Good morning, Dukes! Today is Tuesday, May 9th and it is a B day. Please stand for the pledge.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all.

1. There will be a Student Council Meeting today from 2:30 to 4:00 in room 105.

2. Everyone is welcome to Our Club. We meet Wednesday afternoons from 2:30-4:00 in room 103. This week we will turn t shirts into tote bags so please bring in a favorite old t-shirt.

3. Attention all students! This week is Staff Appreciation Week at MMS! This year’s theme is MAHALO. Marlboro is Hawaiian word for thank you. Get in the mahalo mood by wearing bright colors and Hawaiian shirts this Friday, May 12th! And don’t forget to take a moment during the day to say a big thank you to our wonder teachers and staff.

4. There will be a basketball camp for all students, ages 11-17, boys and girls, to be held at the Marlboro Intermediate School, June 26- July 14. If you are interested in signing up, please see Mrs. Lipsey or Mr. Monroe.

5. Attention all 8th graders attending the Washington DC trip: Medical forms have been handed out and are required of ALL students attending. They need to be handed in by next Friday, Math 12th. Please see Mrs. Destefano in room 202 with any questions.

6. Attention students, you must leave your fidget spinners home. They have become a disruption to the learning environment. Thank you.

7. Attention all students: Please do NOT attempt to or attempt to access blocked websites. Our IT department is immediately notified and all students who do this will be given a consequence and parents will be contacted. This is a violation of the acceptable use policy that all students and parents signed. Thank you.

8. Attention 7th graders going on the Philly trip: You have the chance to make some spending money by selling Hershey’s candy bars. You must get a permission slip from Mrs. Arrotta outside of room 207. Your permission slip must be signed by your parents before you get your candy. Candy may not be sold in school during school hours. Please see Mrs. Arrotta with any questions or concerns.

9. Today’s forecast calls for partly sunny skies with a high of 62 degrees.

10. Today’s lunch is cheeseburger with French fries.