Uploading files to link to the blogs

Open Internet Explorer

In the address bar enter nswtox.com

Click on the upload picture

You will be prompted for a username and password, as always they are:

Username: nswtox

Password: macksville

The uploads page appears

Note there are three sets of menus

The first one takes you to the blogs

Second to a page to upload material for that heading that won’t need a password to retrieve

Third to a page to upload material for that heading that will require a password to retrieve

The open pages and passworded page both work the same from this point, the difference being when you click on the link to them from the blog, you need a username and password for the second option (nswtox/macksville)

I am uploading a word document to the computers section, this will not require a password to access.

I click Computers from the second section.

These options appear – click on the first browse option.

Navigate to find your file and click it to select it

Click on Open.

The file name and path appear

There are spaces to upload two more files, in this case I am only uploading 1 so I click Upload

The screen updates and tells you your file(s) have been uploaded.

To access you file or get the address to put into the blog:

Click into the address bar, the address is highlighted, move your mouse cursor to the end of the address and backspace to delete the .php

Press enter and a screen appears showing all files in that folder

Clicking on my file it gives me the option to Save it or Open it, choose Open it.

The word document opens in Windows Explorer confirming you have been successful and giving you the address to use fro your link in the blog.

Click into the address bar, the url is highlighted:

copy it (EditCopy, Crtl+C or Right click Copy)

You may like to paste it into a word document for safe keeping or go straight to the blog and enter it.

This method will not work for the zip file show above because it will not open in Internet Explorer. In this case the address you will put into the blog for the link is


uploadnswtox.doc 2