American Style Smooth Ballroom Dancing


Technical descriptions of popular introductory figures, WITH FOOT DIAGRAMS

This book will not teach you how to dance. It is the hope of the author that this book will be a beneficial reference to those engaged in learning ballroom dancing as part of an organized class series.
Dancers Notes  2001,2002
Kevin Buell


Mar 2 2002


This book was written to serve as an introductory reference manual for a beginner student of ballroom dancing. More specifically, this book is written to be used as the guidebook for collegiate ballroom dance teams training first semester students.

It is my hope that by providing high quality Ballroom Dancing guides to collegiate ballroom dance teams that these teams may grow and further promote the development of ballroom dance on college campuses.

Volume 1 introduces International Style Standard Ballroom Dancing.

Volume 2 (this volume) introduces American Style Smooth Ballroom Dancing.

In future volumes I will release similar guides for International Latin, American Rhythm, and Nightclub dancing, as well as more advanced texts which will eventually include silver level syllabus.

Why write this book, or where to go from here?

There are other, more complete, dancing manuals commercially available and I encourage the serious student of dance to purchase copies relevant to their interests. A reasonable question then would be why did I dedicate hundreds of hours towards developing a new dance manual series? In short, this is a project to promote collegiate ballroom dance by making dance manuals freely available, something that commercial manuals do not do.

Note to dance instructors:

We have found that a successful class format is to teach 1 hour classes once a week, with 2 hours of coaching/supervised practice available between each lesson class. By covering each dance for 3 weeks (3 hours total) approximately 6 figures can be taught per dance (Waltz, Foxtrot, and Tango- Viennese Waltz is more difficult) and a highly successful training program may be had.

Why these figures?

Of the many figures commonly danced in Bronze level American Smooth these figures were chosen as solid foundation figures which are learnable by beginners and generally are well received in competitions. It is with some regret that many simple and fun social figures had to be excluded because they are not the most direct path towards successful competition dancing.


What is American Smooth?

The short of it is that American Smooth is the American style of Ballroom dancing. It is also the most beautiful, graceful, and elegant form of ballroom dancing that there is.

In the world there are two ‘styles’ of ballroom dancing. American Style, practiced in the US almost exclusively, and the British Style. The British Style was exported around the world and became known as the ‘International’ style. There are many similarities, and several differences between American Smooth and International Standard ballroom dancing.

It would also be safe to say that International Style is a ‘subset’ of American Style when it comes to ballroom dancing. International style proponents would say that is represents the ‘best’ of what ballroom can be, and they do have a point that International style has done a wonderful job at perfecting and refining what they do. But, American style does so much more. American style offers the dancers the ability to break away from the well-refined and comfortable ‘closed position’.

In general it is fair to say that the ballroom dancing technique of American Style and International style (which is essentially ‘British Style’) are identical. Tango is a bit of an exception, but in Waltz, Foxtrot, and Viennese Waltz the American style and International style have identical technique at the silver level and above. In the beginning levels, ‘watered down’ versions of both American style and International style are taught and technique comparisons are difficult to make since the true technique of the styles is not taught.

Personally, I have no desire to see ballroom become the disconnected side-by-side ‘dancing for the judges’ we currently see in Latin. At the foundation of ballroom dancing and indeed all social partner dancing must be the leading and following for which ballroom dancing has. Latin dancing, at least in its current competitive form, sadly does not. While International Standard may be considered the pinnacle of the lead/follow principles through its rigid enforcement of closed dance position, American style offers the ability to lead, follow, and dance a gently graceful and elegantly flowing underarm turn in my left turn in waltz which is a great feeling for both the man and the lady. Any dance style that prohibits this (International style) is missing out on something wonderful that ballroom has to offer.

How to Read This Book

This book is written largely in ‘chart’ format, and a pre-existing understanding of the terms and descriptions used is necessary to maximize the benefit of this book.

Abbreviations Used in this Text

American Smooth1


S=Slow, 2 beats of music.

Q=Quick, 1 beat of music

Foot Position

RF= Right Foot

LF= Left Foot


TTI= Toe Turned In

TTO= Toe Turned Out

Body Position


CBM=Contra-Body Motion

CBMP= Contra-Body

Motion Position




LOD= Line of Dance

DC= Diagonal Center

DW=Diagonal Wall

P= (foot) Pointing

A-LOD= Against LOD




B=Ball of foot

HT= Heel, then Toe

TH= Toe, then Heel

F= foot (flat foot)

LF= Left Foot

RF= Right Foot

W= whole (foot)

IE= Inside Edge


Com= Commence

E/O= (at) end of

Cont= Continue



BTL= Body Turns Less

BCT= Body Completes Turn

Bet= Between


Com= Commence

E/O= (at) end of

Cont= Continue

NFR= No-foot rise (Body Rise with heel on the ground)

R= Rise

L= Lower

Dance Positions

PP= Promenade Position

Prom Pos= Promenade Position

OP= Outside Partner

PO= Partner Outside

ROP= Right Outside Partner

LOP= Left Outside Partner

SxS= Side-By-Side Position

American Smooth1

Alignments and the

Line Of Dance (LOD)

Figure 1:Line of Dance Figure 2: Alignments

Figure 1 shows a typical ballroom dance floor. The ‘Line of Dance’ is the direction of travel around the room while dancing. When viewed from above the line-of dance appears as a counter-clockwise pattern.

Figure 2 indicates the alignments used to describe the directions in which steps are taken.

On dance frame and hold:


On Foot Diagrams: While many other fine ballroom dance guides are commercially available, one feature which almost all these guides lack is the inclusion of diagrams indicating the placements of the feet. By including foot diagrams, it is hoped that the less experienced students who do not understand the tabular figure information will find this guide most helpful. Foot diagrams are placed on a grid where each square represents a 2’x2’ distance. The mens feet represent a length of 12 inches, and the ladies feet are slightly smaller.

Pivoting: In some figures pivoting will occur. In this case the foot diagrams indicate this with the use of ‘dashed’ foot-outlines. For example, the first 3 steps for the mans left turn in Waltz are shown to the right. The first and second steps indicate in darkened feet where the step is originally taken. Once the weight transfers to that foot, the foot pivots on the ball of the foot to its position shown with the outlined foot symbol.


Style: American Style

Category: Smooth Ballroom

Rhythm: 3/4 time (Accent on 1)

Tempo: 30-32 Bars per minute (Competition)

29-34 Bars per minute (Social)

Phrasing:8 Bar Phrasing most common (4 bar phrasing also possible)

The Waltz is the undisputed ‘Queen of the Ballroom’ and is the dance most people think of by name first when they think of ‘ballroom dancing’.

Waltz originated in Bavarian Europe in a form closest to what we now call ‘Viennese Waltz’. The modern ‘Slow Waltz’ described here was developed in the United States. Various permutations on the waltz were developed in the United States at the time including ‘Hesitation Waltz’ (where one step was taken per bar), ‘Canter Waltz’(with two steps per bar) and ‘The Boston’ (one step per beat, at a slow tempo) . The Boston was characterized by its slow tempo, long flowing steps, and the use of the closed dance position eventually became the Slow Waltz that it is today.

This ‘Slow Waltz’ was then re-exported to Europe where it was a huge hit, especially in Britain. Although it may seem strange today, in the beginning the Waltz experienced significant opposition from those who considered the dance scandalous and improper. The idea of a man holding a woman who was not his wife hip-to-hip and cavorting about the room seemed somehow improper.

A strong foundation in Waltz is the basis of understanding Foxtrot and Viennese Waltz. In fact, many figures are shared between Waltz, Foxtrot, and Viennese Waltz. When figures are shared in common with other dances the thing that distinguishes Waltz from these other dances is its character. My favorite description of the character of waltz is that Waltz should feel like ‘Being in Love, Forever’.

American Smooth 1


Table of Contents

Left Closed Change

Right Closed Change

Left Turn

Right Turn

Simple Twinkle w/ Promenade Ending

Box w/ Underarm Turn Right

Progressive Twinkles

Open Break & Ladies Underarm Turn Right


Left Turn w/ Ladies Left Underarm Turn


Left Closed Change
Rhythm: 123 /


Step / Beat/
Rhythm /
/ Alignment /




Work / Rise
Fall / Description
Foot / Body / Dance
1 / 1 / LF Fwd / Slight CBM / Closed / Facing DW / HT / Com R e/o 1
2 / 2 / RF Side & slightly Fwd / Sway L / Closed / Facing DW / * / T / Cont R / * up to 1/8 turn left can be taken
3 / 3 / LF Closes to RF / Sway L / Closed / Facing DW / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 3

Left Closed Change
Rhythm: 123 /


Step / Beat/
Rhythm /
/ Alignment /




Work / Rise
Fall / Description
Foot / Body / Dance
1 / 1 / RF Back / Slight CBM / Closed / Backing DW / HT / Com NFR
e/o 1
2 / 2 / LF Side & slightly Back / Sway R / Closed / Backing DW / * / T / Cont R / * up to 1/8 turn left can be taken
3 / 3 / RF Closes to LF / Sway R / Closed / Backing DW / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 3

Right Closed Change
Rhythm: 123 /


Step / Beat/
Rhythm /
/ Alignment /




Work / Rise
Fall / Description
Foot / Body / Dance
1 / 1 / RF Fwd / Slight CBM / Closed / Facing DC / HT / Com R e/o 1
2 / 2 / LF Side & slightly Fwd / Sway R / Closed / Facing DC / * / T / Cont R / * Up to 1/8 turn Right can be taken
3 / 3 / RF Closes to LF / Sway R / Closed / Facing DC / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 3 / R=Rise,

Right Closed Change
Rhythm: 123 /


Step / Beat/
Rhythm /
/ Alignment /




Work / Rise
Fall / Description
Foot / Body / Dance
1 / 1 / LF Back / Slight CBM / Closed / Backing DC / TH / Com
e/o 1
2 / 2 / RF Side &slightly Back / Sway L / Closed / Backing DC / * / T / Cont R / * Up to 1/8 turn Right can be taken
3 / 3 / LF closes to RF / Sway L / Closed / Backing DC / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 3

Left Turn
Rhythm: 123223 /


Step / Beat/
Rhythm /
/ Align-
ment /




Work / Rise
Fall / Description
Foot / Body / Dance
1 / 1 / LF fwd / CBM / Closed / Facing DC / Com turning L / HT / Com R e/o 1
2 / 2 / RF side / Sway L / Closed / Backing DW / 1/4 L Bet 1&2 / T / Cont R
3 / 3 / LF close to RF / Sway L / Closed / Backing LOD / 1/8 L bet 2&3 / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 3
4 / 2 / RF Back / CBM / Closed / Backing LOD / Cont turning L / TH / * / * Down on 4, Com to R e/o 4- NFR
5 / 2 / LF side / Sway R / Closed / Pointing DW / 3/8 L bet 4&5, BTL / T / Cont R / BTL=Body Turns Less
6 / 3 / RF close to LF / Sway R / Closed / Facing
DW / BCT / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 6 / BCT= Body Completes Turn
Left Turn
Rhythm: 123223 /


Step / Beat/
Rhythm /
/ Align-
ment /




Work / Rise
Fall / Description
Foot /


/ Dance
1 / 1 / RF Back / CBM / Closed / Backing
DC / Com turn L / TH / Com R e/o 1 NFR / NFR=No Foot Rise
2 / 2 / LF Side / Sway R / Closed / Pointing to LOD / 3/8 L bet 1&2, BTL / T / Cont R / BTL=Body Turns Less
3 / 3 / RF closes to LF / Sway R / Closed / Facing LOD / BCT / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 3 / BCT= Body Completes Turn
4 / 2 / LF Fwd / CBM / Closed / Facing LOD / Cont L / HT / * / *Down on 4,
Com to R e/o 4
5 / 2 / RF side / Sway L / Closed / Backing Wall / 1/4 L bet
4&5 / T / Cont R
6 / 3 / LF close to RF / Sway L / Closed / Backing DW / 3/8 L Bet 5&6 / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 6
Right Turn
Rhythm: 123223 /


Step / Beat/
Rhythm /
/ Align-
ment /




Work / Rise
Fall / Description
Foot / Body / Dance
1 / 1 / RF fwd / CBM / Closed / Facing DW / Com turning R / HT / Com R
e/o 1
2 / 2 / LF side / Sway R / Closed / Backing DC / 1/4 R Bet 1&2 / T / Cont R
3 / 3 / RF close to LF / Sway R / Closed / Backing LOD / 1/8 R bet 2&3 / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 3
4 / 2 / LF Back / CBM / Closed / Backing LOD / Cont turning R / TH / * / * Down on 4, Com to R e/o 4- NFR
5 / 2 / RF side / Sway L / Closed / Pointing DC / 3/8 R bet 4&5, BTL / T / Cont R / BTL=Body Turns Less
6 / 3 / LF close to RF / Sway L / Closed / Facing
DC / BCT / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 6 / BCT= Body Completes Turn
Right Turn
Rhythm: 123223 /


Step / Beat/
Rhythm /
/ Align-
ment /




Work / Rise
Fall / Description
Foot /


/ Dance
1 / 1 / LF Back / CBM / Closed / Backing
DW / Com turn R / TH / Com R e/o 1 NFR / NFR=No Foot Rise
2 / 2 / RF Side / Sway
L / Closed / Pointing to LOD / 3/8 R bet 1&2, BTL / T / Cont R / BTL=Body Turns Less
3 / 3 / LF closes to RF / Sway
L / Closed / Facing LOD / BCT / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 3 / BCT= Body Completes Turn
4 / 2 / RF Fwd / CBM / Closed / Facing LOD / Cont R / HT / * / *Down on 4,
Com to R e/o 4
5 / 2 / LF side / Sway R / Closed / Backing Centre / 1/4 R bet
4&5 / T / Cont R
6 / 3 / RF close to LF / Sway R / Closed / Backing DC / 3/8 R Bet 5&6 / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 6
Simple Twinkle w/ Promenade Ending
Rhythm: 123 /


Step / Beat/
Rhythm /
/ Align-
ment /




Work / Rise
Fall / Description
Foot / Body / Dance
1 / 1 / LF Fwd / Slt CBM / Closed / Facing DW / None / HT / Com R e/o 1 / 1-3 is twinkle
2 / 2 / RF side & slt fwd / Sway L / Closed / Facing DW / Slt body turn R / T / Cont R
3 / 3 / LF close to RF / Sway L / Prom Pos / Facing DW / - / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 3 / Prom Pos= Promenade Position
4 / 2 / RF fwd & across / CBM*&
CBMP / Prom Pos / Facing DW, moving along LOD / - / HT / Com R e/o 4 / *CBM is slight
5 / 2 / LF side & slt fwd / Sway R / Closed / Facing DW / - / T / Cont R / 4-6 is promenade ending
6 / 3 / RF close to LF / Sway
R / Closed / Facing DW / - / Th / Cont R,
L e/o 6
Simple Twinkle w/ Promenade Ending
Rhythm: 123 /


Step / Beat/
Rhythm /
/ Align-
ment /




Work / Rise
Fall / Description
Foot /


/ Dance
1 / 1 / RF Back / - / Closed / Backing DW / - / TH / Com R e/o 1 / 1-3 is Twinkle
2 / 2 / LF Diag Back / Sway R / Closed / Pointing DC / ¼ R bet 1&2, BTL / T / Cont R
3 / 3 / RF close to LF / Sway R / Prom Pos / Facing DC / BCT / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 3 / Prom Pos= Promenade Position
4 / 2 / LF Fwd & across / CBM&
CBMP / Prom Pos / Facing DC. Moving along LOD / Com L / HT / Com R 3/o 4 / 4-6 is promenade ending
5 / 2 / RF side / Sway L / Closed / Backing Wall / 1/8 L bet 4&5 / T / Cont R
6 / 3 / LF close to RF / Sway L / Closed / Backing DW / 1/8 L bet 5&6 / Th / Cont R,
L eo 6
Box w/ Underarm Turn Right
Rhythm: 123223323423 /


Step / Beat/
Rhythm /
/ Align-
ment /




Work / Rise
Fall / Description
Foot / Body / Dance
1 / 1 / LF Fwd / Closed / Facing LOD / - / HT / Com R
e/o 1
2 / 2 / RF side / Sway L / Closed / Facing LOD / - / T / Cont R
3 / 3 / LF close to RF / Sway L / Closed / Facing LOD / - / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 3
4 / 2 / RF back / Facing / Backing A-LOD / - / TH / Com R
e/o 4 / Release R hand from ladies back on 4
5 / 2 / LF side / Sway R / Backing A-LOD / - / T / Cont R / Raise Left hand on 5
6 / 3 / RF close to LF / Sway R / Backing A-LOD / - / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 6
7 / 3 / LF Fwd / Facing LOD / Com L / HT / Com R e/o 7
8 / 2 / RF side / Sway L / Facing / Facing DC / 1/8 L bet 7&8 / T / Cont R
9 / 3 / LF close to RF / Sway L / Facing / Facing Center / 1/8 L bet 8&9 / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 9
10 / 4 / RF back / Closed / Backing Wall / - / TH / Com R
e/o 10 / Regain Closed position during 10-12
11 / 2 / LF side / Sway R / Closed / Backing Wall / - / T / Cont R
12 / 3 / RF close to LF / Sway R / Closed / Backing Wall / - / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 12
Box w/ Underarm Turn Right
Rhythm: 123223323423 /


Step / Beat/
Rhythm /
/ Align-
ment /




Work / Rise
Fall / Description
Foot /


/ Dance
1 / 1 / RF back / Closed / Backing LOD / - / TH / Com NFR
2 / 2 / LF side / Sway R / Closed / Backing LOD / - / T / Cont R
3 / 3 / RF close to LF / Sway R / Closed / Backing LOD / - / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 3
4 / 2 / LF Fwd / Facing / Facing
A-LOD / Com R / HT / Com R e/o 4
5 / 2 / RF Fwd / CBM / Facing
Center / ¼ R bet 4&5 / T / Cont R / Do 3 right curving forward walks 5-7, under mans L arm.
6 / 3 / LF Fwd / Facing DC / 1/8 R bet 5&6 / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 6
7 / 3 / RF Fwd / CBM / Facing DW / ¼ R bet 6&7 / HT / Com R e/o 7
8 / 2 / LF Side / Facing / Facing Wall / 1/8 R bet 7&8,BTL / T / Cont R / BTL= Body Turns Less
9 / 3 / RF Close to RF / Facing / Facing Wall / BCT / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 9 / BCT= Body completed Turn
10 / 4 / LF Fwd / Closed / Facing Wall / - / HT / Com R e/o 10 / Regain closed position during 10-12
11 / 2 / RF side / Sway L / Closed / Facing Wall / - / T / Cont R
12 / 3 / LF close to RF / Sway L / Closed / Facing Wall / - / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 12
Progressive Twinkles
Rhythm: 123223323423 /


Step / Beat/
Rhythm /
/ Align-
ment /




Work / Rise
Fall / Description
Foot / Body / Dance
1 / 1 / LF Fwd / CBM / Closed / Facing DW / Com L / HT / Com R
e/o 1
2 / 2 / RF side / Sway L / Closed / Facing LOD / 1/8 L bet 1&2 / T / Cont R
3 / 3 / LF close to RF / Sway L / Closed / Facing DC / ½ L bet 2&3, BTL / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 3
4 / 2 / RF fwd, ROP / CBM&
CBMP / Right O/P / Facing DC / Com R / HT / Com R
e/o 4 / ROP= Right Outside Partner
5 / 2 / LF side / Sway R / Closed / Facing LOD / 1/8 R bet 4&5 / T / Cont R
6 / 3 / RF close to LF / Sway R / Closed / Facing DW / 1/8 R bet 5&6 BTL / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 6
7 / 3 / LF fwd,
CBMP / Left O/P / Facing DW / Com L / HT / Com R
e/o 7 / LOP= Left Outside Partner
8 / 2 / RF side / Sway L / Closed / Facing LOD / 1/8 L bet 7&8 / T / Cont R
9 / 3 / LF close to RF / Sway L / Closed / Facing DC / 1/8 L bet 8&9, BTL / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 9
10 / 4 / RF fwd,
ROP / CBMP / Right O/P / Facing DC / - / HT / Com R
e/o 10
11 / 2 / LF side & slt fwd / Sway R / Closed / Facing DC / - / T / Cont R
12 / 3 / RF close to LF / Sway R / Closed / Facing DC / - / TH / Cont R,
L e/o 12