Energy Savings Scheme
© Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales 2015
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IPART ESS - Corresponding Scheme NoticeV1.0 / 1Document control
Version number / Change description / Date publishedV1.0 / Initial release / 15 October2015
IPART ESS - Corresponding Scheme NoticeV1.0 / 1
1Corresponding Scheme Notice
This Corresponding Scheme Notice must be completed by an Accredited Certificate Provider (ACP) and immediately provided to IPART if the ACP:
(1)becomes eligible under a Corresponding Scheme[1]to obtain a benefit for energy savings from arecognised energy savings activity (RESA) undertaken at a site within New South Wales, or
(2)was, prior to the date of the ACP’s Accreditation Notice, eligible under a Corresponding Scheme to obtain a benefit for energy savings from the RESA undertaken at a site within New South Wales and continues to be so eligible on the date of the ACP’s Accreditation Notice, or
(3)ceases to be eligible under a Corresponding Scheme to obtain a benefit for energy savings from aRESAundertaken at a site within New South Wales.
A copy of this Corresponding Scheme Noticeand any supporting documentation must be retained for audit purposes and must be provided to IPART as follows.
Post:Energy Savings Scheme
PO Box K35
Haymarket Post Shop NSW 1240
1.1ACP details
ACP Name: / [Click and type here] /Phone Number: / [Click and type here] /
Email Address: / [Click and type here] /
RESA Name: / [Click and type here] /
RESA Identifier: / [Click and type here] /
1.2Corresponding Scheme details
Name of Corresponding Scheme: / [Click and type here] /Project Name: / [Click and type here] /
Method: / [Click and type here] /
Project Description: / [Click and type here] /
Site address: / [Click and type here] /
1.3Compliance with Accreditation Conditions
Clause 4(d) of the Accreditation Notice requires that if, in the absence of clause 4(d), the energy savings from a RESA would allow the ACP to create energy savings certificates (ESCs) and also obtain a benefit under a Corresponding Scheme, the ACP may only create ESCs if the ACP does not claim any benefit under a Corresponding Scheme.
Please explain how the ACP will ensure that it does not claim a benefit for the same energy savings from the RESA identified in section 1.1 above and the Corresponding Scheme identified in section 1.2 above:
[Click and type here]1.4Declaration by authorised signatory
I hereby declare that:
I am an authorised signatory of the ACP named above.
The information contained in this Corresponding Scheme Noticeis correct and not misleading by inclusion or omission.
I am aware that there are penalties for providing false or misleading information in this Corresponding Scheme Notice.
Note:Section 158 of the Electricity Supply Act 1995 imposes a maximum penalty of $11,000 and/or six (6) months imprisonment for knowingly providing false or misleading information to the Scheme Administrator.
Section 138 of the Electricity Supply Act 1995 imposes a maximum penalty of $220,000 for failure to comply with a condition of accreditation and may additionally result in the suspension or cancellation of the Accredited Certificate Provider’s accreditation under clause 42 of the Electricity Supply (General) Regulation 2014.
Signed by or on behalf of the Accredited Certificate Provider
Name of authorised signatory: / [Click and type here] /
Position: / [Click and type here] /
Date: / [Click and type here] /
ESS - Corresponding Scheme NoticeV1.0 IPART / 1
[1]Corresponding Scheme is defined in the Accreditation Notice to mean a scheme or arrangement with similar objectives to the NSW Energy Savings Scheme. For the avoidance of doubt, the Commonwealth Emissions Reduction Fund (implemented under the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 (Cth) and associated legislation) is a Corresponding Scheme.