05-033 (January 12, 2005). Documentation and Review of 8260-Series Forms. ISSUE: AVN-100 is requesting a complete review of the data entry requirements and design of 8260-series forms for inclusion in Order 8260-19D. The AISWG is an excellent medium for this undertaking.
STATUS: 01-12-05 - Issue introduced by Marv White. Marv provided samples and explained the advantages of a report-format document vs. the current forms. He is proposing a complete documentation review of 8260-series forms beginning with the 8260-2. The review will be a coordinated effort, led by AVN-100 with input from the DOD, Air Traffic, NACG, NFDC, and Flight Inspection to determine what data elements are kept, modified, added, and deleted. Once finalized, the final product will be forwarded to AFS-420 for inclusion in Order 8260.19. Once the 8260-2 is completed, forms 8260-3/5/7/9 and 15 will follow the process with the ultimate goal of a single approach procedure style sheet for both FAA and DOD use. Marv stated that his office will assume the lead on this effort and will ensure coordination with the military representatives present. OPEN.
STATUS 04-06-05 – Marv White was unable to attend; however, he did forward the following progress report through Brad Rush. The NFPG has formed a Documentation Review Team, which completed review of Form 8260-2, Radio Fix and Holding Data Record, on 3/25/2005. The Team’s recommendations will be documented and submitted to the NFPG's Criteria Coordination Committee (CCC) for review and approval not later than 4/8/2005. Once CCC approval is obtained, the recommendations will be coordinated with the various DOD services for their input. Valerie Watson requested that coordination also be affected with NFDC and NACG – Brad agreed to include NFDC and NACG in the coordination loop. Valerie further recommended that the forms be coordinated with other AT offices. Curtis Davis agreed to accept the IOU Air Traffic coordination. OPEN.
STATUS 07-07-05 – Brad Rush reported no progress on this issue. Open.
STATUS 10-05-05 – Brad Rush briefed that NFPG is still working the issue and that NACG is addressing the 8260-2 requirements. Valerie Watson questioned why NFDC has not been involved in discussions regarding the forms, especially Form 8260-2, as they process hundreds of these forms every cycle. There are many fixes/waypoints that are not related to IFPs that NFDC must enter in NASR; e.g., “pitch and catch” points, SUA avoidance points, SWAP waypoints, etc. Curtis Davis added that the forms are not standardized. NASR has the capability to document whatever is necessary provided the forms are filled out correctly. Brad stated that they are trying to finalize the 8260-2 requirements from an AVN perspective, then coordinate with the rest of the offices involved. Valerie again stated that this approach could have been more efficiently handled if all players had been included at the onset, especially NFDC, who should have been involved in the early phases to avoid duplication of work. Deb Copeland recommended a sub group be formed to address the issue; however, Brad stated that the IFP sub group would address the issue. OPEN.
STATUS 01-11-06 - Brad Rush briefed that there has been little progress on this issue since the last meeting. The IFP automation program to support Form 8260-2s appears to be working well internally, although there are still some problems with military accessibility. Brad briefed that their intent is to resolve all internal issues between the NFPG and NACG first, then to initiate outside coordination. Valerie Watson again emphasized the NFDC should be included in the initial coordination as they are the agency responsible for the collection, validation, and dissemination of all aeronautical data. OPEN.
STATUS 04-05-06 - Marv White briefed that the NFPG workgroup documentation review and recommendations for the 8260-2 was submitted to the NFPG Criteria Coordination Committee (CCC) on 3/30/2006. Once the CCC's acceptance is completed, the following steps will be accomplished in the order listed:
- Coordination of recommended changes with Flight Inspection
- Coordination of recommended changes with Air Traffic
- Coordination of recommended changes with DOD
- Coordination of recommended changes with NACG
- Coordination of recommended changes with NGA
- Coordination and approval of recommended changes with Flight Standards
- Develop prototype report format for 8260-2 data
- Coordinate prototype with all applicable agencies
- Implement report format 8260-2
An estimated timeframe for all the above actions has not been determined. Once the -2 is completed, the same process will be completed for the remaining 8260-series forms. This will be a long, but necessary project. As the FAA continues to move towards database storage of aeronautical information, the ability to efficiently work with the data requires changing from the old manual type procedure forms.
Tom Schneider asked whether the coordination steps would be accomplished individually with each organization, in turn, or conducted simultaneously with all organizations. Marv responded individually, in turn. Jim Seabright asked if the NACG would be included in the AVN review prior to coordinating outside the organization. Marv responded that the plan was to first coordinate with the agencies that create the data, then to coordinate with the users of the data. Brad Rush stated that the NACG could submit their concerns now. Valerie Watson asked whether the NFDC coordination would be under the broad “Air Traffic” umbrella. Marv responded, yes. Curtis Davis noted that changes could affect NASR and that NFDC must be kept in the loop. Tom asked whether a legal opinion regarding substituting a report for the 8260 form had been coordinated with AGC. Brad responded that it is expected that AFS would accomplish this during Flight Standards coordination. OPEN.
STATUS 07-26-06 - Marv White briefed that the NFPG internal review of Form 8260-2 has been completed. A meeting is scheduled after the AISWG through Thursday, July 27 to coordinate proposed changes to the form and the report format with NACG, NFDC, Air Traffic and the DOD. Tom Schneider stated that the proposal would still have to be run through AGC and the amended form processed under FAA Order 1320-1. Marv agreed to prepare a sample form using the new format for Valerie Watson who agreed to coordinate the proposal with the operational side of the ATO (AJT and AJE). OPEN.
STATUS 10-04-06 - Tom Schneider briefed that Order 8260.19 has been updated to reflect input from Marvin White’s group. The update includes both instructions and sample forms. Marv briefed that the fix use blocks will be added back in to satisfy Air Traffic concerns. Val Watson requested a sample form to show the example of an RNAV waypoint used on an IAP and also required en route charting, even though the waypoint is not on an established airway. Marv agreed to provide the sample. Tom initiated a discussion regarding third-party use of the 2 worksheet. A recent AVN-AFS Criteria Coordination Committee meeting expressed concern that additional data was required. Marv responded that third-party IAP developers should not be using the worksheet. If a third-party is developing a procedure, they are responsible for the entire procedure package including all -2s. Marv re-iterated and Brad Rush supported the -2 worksheet is for Air Traffic use only. Brad also noted that it is the ATO position that whenever any third-party procedure development impacted the ATO, the ATO must be reimbursed for their work. Larry Wiseman asked how DOD would process -2s manually. Brad responded that FAA will enter DOD -2s in IFP. Larry also asked whether the DOD is considered a third-party developer. Brad responded, no. Curtis Davis asked about -2s developed by Air Traffic for ATS routes and Ray Nussear asked about VFR waypoints. Brad responded that anyone within the FAA intranet can have access to IFP Fix and SIAP. Air Traffic will have access to IFP Fix and will use it to develop waypoints for ATS routes and VFR waypoints. These waypoints will be stored in IFP when made active via NFDD. Tom asked how third-party developed -2s would be entered in IFP. Brad replied that a process would have to be established to include ATO- reimbursement OPEN.
STATUS 01-17-07 - Brad briefed that there was no update received from Marv White for this meeting. Tom Schneider briefed that there are copies of form 8260-2 on the AFS-420 web site in PDF format. He is working with Marv to get new forms for the site because the PDF format will not accommodate free flow entries. Making IFP SIAP available to the public is under consideration. In the interim, third-party developers will use the -2 worksheet and the NFPG will enter the data in IFP. Brad briefed that obtaining IFP access rites for NAVFIG and AFFSA is ongoing. Curtis Davis asked whether ARTCCs or the ATO-E Oceanic Group will have access to IFP for -2 entries. Brad responded that ARTCCs should continue to use the -2 worksheet. If AT is going to develop fixes outside the CONUS, then IFP access will be required. Brad recommended the responsible ATO office address this request to the NFPG. OPEN.
Editor’s Note. Mike Clayton provided the following post-meeting update. AFFSA IFP connectivity will be tested/confirmed this week. Barring any complications, AFFSA will begin inputting 8260-2s for the Air Education and Training Command (AETC) the following week.
STATUS 04-04-07 - Marv White briefed that changes for Form 8260-2 are included in Order 8260.19D. Once the Order is signed, the NFPO will update IFP-SIAPFIX. Currently Army and USAF have access; however, NAVFIG still does not. A discussion ensued over the possibility of using Word vice Adobe for form completion, when only using forms programs rather than IFP-FIX. Marv took an IOU to work with Gary Harkness on this issue. Curtis Davis stated that NFDC would like to receive all -2s electronically. Marv emphasized that IFP-FIX will only be the repository for fixes that are associated with instrument procedures. Tom Schneider stated that IFP must assure interaction between AFS Specials and NFPO public SIAPs. Tim McHenry questioned the .19 statement that mandates AVN is responsible for all -2s. Curtis added that there may be problems with fixes that use both a US facility and another nation’s NAVAID. Bill Johnson stated that the current IFP plan is an interim measure. Eventually, all aeronautical data must be capable of electronic handling. He recommended that NASR consider a web-based collection system. Tom Schneider stated that AFS desires all third-party developers have access to IFP. Bill responded that AVN wants all data in NASR to match what is in IFP-FIX. OPEN.
STATUS 07-11-07: Bill Johnson briefed that the NFPO is still working to send -2s to NFDC electronically. Bill added that he had no update on the Word version of the form, but hopes to have the template ready prior to Order 8260.19D becoming effective. Jim Spencer stated that the Navy still has problems gaining access to IFP-FIX. Brad Rush responded that the Navy will have to use the AT worksheet until access problems can be resolved. Brad added that once NFDC has access to the procedure tracking system (PTS), they will have access to everything. The NFPO is currently addressing issues relating to digital signatures. Greg Pray noted that NFDC is currently in the process of scanning and electronically storing all paper forms. Tom Schneider asked if there is public access to the -2s. Greg will check and report. OPEN.
STATUS 10-03-07: Tom Schneider briefed that Order 8260.19D was signed on August 26 and has been assigned an effective date of November 26. This will allow the NFPO, NFDC, and NACO 90 days training time prior to implementation. Marv White briefed there was no further updates to report on the -2 process. Mike Clayton briefed that the USAF has input 656 -2s via IFP-FIX and have 867 more that are pending. Jim Spencer stated that the Navy still does not have access to IFP; therefore, the Navy has 420 -2s that the NFPO will have to input. Bill Johnson agreed that the NFPO will input the Navy forms until connectivity can be established. Tom stated that the current form should be used until the 8260.19D is effective and at that time use the new form. Tom recommended that since the issue appears resolved except for Navy accessibility, which is being worked by the NFPO and Navy, the issue be closed. If future problems arise, the issue can be re-opened. The group agreed. CLOSED.