Supplementary Table 1: Species specialization indices (SSI) and species temperature indices (STI) for 86 common bird species counted in the Breeding Bird Monitoring Programme in the Czech Republic from 1982 to 2004. SSI is a measure of habitat specialization expressed as a coefficient of variation of species’ abundance across five habitats. STI was calculated by overlaying maps of species’ breeding distribution in Europe (Hagemeijer and Blair 1997) and mean spring temperatures (April-June 1961-1990) (Haylock et al. 2008). See the main text for more details on the calculation of these measures.

Species / SSI / STI
Acrocephalus arundinaceus / 1.75 / 13.32
Acrocephalus palustris / 1.39 / 11.81
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus / 1.62 / 10.85
Acrocephalus scirpaceus / 1.49 / 12.54
Aegithalos caudatus / 0.99 / 12.33
Alauda arvensis / 1.76 / 11.65
Anthus pratensis / 1.94 / 9.9
Anthus spinoletta / 2.45 / 11.43
Anthus trivialis / 1.05 / 10.95
Carduelis cannabina / 1.21 / 12.43
Carduelis carduelis / 1.07 / 12.75
Carduelis chloris / 0.97 / 11.91
Carduelis flammea / 0.96 / 8.19
Carduelis spinus / 1.25 / 12.75
Carpodacus erythrinus / 1.03 / 9.47
Certhia brachydactyla / 1.06 / 13.17
Certhia familiaris / 1.1 / 10.6
Cinclus cinclus / 0.76 / 11.09
Coccothraustes coccothraustes / 1.01 / 12.58
Corvus monedula / 1.02 / 12.29
Emberiza citrinella / 1.26 / 11.15
Emberiza hortulana / 1.75 / 11.78
Emberiza schoeniclus / 1.69 / 10.88
Erithacus rubecula / 0.99 / 11.59
Ficedula albicollis / 1.57 / 12.87
Ficedula hypoleuca / 0.99 / 10.02
Ficedula parva / 1.64 / 11.23
Fringilla coelebs / 0.89 / 11.76
Galerida cristata / 1.54 / 13.67
Garrulus glandarius / 0.94 / 11.8
Hippolais icterina / 0.97 / 11.03
Lanius collurio / 1.46 / 11.94
Lanius excubitor / 1.52 / 10.98
Lanius minor / 1.82 / 14.54
Locustella fluviatilis / 1.25 / 12.13
Locustella luscinioides / 1.92 / 13.21
Locustella naevia / 1.43 / 11.35
Loxia curvirostra / 1.47 / 10.06
Lullula arborea / 1.44 / 12.84
Luscinia megarhynchos / 1.5 / 13.49
Luscinia svecica / 1.53 / 10.02
Miliaria calandra / 1.59 / 13.36
Motacilla alba / 1.14 / 11.64
Motacilla cinerea / 0.75 / 12.35
Motacilla flava / 1.25 / 11.53
Muscicapa striata / 0.99 / 11.45
Nucifraga caryocatactes / 1.32 / 10.61
Oenanthe oenanthe / 2.1 / 11.16
Oriolus oriolus / 1.17 / 12.95
Panurus biarmicus / 2.19 / 13.24
Parus ater / 1.3 / 11.56
Parus caeruleus / 0.89 / 12.13
Parus cristatus / 1.46 / 11.4
Parus major / 0.85 / 11.78
Parus montanus / 0.98 / 10.11
Parus palustris / 0.93 / 12.12
Passer domesticus / 1.35 / 11.71
Passer montanus / 1.15 / 12.59
Phoenicurus ochruros / 1.17 / 12.7
Phoenicurus phoenicurus / 0.79 / 11.12
Phylloscopus collybita / 0.91 / 11.51
Phylloscopus sibilatrix / 1.14 / 11.08
Phylloscopus trochiloides / 1.22 / 9.1
Phylloscopus trochilus / 0.96 / 10.16
Pica pica / 1.28 / 11.79
Prunella modularis / 0.94 / 10.75
Pyrrhula pyrrhula / 1.05 / 10.67
Regulus ignicapillus / 1.33 / 12.57
Regulus regulus / 1.44 / 10.68
Remiz pendulinus / 1.69 / 13.27
Saxicola rubetra / 1.8 / 10.77
Saxicola torquata / 1.47 / 13.25
Serinus serinus / 0.93 / 13.15
Sitta europaea / 1 / 12.43
Sturnus vulgaris / 1.11 / 11.39
Sylvia atricapilla / 0.93 / 12.19
Sylvia borin / 0.97 / 10.93
Sylvia communis / 1.3 / 12.14
Sylvia curruca / 1.01 / 11.21
Sylvia nisoria / 1.9 / 12.63
Troglodytes troglodytes / 0.98 / 11.91
Turdus merula / 0.82 / 11.98
Turdus philomelos / 0.88 / 11.14
Turdus pilaris / 1.29 / 9.83
Turdus torquatus / 1.42 / 9.55
Turdus viscivorus / 1.09 / 11.45

Supplementary Table 2: Community specialization index (CSI), community temperature index (CTI), local and national species richness (SR) and Jaccard similarity index (Jaccard) of bird communities in the Czech Republic based on data from census transects counted within the Breeding Bird Monitoring Programme from 1982 to 2004. CSI reflects the relative abundance of specialist and generalist species, respectively; CTI reflects the relative abundance of species living in warmer and colder temperatures, respectively. Local species richness is the mean species richness of local bird communities; national species richness is the total species richness in the country in a given year; Jaccard index in the mean proportion of the species shared by a pair of transects in a given year. Period refers to the two time periods discriminated in data analysis.

Year / CSI / CTI / Local SR / National SR / Jaccard / No of transects
1982 / 1.06 / 11.60 / 35.55 / 74 / 0.48 / 33
1983 / 1.10 / 11.61 / 35.73 / 78 / 0.47 / 37
1984 / 1.08 / 11.61 / 35.73 / 77 / 0.48 / 31
1985 / 1.09 / 11.62 / 36.00 / 75 / 0.50 / 25
1986 / 1.07 / 11.61 / 36.23 / 74 / 0.50 / 26
1987 / 1.05 / 11.61 / 36.18 / 74 / 0.52 / 27
1988 / 1.07 / 11.59 / 36.32 / 77 / 0.54 / 36
1989 / 1.07 / 11.54 / 36.95 / 75 / 0.52 / 29
1990 / 1.07 / 11.58 / 38.14 / 75 / 0.57 / 30
1991 / 1.07 / 11.59 / 38.00 / 76 / 0.54 / 28
1992 / 1.06 / 11.61 / 39.00 / 75 / 0.55 / 33
1993 / 1.08 / 11.69 / 35.68 / 78 / 0.47 / 34
1994 / 1.09 / 11.67 / 31.45 / 75 / 0.43 / 32
1995 / 1.10 / 11.68 / 33.82 / 81 / 0.44 / 35
1996 / 1.05 / 11.67 / 32.27 / 77 / 0.47 / 28
1997 / 1.04 / 11.61 / 32.36 / 69 / 0.46 / 28
1998 / 1.05 / 11.64 / 33.59 / 71 / 0.46 / 22
1999 / 1.04 / 11.69 / 32.77 / 76 / 0.47 / 29
2000 / 1.05 / 11.68 / 37.27 / 77 / 0.52 / 32
2001 / 1.05 / 11.69 / 36.50 / 75 / 0.51 / 35
2002 / 1.05 / 11.68 / 34.36 / 76 / 0.46 / 32
2003 / 1.05 / 11.68 / 34.68 / 74 / 0.47 / 27
2004 / 1.04 / 11.66 / 35.77 / 78 / 0.49 / 28

Supplementary Table 3: Spring temperature (Temperature), area of arable land (Arable), area of forest (Forest), area of grassland (Grassland), per hectare cereal yield (Yield), per hectare consumption of fertilizers (Fertilizers), per hectare consumption of pesticides (Pesticides), area of fallow land (Fallow) and area cultivated by organic farming (Organic) in the Czech Republic in the years 1982-2004. Period refers to the two time periods discriminated in data analysis.

Year / Period / Temperature / Arable / Forest / Grassland / Yield / Fertilizers / Pesticides / Fallow / Organic
°C / ha x 103 / ha x 103 / ha x 103 / kg x 103/ha / kg/ha / kg/ha / ha / ha
1982 / first / 11.4 / 3289 / 2626 / 839 / 3.98 / 243.6 / 2.42 / NA / NA
1983 / first / 12.8 / 3286 / 2626 / 836 / 4.36 / 264.9 / 2.50 / NA / NA
1984 / first / 10.7 / 3280 / 2626 / 836 / 4.72 / 264.4 / 2.58 / NA / NA
1985 / first / 11.4 / 3269 / 2627 / 824 / 4.73 / 259.0 / 2.42 / NA / NA
1986 / first / 12.9 / 3260 / 2627 / 827 / 4.26 / 272.6 / 2.25 / NA / NA
1987 / first / 11.1 / 3253 / 2628 / 828 / 4.49 / 232.1 / 2.07 / NA / NA
1988 / first / 12.4 / 3242 / 2630 / 830 / 4.55 / 235.1 / 2.01 / NA / NA
1989 / first / 12.0 / 3232 / 2629 / 829 / 4.69 / 238.0 / 1.98 / NA / NA
1990 / first / 12.0 / 3219 / 2630 / 833 / 5.46 / 217.9 / 2.01 / 2931 / 480
1991 / second / 10.1 / 3184 / 2630 / 864 / 4.87 / 122.0 / 1.57 / 3706 / 17507
1992 / second / 12.9 / 3175 / 2629 / 872 / 4.15 / 86.9 / 1.09 / 13458 / 15371
1993 / second / 13.4 / 3173 / 2629 / 873 / 4.03 / 82.0 / 0.89 / 31737 / 15667
1994 / second / 12.3 / 3158 / 2630 / 886 / 4.10 / 96.9 / 0.88 / 55750 / 15818
1995 / second / 11.2 / 3143 / 2630 / 902 / 4.19 / 97.2 / 0.88 / 56089 / 14982
1996 / second / 12.3 / 3098 / 2631 / 946 / 4.20 / 86.3 / 0.91 / 83968 / 17022
1997 / second / 11.5 / 3091 / 2632 / 953 / 4.14 / 91.3 / 0.91 / 56717 / 20239
1998 / second / 13.3 / 3101 / 2634 / 947 / 3.97 / 89.5 / 0.97 / 51375 / 71621
1999 / second / 12.6 / 3096 / 2634 / 950 / 4.35 / 84.4 / 0.98 / 58644 / 110756
2000 / second / 14.4 / 3082 / 2637 / 961 / 3.91 / 89.4 / 1.01 / 71150 / 165699
2001 / second / 11.8 / 3075 / 2639 / 964 / 4.52 / 94.7 / 1.03 / 115579 / 217869
2002 / second / 13.5 / 3068 / 2643 / 966 / 4.33 / 101.6 / 1.28 / 83149 / 235136
2003 / second / 14.1 / 3062 / 2644 / 968 / 3.95 / 89.7 / 1.01 / 176990 / 254995
2004 / second / 12.0 / 3055 / 2646 / 972 / 5.45 / 99.8 / 0.99 / 55000 / 263299

Supplementary Figure 1: (a) Spring temperature, (b) area of arable land (Arable land), (c) area of forest (Forest), (d) area of grassland (Grassland), (e) per hectare cereal yield (Yield), (f) per hectare consumption of fertilizers (Fertilizers), (g) per hectare consumption of pesticides (Pesticides), (h) area of fallow land (Fallow land) and (i) area cultivated by organic farming (Organic farming) in the Czech Republic in the years 1982-2004.








