Environment, Health & Safety (EHS)
Pfizer Global Manufacturing (PGM)
Lincoln Site
Table of Contents
EHS Topics
Asbestos Awareness
Bloodborne Pathogens
Compressed Gas Cylinders
Confined Space Entry
Electrical Safety
Emergency Procedures
Environmental Topics
Fall Protection
Hazard Communication
Hearing Conservation
Hot Work
Incident Reporting
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Powered Industrial Trucks, including Aerial Lifts
Respiratory Protection
Safe Work Permit
Welcome to the Pfizer Global Manufacturing (PGM) Lincoln Site! Contractor work is important to the overall success of this facility. To help assure that contractor work is carried out successfully, the PGM Lincoln Contractor Administration (LCA) group was formed. This group is responsible for all contractors on site. It is very important that contractor work is conducted in a safe and environmentally sound manner. There are numerous Environmental, Safety, and Health policies that apply to the many different types of contractor work on site. This Guide is intended to provide a general summary to sort out the site procedures (SOP) so that contractors can determine if a policy or program applies to their particular work. Their Contract Administrator will assist in determining which policies and programs apply. However, contractors will still be responsible for assuring that all applicable programs and policies are followed.
For convenience, this Guide is broken down alphabetically by topic. Contractors must also be aware of and have programs to meet requirements outlined in the PGM Lincoln Facilities Administrative Site Requirements and Practices for Contract Firms. In addition, Contractors must also be aware of the site procedure for Contractor Safety found in SOP 65-0510, and emergency procedures and contact information contained in the SOP 65-0035, Emergency Action Plan.
All Contractors must successfully pass Pfizer Lincoln’s Contractor Safety Orientation prior to starting any work onsite.
EHS Topics
Asbestos Awareness
Purpose– To inform all contractors working on site that Pfizer facilities may have asbestos containing materials in areas such as, but not limited to: insulating materials, and floor tiles, Friable Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) is clearly marked. All questions should be directed to the site’s Designated Asbestos Manager (DAM), identified by your LCA.
Requirements –
- Only contractors certified in Asbestos Abatement can work on ACM projects.
Applicability –
- Applies to all building and construction contractors.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- General Contractor Safety
- No additional site specific training required.
References –
- 29CFR1910.1001
Blood-borne Pathogens
Purpose – Outline requirements for Blood-borne Pathogens(BBP)
Requirements –
- Prior to work with potential exposures to human body fluids, contractors must communicate the scope of work with Medical Services at extension 2974.
- Contractors, who are required to come in contact with blood and other potentially infectious bodily fluids, must have a Bloodborne Pathogens program, including adequate training in handling and clean-up.
- Waste created from the clean-up of a BBP, should be considered potentially infectious medical waste (PIMW) and will be identified with the biohazard symbol. The contractor is responsible for the proper labeling, containerization, handling, and disposal of PIMW. Contractors who may come in contact with potentially contaminated fluids should use universal precautions to protect themselves, including safety glasses, gloves, masks, etc.
Applicability –
- Applies to all contractors.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- None required.
References –
- 29CFR1910.1030
- SOP 60-0303, Handling of Human Body Fluids and Management of Body Fluid Exposure.
Compressed Gas Cylinders
Purpose – Outline requirements for storage and transportation of compressed gas cylinders.
Requirements –
- Cylinders shall be identified with the contract company’s name.
- Cylinders shall be stored and transported upright and in a secure position with proper protective caps. Cylinders must be secured with a non-combustible restraint (chain) of sufficient strength to prevent overturning of the cylinder.
- Acetylene or oxygen cylinders or other non-compatible materials are to be stored separately (at least 20’ apart) and in well-ventilated areas.
Applicability –
- Applies to all contractors.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- None required.
References –
- 29CFR1910.101 through 29CFR1910.104
Confined Space Entry
Purpose– To inform all contractors working on site that Pfizer has a confined space entry program. The purpose of the program is to protect personnel working in confined spaces or open pits. A confined space has a limited means of egress, may contain a hazardous atmosphere or presents an engulfment hazard. Some examples include: tanks, process vessels, boilers, pitsand sewers.
Requirements –
- Contractors must review work with their Pfizer Contract Administrator representative to be done to determine if a confined space will be entered and whether or not it is a permit-required space.
- Contractors must comply with OSHA requirements, including written program, training and equipment requirements.
- If scope of work includes confined space entry, contractors will be required to provide current confined space entry certification.
- Contractors must check-in with Pfizer operations to ensure that the appropriate equipment lockout procedure is obtained and followed prior to starting work.
- Contractors must not enter the confined space until the appropriate entry permit is filled out completely by all parties.
- Must have their employee training records available prior to receiving Pfizer site-specific training and also for auditing purposes.
Contractors must provide their own equipment, unless the use of Pfizer equipment is defined in their contract. All non-Pfizer equipment must include current certifaction, calibration, and test documentation prior to use.
Applicability –
- Applies to all building and construction contractors.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- Contractors must provide proof of current permit-required confined space training upon request by their Contract Administrator.
- Contractors must provide proof of current Lockout/Tagout training upon request by their Contract Administrator.
References –
- SOP 65-0602, Confined Space Entry Program
- SOP 65-0407, Lockout and Tagout at Lincoln Facilities
- 29CFR1910.146, and 29CFR1910.147
Electrical Safety
Purpose – To inform all contractors working on site that Pfizer has an electrical safety program
Requirements –
- All permanent and temporary electrical work shall be done in accordance with National Electric Code (NEC) and OSHA requirements.
- Contractors shall use ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection at the source when using electrical tools/equipment.
- Temporary electrical services installed at job sites shall be equipped with GFCI protection.
- Electrical equipment inspection is to be done in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications, or at least quarterly.
- Frayed or cut electrical cords, or cords with damaged plugs or missing ground plugs shall be immediately removed from service, rendered unusable, and removed from the site. Defective tools shall not be stored on site.
- Pfizer reserves the right to confiscate and destroy any defective tool or cord immediately.
Applicability –
- Applies to all contractors.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- None required.
References –
- 29CFR1910.301 through 29CFR1910.399
Emergency Procedures
Purpose – Outline requirements for emergency situations
Requirements – (See also SOP 65-0035, Emergency Action Plan)
- In the event of any emergency (fire, medical, injuries,), dial 2-4-5-6 from an internal telephone or 441-2456 from a cell phone or other outside phone. This phone is available 24/7.
- Non-emergency spills and releases should be immediately reported to 2-4-5-6. This phone is available 24/7.
- Notify their Pfizer Contract Administrator after reporting the emergency or spill for follow-up and investigations.
- Contractors must be aware of Pfizer alarm systems including bells, PA, and alarms. The systems have different designations for medical, fire or other emergencies.
- Contractors must be aware of evacuation assembly locations.
- Contractors must be aware of aware of tornado shelters according to maps located in working areas.
- Contractors must be aware of safety showers, eye wash stations, fire alarm boxes, fire extinguishers and other emergency equipment locations in their work areas.
Applicability –
- Applies to all contractors.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- Contractor Safety Orientation.
- No additional site specific training required.
References –
SOP 65-0035, Emergency Action Plan
Environmental Topics
Purpose – Outline requirements for Contractors regarding Environmental aspects
Requirements –
- Secondary Spill Containment – Portable fuel tanks require secondary spill containment and must be authorized by LCA.
- Waste Disposal
- Proper waste characterization and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous liquid and solid wastes generated as a result of contractor activities must be discussed with LCA and EHS (if necessary) prior to the start of work.
- Contact their Contract Administrator or Project Manager to ensure compliance with Pfizer disposal procedures and applicable regulations.
- Contractors are responsible for removing their unused chemical materials from Pfizer property.
- Demolition
- An EHS Risk assessment is required prior to start of any demolition activity. The Contract Administrator will coordinate, and document this protocol.
- Water Compliance
- Contact their Contract Administrator to review the potential for water rinses or wastewater streams which may be generated. This is to ensure proper disposal disposition.
- Do not discharge liquids to any drain without first obtaining prior documentation and approval from their Contract Administrator and EHS.
- Ozone Depleting Chemicals (ODC)
- Contractors involved in servicing, maintaining, repairing or disposing of refrigerant containing equipment must follow SOP 65-1002, Service of ODC Refrigeration Units, and Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 82, Protection of Stratospheric Ozone.
Applicability –
- Applies to all contractors.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- None required.
References –
- SOP 65-1002, Service of ODC Refrigeration Units.
Fall Protection
Purpose– Outline requirements for contractors working in elevated positions greater than four (4) feet above a lower level or work closer than six (6) feet from unprotected edges. It also includes work closer than six (6) feet from unprotected edges greater than four (4) feet above a lower level.
Requirements –
- Contractors must ensure that each worker who is at risk is provided with 100% fall protection to provide protection from the fall hazards. Such protection includes approved guardrails, personal fall arrest systems, and safety net systems.
- Contractors must comply with OSHA requirements, including training and equipment requirements.
- When personal fall arrest systems are used, contractors must ensure that anchor points must be able to sustain a minimum load of 5000 pounds per person.
- Small diameter pipes, cable trays and electrical conduit are not to be used for anchor points.
- Roof work -- If performing work within six feet of the edge, fall protection must be implemented. Warning system is not an acceptable means of providing fall protection.
- Ladder use –
- Step ladders must be used according to OSHA regulations and inspected and maintained in good condition.
- The step ladder must be used in the open and locked position and not be used leaning against walls and equipment.
- Wood ladders are not allowed on Pfizer site. Exceptions exist for certain production equipment. Contact your Pfizer Contract Administrator, or Pfizer Project Manager approval.
Applicability –
- Applies to all building and construction contractors.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- None required.
References –
SOP 75-4608, Fall Prevention and Fall Protection
Hazard Communication
Purpose– To inform all contractors working on site how to access to Pfizer chemical information and to inform contractors of their site requirements that all contractors bring Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for chemicals they bring site.
Requirements –
- Contractors are expected to comply with all OSHA provisions.
- Contractors must have in their possession, on site, MSDSs for any chemicals that they bring on site.
- Containers must be labeled according to regulations.
- Contractors may request Pfizer MSDSs from their Contract Administrator or operating unit personnel where work is taking place.
- Contractors must be aware of Pfizer labeling system. NFPA and in-house precautionary labeling systems are used.
- Must have their employee training records available for auditing purposes.
Applicability –
- Applies to all contractors.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- Contractor Safety Orientation
- No additional site specific training required.
References –
Hearing Conservation
Purpose – To outline requirements for Hearing Conservation and use of Hearing Protective Devices
Requirements –
- Contractors must have their own established Hearing Conservation Program, meeting OSHA requirements, if applicable to their work.
- Pfizer requires hearing protection to be worn in areas where noise levels are 85 decibels or above. Signs are posted at entrances to buildings/areas where hearing protection is required.
- Contractors must provide their employees with hearing protection that reduces noise levels to below 85 decibels.
- Contractors must provide signs or other means to alert personnel in the area if their work is creating noise levels above 85 decibels.
Applicability –
- Applies to all contractors who will be exposed to noise above 85 decibels either by their work or by proximity to loud equipment.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- None required.
References –
- SOP 65-0101, Hearing Conservation Noise Level Analysis and Communication.
- 29CFR1910.95
Hot Work
Purpose– To inform all contractors working on site that Pfizer has a Hot Work permit system for work involving welding, cutting, grinding, open flame and spark producing equipment.
Requirements –
- Contractors must review work with their Contract Administrator prior to start of work to determine if hot work program applies.
- If scope of work includes activities described above, all contractors involved in this activity must complete Pfizer Hot Work form
- Contractors must ensure that persons serving as fire watch must have proof of annual hands-on fire extinguisher training.
- Contractors must provide at least a 10 # ABC fire extinguisher for fire watch duties.
- Contractors must not start hot work activities until the hot work permit is filled out completely by all parties.
- The Fire Watch must stay on the hot work site for a minimum of 30 minutes after the hot work is complete and up to four hours in the truss area of B41.
- Contractors may need to provide more than one fire watch if they cannot maintain a line of sight with the hot work activities.
Applicability –
- Applies to all building and construction contractors.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- Contractor Safety Orientation
References –
- SOP 65-0606, Hot Work Permits.
- 29CFR1910.252
Purpose – Outline expectations for conditions or work areas under the control of contractors.
Requirements –
- Do not block work areas, aisles, fire exits, stairs and other emergency equipment.
- Store materials, equipment and tools in an orderly manner.
- Ensure work areas are kept clean and organized during the day and especially at the end of the work day.
Applicability –
- Applies to all contractors.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- None required.
Incident Reporting
Purpose – Outline requirements for reporting incidents
Requirements –
- Contractors must report all incidents including injuries, near misses, spills, and property damage.
- All incidents must be reported to their Contract Administrator or Pfizer Project Manage as soon as possible.
- All incidents must be investigated and results documented.
- Forward copies of all incident reports to their Contract Administrator within 24 hours of the incident. Initial reports are required within this time frame. If additional time may be required to complete the investigation, a supplemental report can be filed.
Applicability –
- Applies to all contractors.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- None required.
References –
- None
Line Break
Purpose– To inform all contractors working on site that Pfizer has a line break program. The purpose of the program is to protect personnel and control operations which involve the physical opening of a process or service piping line.
Requirements –
- Contractors must review work to be completed with their Contract Administrator to determine if a line break permit will be required.
- If scope of work includes Line Entry, all contractors involved in this activity must complete Pfizer Lockout/Tagout and Line Entry training programs.
- Minimum PPE requirements include a face shield and chemical-resistant gloves. Pfizer operations will indicate additional PPE requirements on the Line Break permit.
- Contractors must work with their Contract Administrator to ensure that PPE is adequate for potential chemical exposure.
- Contractors must check-in with their Contract Administrator to ensure that the appropriate equipment lockout procedure is obtained and followed prior to starting work.
- Contractors must not break into the line until the appropriate line break ermit is filled out completely by all parties.
Applicability –
- Applies to all building and construction contractors.
Site-Specific Training requirements
- Contractor Safety Orientation
References –
- SOP 65-0607, Line Break Procedure
Purpose– To inform all contractors working on site that Pfizer has a lockout tagout program. The purpose of the program is to protect personnel working on machines or equipment by a systematic method to prevent the unexpected release of energy.
Requirements –
- Contractors must review work to be done to determine if lockout/tagout applies.
- Contractors must comply with OSHA requirements, including written procedure, training and equipment (locks, tags, hasps, etc.) requirements.
- If scope of work includes activities described above, all contractors involved must provide current training documentation,. .
- Contractors must provide their own red-banded locks and tags.
- Lockout/Tagout may also be required for Line Break, Confined Space Entry.
- Contractors must check-in with their Contract Administrator to ensure that the appropriate equipment lockout procedure is obtained and followed prior to starting work.
- Must have their employee training records available prior to beginning work.
Applicability –