Sully Sports and Social Club Car BootSale 2016
ThecarbootsaletakesplaceonaSundaymorningatSullySportsandSocialClub’ssportsground. The firstsale this yeartookplaceonSunday 10rdApril.Entry for sellers beginsat 06.30am and for buyers the car boot sale gets goingat 07.30am.
For the first time; this year we are going to open every Sunday in September and October (weather permitting). These sales will be starting a little later with the gates opening for sellers at 8.00am and for buyers at 9.00am.
Ifyouareaseller, pleasetry and arriveearlyto setupyourstallaswecaterfor over500vehicles.Refreshments,food andtoiletfacilities can be found onsite.Weaskallbuyersandsellerstoleavethe sportsfieldby2.00pm,youcanstillparkvehiclesinourmaincarpark if you wish and enjoy refreshments in the social club’sclubhouse.
Asourbootsaleisweatherdependentif you’rein doubt,beforestartingyourjourneypleaseconfirmthebootsaleistakingplaceon theSundayyou wishtovisit.Thisinformationcan befoundby eithervisitingourFacebookpage - the Facebook feed on the car boot sale page on our website– or ring on 02920 108678 or 07929 923485. We try to make a definite decision by midday on the Saturday.
Weholdafreedrawforsellersintheclubhousefollowingthebootsaleat2.00pmprompt. Youneed to bein the club house and placeyourentry ticketintheboxprovided withyournameandcarregistrationnumberonthebackforachance of receive the £100.00 weeklyprize.
The car boot sale has a strictly no dogs (except service and guide dogs) policy. This policy is enforced by a dog warden and any one on the club’s grounds with a dog will be asked to leave imminently. It is also not permitted to leave your dog in your car on club premises.
Wecannotallowrubbishoranyunsoldgoodstoremainonoursportsfieldsandgrounds.Pleasebesympathetictoourenvironmentandclearup anywaste,asfirstlyweareasportsclub.
Quick ReferenceGuide:
OpeningTimes April to August:Entry forsellers / 06.30am
Entry forbuyers / 07.30am
OpeningTimes September and October:
Entry forsellers / 08.00am
Entry forbuyers / 09.00am
FamilyCar / £8.00
Vans, cars with trailers and sidewaysparking / £16.00
LargeVehicle / £24.00
Free £100.00 prize draw in clubhouse at2pm, you must be in the clubhouse to win it.
Parking / Free
Entry / Free
Car Boot Sale Rules ofEntry
- All cars must use the main entrance off SouthRoad.
- Follow the instructions of the stewards onduty.
- Park your car as instructed by car parkmarshalls.
- It is unlawful to sell counterfeit goods at our boot sale as it is anywhere in theUK.
- Sellers to remove all debris and unsold items from oursite.
- No littering, please use bins provided onsite.
- Strictly no dogs except service dogs and guidedogs
- Cars wishing to park sideways will be charged£16.00
- All buyers and sellers to leave the sports field by2.00pm.
- After 2pm all vehicles can park in our main carpark.
How to findus
Fordrivinginstructions fromyouhome/businesspleasevisitourmapanddirectionpageonourwebsite-