AP Psychology
Unit 6 Learning
Handout 6-2: Classical Conditioning
1. List and include a brief explanation of each of the three types of learning described in your textbook.
2. Complete the table below with the term, definition, and example from Pavlov’s classic experiment. An example has been filled for you.
ComponentFull TermDefinitionPavlovian Example
URunconditioned an unlearned, naturally salivation (drool) to the food in mouth
responseoccurring response to
an unconditioned response
3. Properly label the two associative learning examples below:
a. A young man and woman who are in love listen to Beyonce’sHalo when they drive around together. Later, when the young man is alone in the car, he hears Beyonce on the radio and thinks lovingly of his girlfriend and the great times they have together.
b. Look at the figure on the whiteboard and correctly label the components of the classically conditioned relationship between thunder and lightning.
4. How does higher-order conditioning differ from the initial acquisition of the stimulus-response relationship?
a. Write an example that demonstrates how higher-order conditioning can be applied to the example with Beyonce?
5. How did Ivan Pavlov extinguish the conditioned response (CR) in his dogs? Use classical conditioning terms.
6. a. Your 2-year-old cousin AnnaBeth giggles delightedly every time her father picks her up and tosses her into the air. Now each time she sees her father, she feels great love and enjoyment at being with him.
b. Using the principle of generalization explain why AnnaBeth now runs up to her friends’ fathers with the same delight and excitement with which she approaches her father.
c. Using the principle of discrimination, explain how you can teach AnnaBeth only to respond this way to her father?
Extending Pavlov’s Understanding pgs. 223-227
1. Summarize Martin Seligman’s work with dogs.
2. How can humans learn helplessness?
3. Describe how a student in high school might develop learned helplessness in one or more of their classes.
4. What are the limitations of classical conditioning in addressing the cognitive processes of humans?
5. Summarize and discuss the importance of Robert Rescorla’s work with rats’ response to tones and shocks.
6. Summarize & explain the importance of John Garcia’s work with taste aversion in rats.
7. Complete the chart with the components from Pavlov’s work with dogs, Garcia’s work with rats, and the work on sheep-eating coyotes.
Component Pavlov’s Dog Garcia’s Rats Sheep-eating coyotes
radiation or drugs
Additional Notes:
AP Psychology
Unit 6 Learning
Handout 6-3: Operant Conditioning
1. How is operant conditioning different from classical conditioning? (use the terms respondent & operant in response)
2. What is another way to state Thorndike’s law of effect?
3. What is a Skinner box and what is its purpose?
4. How does the process of shaping work?
5. What is a reinforce?
6. How does positive reinforcement differ from negative reinforcement?
7. How do primary and secondary (conditioned) reinforcers differ?
8. Complete the chart:
TermDescription Example
Positive Reinforcement
Negative Reinforcement
9. Complete the chart (pgs.231-233)
Reinforcement Definition Example from Typical Pattern of
Schedule Text Response
Variable - Ratio
Fixed - Interval
10. How does a punisher differ from a reinforcer?
11. Complete the chart:
TermDescription Example
Positive Punishment:
Negative Punishment:
12. Explain, using examples to illustrate your response, how punishment differs from negative reinforcement?
13. Sometimes what seems to be punishment is actually reinforcement. How can you determine if a behavior has been reinforced or punished?
AP Psychology
Unit 6 Learning
Handout 6-4: Operant Conditioning & Classical Conditioning Comparison ; Biology, Cognition & Learning
1. Summarize Tolman’s work with rats in a maze. What does this research tell us about learning? (pg. 235-36)
2. How does insight learning differ from latent learning?
3. How does intrinsic motivation differ from extrinsic motivation?
4. What does it mean when psychologists say there are biological constraints on classical conditioning?
5. What are the biological constraints on operant conditioning?
6. Using the information in Table 6.4 (pg. 241) complete the Venn Diagram on the similarities and differences between operant and classical conditioning. Use your own words when possible
7. Shereen suffers from high levels of anxiety regarding academics and sports. As a psychology students, you know she can use operant conditioning principles to reduce her anxiety and increase her performance in both school and sports. Describe how Shereen can utilize a type of punishment, a type of reinforcement, and a specific schedule of reinforcement to modify her anxious behaviors.
AP Psychology
Unit 6 Learning
Handout 6-5: