American Indian/Alaska Native/Native American (AI/AN/NA) organizations are eligible to apply for Title X family planning services grants.
Posted Date: / February 23, 2018
Closing Date: / May 24, 2018
Award Ceiling: / $22,000,000
Award Floor: / $150,000
Match: / Yes
Description: / This notice solicits applications from public and private nonprofit entities, including comprehensive primary care providers, hospitals, health collaboratives, and women health centers to establish and operate voluntary family planning projects to serve the 50 United States. HHS seeks a broad competition for Title X grant awards to provide a diversity of options for clients with the intention of improving overall service provision, increasing the number of clients served, and expanding the breadth of services available in the states, territories and throughout the regions
Agriculture Risk Management Education
Funding Opportunity #: / USDA-NIFA-ARPA-006535
Eligibility: / Applications may only be submitted by qualified public and private entities. This includes all colleges and universities, Federal, State, and local agencies, nonprofit and for-profit private organization or corporations, and other entities.
Posted Date: / February 23, 2018
Closing Date: / April 27, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $4,483,200
Match: / No
Description: / The primary purpose of the RME program is to provide U.S. agricultural producers and their families, as appropriate, with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to make informed risk management decisions that enhance profitability of their operations.
NIJ FY18 Comprehensive School Safety Initiative
Funding Opportunity #: / NIJ-2018-14140
Eligibility: / For profit organizations other than small businesses; Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Public and State controlled institutions of higher education; Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments); Individuals; Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized); Private institutions of higher education; City or township governments; Special district governments; State governments; Small businesses; County governments
Posted Date: / February 27, 2018
Closing Date: / May 07, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $50,000,000
Award Ceiling: / $50,000,000
Award Floor: / $0
Match: / No
Description: / The Comprehensive School Safety Initiative (CSSI) funds rigorous research to produce practical knowledge that can improve the safety of students and schools. The Initiative is carried out through partnerships between researchers, educators, and other stakeholders; including law enforcement, behavioral and mental health professionals, courts, and other justice system professionals. Projects funded under the CSSI are designed to improve understanding that can be applied to schools and school districts across the nation for years to come.
2018 Empowering Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities through Chronic Disease Self-Management Education Programs Financed by the Prevention and Public Health Fund
Funding Opportunity #: / HHS-2018-ACL-AOA-CSSG-0256
Eligibility: / Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; State governments; Private institutions of higher education; Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities; Public and State controlled institutions of higher education; Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments); Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized); Special district governments; City or township governments
County governments; Independent school districts
Posted Date: / February 28, 2018
Closing Date: / April 30, 2018
Estimated Total Funding: / $6,275,090
Award Ceiling: / $900,000
Award Floor: / $50,000
Match: / No
Description: / The Administration on Aging (AoA) within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) forecasts the possible availability of Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 funds to make three-year grants to approximately 10 entities to develop capacity, bring to scale, and sustain evidence-based programs that empower older adults and adults with disabilities to better manage their chronic conditions.
Henry & Sylvia Yaschik FoundationEligibility: / 501(c) (3) organizations
Closing Date: / April 30, 2018
Award Ceiling: / Varies
Description: / The Henry and Sylvia Yaschik Foundation awards grants to qualified charities that serve the greater Charleston, South Carolina area.
Classics For Kids Foundation
Eligibility: / Public and private schools or nonprofit organizations
Closing Date: / March 31, 2018
Award Ceiling: / $5,000
Description: / The Classics for Kids Foundation believes that playing a stringed instrument can transform a child, giving them experiences and skills that can help make them more successful in life. To that end, the foundation provides matching grants schools or nonprofit organization to incorporate fine string instruments into their music programs.
FM Global: Fire Prevention Grant Program
Eligibility: / 501(c)(3) or (4) tax-exempt organization under the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Code.
Closing Date: / March 31, 2018
Award Ceiling: / $3,000
Description: / FM Global offers financial support to organizations working to combat fire. Through the Fire Prevention Grant Program, fire departments and brigades, as well as national, state, regional, local, and community organizations can apply for funding to support a wide array of fire prevention, preparedness, and control efforts, including pre-fire planning, fire prevention education/training, and arson prevention/fire investigation.
Funding will support organizations working to combat fire for a wide array of fire prevention, preparedness, and control efforts. Examples of projects that will be considered include:
- Pre-incident planning (computer software programs, laptops)
- Fire prevention education/training (community outreach initiatives, workshops, publications)
- Arson prevention/fire investigation (juvenile fire setter programs, continuing education courses, digital and specialized cameras, accelerant detection equipment)